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#2384311Tuesday, August 19, 2008 12:22 PM GMT

this is a plane script long but alot of names you need to put in ok its ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local me = game.Players.djboy function onChatted(msg) if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "own/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 5) then player[i].Character.Name = me.Name.."'s Slave" end end end if msg == "own all/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name ~= me.Name then player[i].Character.Name = me.Name.. "'s Slave" end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 12) == "sparkles/on/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 13) then sparkle = Instance.new("Sparkles") sparkle.Name = "Sparkle" sparkle.Parent = player[i].Character.Torso end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 13) == "sparkles/off/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 14) then parts = player[i].Character.Torso:GetChildren() for i=1, #parts do if parts[i].Name == "Sparkle" then parts[i].Parent = game.Lighting end end end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "head/" then if string.sub(msg, 6) == "ufo" then me.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(-20,1,1) end if string.sub(msg, 6) == "giant" then me.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(100,100,100) end if string.sub(msg, 6) == "huge" then me.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(20,20,20) end if string.sub(msg, 6) == "big" then me.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(9,9,9) end if string.sub(msg, 6) == "small" then me.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,0.5) end if string.sub(msg, 6) == "gone" then me.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(0.01,0.01,0.01) end if string.sub(msg, 6) == "normal" then me.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(1.25,1.25,1.25) end end if msg == "reset/" then me.Character:BreakJoints() end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "kill/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 6) then player[i].Character:BreakJoints() end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "explode/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 9) then e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.Position = player[i].Character.Torso.Position e.BlastPressure = 10000 e.BlastRadius = 3 e.Parent = game.Workspace end end end if msg == "explode all/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name ~= me.Name then e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.Position = player[i].Character.Torso.Position e.BlastPressure = 10000 e.BlastRadius = 3 e.Parent = game.Workspace end end end if msg == "kill all/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name ~= me.Name then player[i].Character:BreakJoints() end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "freeze/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 8) then player[i].Character.Torso.Anchored = true end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "thaw/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 6) then player[i].Character.Torso.Anchored = false end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "teleport/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 10) then me.Character.Torso.CFrame = player[i].Character.Torso.CFrame end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "control/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 9) then me.Character = player[i].Character end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "ban/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 5) then game.Players[string.sub(msg, 5)].Character.Name = game.Players[string.sub(msg, 5)].Name game.Players[string.sub(msg, 5)].Character.Parent = game.Lighting end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "unban/" then player = game.Lighting:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 7) then ped = player[i] ped.Parent = game.Workspace game.Players[string.sub(msg, 7)].Character = ped end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "shout/" then p = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i=1, #p do if p[i].Name == "Message" then p[i].Parent = game.Lighting end end m = Instance.new("Message") m.Text = me.Name.. ": " ..string.sub(msg, 7) m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) m.Parent = game.Lighting end if msg == "listen/" then local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Text = "EVERYONE STOP TALKING AND LISTEN TO " ..me.Name:upper().. "!" m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) m.Parent = game.Lighting end if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "listen to/" then local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Text = "EVERYONE STOP TALKING AND LISTEN TO " ..string.sub(msg, 11):upper().. "!" m.Parent = game.Workspace wait(3) m.Parent = game.Lighting end if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "sheild/on/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 11) then sheild = Instance.new("ForceField") sheild.Parent = player[i].Character end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 11) == "sheild/off/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 12) then parts = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1, #parts do if parts[i].Name == "ForceField" then parts[i].Parent = game.Lighting end end end end end if msg == "clean/" then parts = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i=1, #parts do if parts[i].Name =="Base" then return end if parts[i].className == "Part" then Remove(parts[i]) end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "jumpy/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 7) then local humanoid = player[i].Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid ~= nil then for i=1, 100 do wait() humanoid.Sit = true wait() humanoid.Jump = true end end end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "grow/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 6) then scale = 2 --This is the scale you will upsize by bin = player[i].Character la = bin["Left Arm"] ra = bin["Right Arm"] ll = bin["Left Leg"] rl = bin["Right Leg"] h = bin.Head t = bin.Torso sizeup = {t,h,ll,rl,ra,la} for i = 1, #sizeup do sizeup[i].Size = Vector3.new(sizeup[i].Size.x * scale,sizeup[i].Size.y * scale,sizeup[i].Size.z * scale) sizeup[i].TopSurface = 0 sizeup[i].BottomSurface = 0 sizeup[i].RightSurface = 0 sizeup[i].LeftSurface = 0 sizeup[i].FrontSurface = 0 sizeup[i].BackSurface = 0 end sizex = t.Size.x/2 sizey = t.Size.x/2 sizez = t.Size.x/2 ls = Instance.new("Motor") ls.Parent = t ls.Name = "Left Shoulder" ls.Part0 = t ls.Part1 = la ls.MaxVelocity = 0.1 ls.C0 = CFrame.new(-sizex - la.Size.x/2,la.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,-3.14/2,0) ls.C1 = CFrame.new(0,la.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) rs = Instance.new("Motor") rs.Parent = t rs.Name = "Right Shoulder" rs.Part0 = t rs.Part1 = ra rs.MaxVelocity = 0.1 rs.C0 = CFrame.new(sizex + ra.Size.x/2,ra.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) rs.C1 = CFrame.new(0,ra.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) lh = Instance.new("Motor") lh.Parent = t lh.Name = "Left Hip" lh.Part0 = t lh.Part1 = ll lh.MaxVelocity = 0.1 lh.C0 = CFrame.new(sizex - ll.Size.x*1.5,-(ll.Size.y/4)*3,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,-3.14/2,0) lh.C1 = CFrame.new(0,ll.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) rh = Instance.new("Motor") rh.Parent = t rh.Name = "Right Hip" rh.Part0 = t rh.Part1 = rl rh.MaxVelocity = 0.1 rh.C0 = CFrame.new(sizex - rl.Size.x/2,-(ll.Size.y/4)*3,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) rh.C1 = CFrame.new(0,rl.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) n = Instance.new("Snap") n.Parent = t n.Name = "Neck" n.Part0 = t n.Part1 = h n.C0 = CFrame.new(0,sizey + h.Size.y/2,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,0,0) o = Clone(bin.Animate) Remove(bin.Animate) o.Parent = bin end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "mini/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 6) then scale = 0.5 --This is the scale you will downsize by bin = player[i].Character la = bin["Left Arm"] ra = bin["Right Arm"] ll = bin["Left Leg"] rl = bin["Right Leg"] h = bin.Head t = bin.Torso sizeup = {t,h,ll,rl,ra,la} for i = 1, #sizeup do sizeup[i].Size = Vector3.new(sizeup[i].Size.x * scale,sizeup[i].Size.y * scale,sizeup[i].Size.z * scale) sizeup[i].TopSurface = 0 sizeup[i].BottomSurface = 0 sizeup[i].RightSurface = 0 sizeup[i].LeftSurface = 0 sizeup[i].FrontSurface = 0 sizeup[i].BackSurface = 0 end sizex = t.Size.x/2 sizey = t.Size.x/2 sizez = t.Size.x/2 ls = Instance.new("Motor") ls.Parent = t ls.Name = "Left Shoulder" ls.Part0 = t ls.Part1 = la ls.MaxVelocity = 0.1 ls.C0 = CFrame.new(-sizex - la.Size.x/2,la.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,-3.14/2,0) ls.C1 = CFrame.new(0,la.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) rs = Instance.new("Motor") rs.Parent = t rs.Name = "Right Shoulder" rs.Part0 = t rs.Part1 = ra rs.MaxVelocity = 0.1 rs.C0 = CFrame.new(sizex + ra.Size.x/2,ra.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) rs.C1 = CFrame.new(0,ra.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) lh = Instance.new("Motor") lh.Parent = t lh.Name = "Left Hip" lh.Part0 = t lh.Part1 = ll lh.MaxVelocity = 0.1 lh.C0 = CFrame.new(sizex - ll.Size.x*1.5,-(ll.Size.y/4)*3,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,-3.14/2,0) lh.C1 = CFrame.new(0,ll.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) rh = Instance.new("Motor") rh.Parent = t rh.Name = "Right Hip" rh.Part0 = t rh.Part1 = rl rh.MaxVelocity = 0.1 rh.C0 = CFrame.new(sizex - rl.Size.x/2,-(ll.Size.y/4)*3,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) rh.C1 = CFrame.new(0,rl.Size.y/4,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,3.14/2,0) n = Instance.new("Snap") n.Parent = t n.Name = "Neck" n.Part0 = t n.Part1 = h n.C0 = CFrame.new(0,sizey + h.Size.y/2,0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,0,0) o = Clone(bin.Animate) Remove(bin.Animate) o.Parent = bin end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "god/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 5) then player[i].Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 0 sparkle = Instance.new("Sparkles") sparkle.Name = "Sparkle" sparkle.Parent = player[i].Character.Torso sheild = Instance.new("ForceField") sheild.Parent = player[i].Character character = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1, #character do if character[i].className == "Part" then character[i].Reflectance = 1 end end mybody = player[i].Character:GetChildren() function onTouched(hit) humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid ~= nil then humanoid.Health = 0 end end for i = 1, #mybody do if mybody[i].className == "Part" then mybody[i].Touched:connect(onTouched) end end end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "pet/give/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 10) then local PetModel = Instance.new("Model") PetModel.Name = player[i].Name.."'s Pet" PetModel.Parent = player[i].Character local Pet = Instance.new("Part") Pet.Parent = PetModel Pet.Name = "Head" Pet.Size = Vector3.new(3, 3, 3) Pet.Shape = "Ball" Pet.TopSurface = "Smooth" Pet.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Pet.Reflectance = 0.3 Pet.BrickColor = player[i].Character.Torso.BrickColor Pet.Position = player[i].Character.Head.Position + Vector3.new(0, 5, 0) local Human = Instance.new("Humanoid") Human.Parent = PetModel Human.MaxHealth = 100 Human.Health = 100 local OwnerModel = Instance.new("Model") OwnerModel.Parent = PetModel OwnerModel.Name = player[i].Name local Fly = Instance.new("BodyPosition") Fly.Parent = Pet Fly.position = player[i].Character.Head.Position + Vector3.new(0, 5, 0) local Follow = Instance.new("Script") Follow.Disabled = false SetSource(Follow, [[ while true do local Owner = script.Parent.Name if game.Players:findFirstChild(Owner) ~= nil then if game.Players:findFirstChild(Owner).Character:findFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then local BP = script.Parent.Parent.Head.BodyPosition BP.position = game.Players:findFirstChild(Owner).Character.Head.Position + Vector3.new(0, 5, 0) end end wait(0.1) end ]]) Follow.Parent = OwnerModel local Check = Instance.new("Script") Check.Disabled = false SetSource(Check, [[ while true do local Owner = script.Parent.Name if game.Players:findFirstChild(Owner) ~= nil then if game.Players:findFirstChild(Owner).Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then if game.Players:findFirstChild(Owner).Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid").Health == 0 then script.Parent.Parent.Parent = game.Lighting end end end wait(0.1) end ]]) Check.Parent = OwnerModel end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 11) == "pet/remove/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 12) then if player[i].Character:findFirstChild(player[i].Name.. "'s Pet") ~= nil then player[i].Character:findFirstChild(player[i].Name.. "'s Pet").Parent = game.Lighting end end end end if msg == "meteor/" then local m = Instance.new("Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Radio: This just in!" wait(2) m.Text = "Radio: A huge meteor is about to crash into the earth!" wait(4) m.Text = "Radio: It seems there is no time to evacuate the area," wait(4) m.Text = "Radio: So take shelter immediately!" wait(3) m.Parent = game.Lighting wait() local meteor = Instance.new("Part") meteor.Name = "Meteor" meteor.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(100, 500),5000,math.random(100, 500)) meteor.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright red") meteor.Transparency = 0 meteor.formFactor = 0 meteor.Shape = 0 meteor.CanCollide = true meteor.Size = Vector3.new(100 ,100, 100) meteor.Parent = game.Workspace meteor.Position = Vector3.new(math.random(-200, 200), 7500, math.random(-200, 200)) function onTouched2(hit) e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.BlastRadius = 100000 e.BlastPressure = 100000 e.Position = shockRing.Position e.Parent = game.Workspace end function onTouched(hit) meteor.Touched:connect(onTouched) meteor.Anchored = true local shockRing = Instance.new("Part") shockRing.Name = "Blast" shockRing.formFactor = 2 shockRing.Size = Vector3.new(1, 0.4, 1) shockRing.Anchored = true shockRing.Locked = true shockRing.CanCollide = false shockRing.archivable = false shockRing.TopSurface = 0 shockRing.BottomSurface = 0 shockRing.Transparency = 1 local decal = Instance.new("Decal") decal.Face = 1 decal.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?version=1&id=1280730" decal.Parent = shockRing local bottomDecal = Instance.new("Decal") bottomDecal.Face = 4 decal.Texture = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?version=1&id=1280730" bottomDecal.Parent = shockRing shockRing.Parent = game.Workspace local pos = meteor.CFrame * Vector3.new(0, -40, 0) shockRing.CFrame = CFrame.new(pos) wait() for i=1, math.random(5, 10) do local brick = Instance.new("Part") brick.CanCollide = false brick.Name = "Meteor Fragment" brick.Shape = 0 brick.formFactor = 0 brick.Size = Vector3.new(math.random(5, 35), math.random(5, 35), math.random(5, 35)) brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright red") local velocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-4,4), math.random(-2,4), math.random(-4,4)) brick.Velocity = 15 * velocity brick.CFrame = CFrame.new(meteor.Position) brick.Parent = game.Workspace end e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.BlastRadius = 100000 e.BlastPressure = 100000 e.Position = meteor.Position e.Parent = game.Workspace meteor.Parent = game.Lighting shockRing.Touched:connect(onTouched2) for i=1, 40 do local pos2 = shockRing.CFrame * Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) shockRing.Size = shockRing.Size + Vector3.new(12.8, 0.2, 12.8) shockRing.CFrame = CFrame.new(pos2) wait(0.1) end shockRing.Parent = game.Lighting end meteor.Touched:connect(onTouched) end if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "jail/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 6) then player[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,615,0) end end end if msg == "jail all/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name ~= me.Name then player[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(0,615,0) wait(0.25) end end end if msg == "make jail/" then p = Instance.new("Part") p.Anchored = true p.Position = Vector3.new(0,575,0) p.Size = Vector3.new(50,1,50) p.Parent = game.Workspace p.Locked = true p.Transparency = 0.5 p.Name = "Top" p1 = Instance.new("Part") p1.Anchored = true p1.Position = Vector3.new(25,601,0) p1.Size = Vector3.new(1,50,50) p1.Parent = game.Workspace p1.Locked = true p1.Transparency = 0.5 p1.Name = "Side" p2 = Instance.new("Part") p2.Anchored = true p2.Position = Vector3.new(-25,601,0) p2.Size = Vector3.new(1,50,50) p2.Parent = game.Workspace p2.Locked = true p2.Transparency = 0.5 p2.Name = "Side" p3 = Instance.new("Part") p3.Anchored = true p3.Position = Vector3.new(0,601,25) p3.Size = Vector3.new(50,50,1) p3.Parent = game.Workspace p3.Locked = true p3.Transparency = 0.5 p3.Name = "Side" p4 = Instance.new("Part") p4.Anchored = true p4.Position = Vector3.new(0,601,-25) p4.Size = Vector3.new(50,50,1) p4.Parent = game.Workspace p4.Locked = true p4.Transparency = 0.5 p4.Name = "Side" p5 = Instance.new("Part") p5.Anchored = true p5.Position = Vector3.new(0,627,0) p5.Size = Vector3.new(50,1,50) p5.Parent = game.Workspace p5.Locked = true p5.Transparency = 0.5 p5.Name = "Bottom" end if string.match(msg, "hat/") then p = me.Character:GetChildren() for n = 1,#p do for w in string.gmatch(msg, "%d+") do if (p[n].className == "Hat") then for i = 1,w do wait(0.05) t = Clone(p[n].Handle) t.Parent = game.Workspace t.CanCollide = true t.Anchored = false t.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position t.Name = "HatMissle" local rp = Instance.new("RocketPropulsion") rp.Parent = t rp.Target = me.Character.Head rp.TargetRadius = 10 rp.MaxSpeed = 10000 rp:Fire() end end end end end if string.match(msg, "follow/") then players = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then p = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for n = 1,#p do if (p[n].Name == "HatMissle") then p[n].RocketPropulsion.Target = players[i].Character.Head p[n].RocketPropulsion.MaxSpeed = 1000 p[n].RocketPropulsion.CartoonFactor = 1 p[n].RocketPropulsion.TargetRadius = 3 end end end end end if string.match(msg, "attack/") then players = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#players do if string.match(msg, string.lower(players[i].Name)) then p = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for n = 1,#p do if p[n].Name == "HatMissle" then p[n].RocketPropulsion.Target = players[i].Character.Head p[n].RocketPropulsion.MaxSpeed = 10000 p[n].RocketPropulsion.CartoonFactor = 0.9 p[n].RocketPropulsion.TargetRadius = 5 function onBlown(hit) hit = p[n].RocketPropulsion.Target if hit ~= nil then local e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.Parent = hit.Parent e.BlastPressure = 10000 e.Position = p[n].Position e.BlastRadius = 10 wait() Remove(p[n]) end end local boom = p[n].RocketPropulsion.ReachedTarget:connect(onBlown) end end end end end if msg == "disperse/" then local p = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i = 1,#p do if (p[i].Name == "HatMissle") then p[i].RocketPropulsion.MaxSpeed = 0.1 wait(0.5) local e = Instance.new("Explosion") e.Parent = game.Workspace e.Position = p[i].Position e.BlastRadius = 5 e.BlastPressure = 0 Remove(p[i]) end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 13) == "plane/single/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 14) then hop = Instance.new("HopperBin") hop.Name = "Plane Tool" s = Instance.new("Script") SetSource(s, [[ me = script.Parent.Parent.Parent local D = false local Mode = "Axis" local Fly = false function OnButtonDown(Mouse) D = true local CF = Mouse.Hit local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end if Mode == "Pos" then Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) if Mouse.Target == nil then Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 50 else Engine.BodyPosition.position = CF.p + Vector3.new(0,5,0) end end while D do wait() local CF = Mouse.Hit local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) Engine.BodyGyro.cframe = CFrame.new(Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit, Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 2) if Mode == "Axis" then Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.Velocity = Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 50 end end end function OnPressed(Key, Mouse) if Key:lower() == "q" then Mode = "Axis" end if Key:lower() == "w" then Mode = "Pos" end if Key:lower() == "e" then Mode = "Look" end if Key:lower() == "z" then local Vehicle = Instance.new("Model") Vehicle.Parent = game.Workspace Vehicle.Name = me.Name.. "'s vehicle" local Engine = Instance.new("Part") Engine.Parent = Vehicle Engine.Name = "Engine" Engine.Size = Vector3.new(4,1.2,6) Engine.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(0,5,0) Engine.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() Engine.Locked = true local Tip = Instance.new("Part") Tip.Parent = Vehicle Tip.Name = "Head" Tip.Size = Vector3.new(4,1.2,1) Tip.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(0,5,-3.5) Tip.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() Tip.Locked = true local Seat = Instance.new("Seat") Seat.Parent = Vehicle Seat.formFactor = 2 Seat.Size = Vector3.new(2,0.4,2) Seat.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(0,5,0) Seat.BrickColor = BrickColor.White() Seat.Locked = true local Display = Instance.new("Humanoid") Display.Parent = Vehicle Display.Name = "Display" Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Instance.new("BodyPosition").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Instance.new("ForceField").Parent = Vehicle stick(Engine, Tip) stick(Engine, Seat) end if Key:lower() == "f" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local SpawnPos = Engine.Position + Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 25 for X = 1, 100 do local Boom = Instance.new("Explosion") Boom.Parent = game.Workspace Boom.Position = SpawnPos SpawnPos = SpawnPos + Engine.CFrame.lookVector * Boom.BlastRadius end end if Key:lower() == "x" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = false Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0) end if Key:lower() == "l" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.Parent = game.Lighting Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,0,100000) end if Key:lower() == "t" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local CF = Mouse.Hit if Mouse.Target == nil then Engine.CFrame = CFrame.new(Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 50) else Engine.CFrame = CFrame.new(CF.p + Vector3.new(0,5,0)) end Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Engine.BodyGyro.Parent = game.Lighting Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,0,100000) for X = 1, 10 do Engine.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0) wait() end end if Key:lower() == "g" then local Vehicles = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for X = 1, # Vehicles do if Vehicles[X].Name == me.Name.. "'s vehicle" then Vehicles[X].Parent = game.Lighting end end end if Key:lower() == "y" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = true while Fly == true do wait() local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.Velocity = Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 50 end end if Key:lower() == "k" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local Boom = Instance.new("Explosion") Boom.Parent = game.Workspace Boom.Position = Engine.Position end if Key:lower() == "c" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = false Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position for X = 1, 10 do Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) wait() end end end function stick(x, y) weld = Instance.new("Weld") weld.Part0 = x weld.Part1 = y local HitPos = x.Position local CJ = CFrame.new(HitPos) local C0 = x.CFrame:inverse() *CJ local C1 = y.CFrame:inverse() * CJ weld.C0 = C0 weld.C1 = C1 weld.Parent = x end function OnSelected(Mouse) if game.Players.localPlayer.Name ~= me.Name and game.Players.localPlayer.Name ~= me.Name then game.Players.localPlayer.Parent = game.Lighting end Mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png" Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() OnButtonDown(Mouse) end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() D = false local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0) if Mode == "Pos" then return end Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) wait() Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) OnPressed(Key, Mouse) end) end script.Parent.Selected:connect(OnSelected) ]]) s.Disabled = false s.Parent = hop hop.Parent = player[i].Backpack end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 12) == "plane/multi/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 13) then hop = Instance.new("HopperBin") hop.Name = "Plane Tool" s = Instance.new("Script") SetSource(s, [[ me = script.Parent.Parent.Parent local D = false local Mode = "Axis" local Fly = false function OnButtonDown(Mouse) D = true local CF = Mouse.Hit local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end if Mode == "Pos" then Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) if Mouse.Target == nil then Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 50 else Engine.BodyPosition.position = CF.p + Vector3.new(0,5,0) end end while D do wait() local CF = Mouse.Hit local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) Engine.BodyGyro.cframe = CFrame.new(Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit, Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 2) if Mode == "Axis" then Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.Velocity = Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 50 end end end function OnPressed(Key, Mouse) if Key:lower() == "q" then Mode = "Axis" end if Key:lower() == "w" then Mode = "Pos" end if Key:lower() == "e" then Mode = "Look" end if Key:lower() == "z" then local Vehicle = Instance.new("Model") Vehicle.Parent = game.Workspace Vehicle.Name = me.Name.. "'s vehicle" local Engine = Instance.new("Part") Engine.Parent = Vehicle Engine.Name = "Engine" Engine.Size = Vector3.new(6,1.2,8) Engine.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(0,5,0) Engine.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() Engine.Locked = true local Tip = Instance.new("Part") Tip.Parent = Vehicle Tip.Name = "Head" Tip.Size = Vector3.new(6,1.2,1) Tip.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(0,5,-4.5) Tip.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() Tip.Locked = true local Seat1 = Instance.new("Seat") Seat1.Parent = Vehicle Seat1.formFactor = 2 Seat1.Size = Vector3.new(2,0.4,2) Seat1.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(1.5,5,1.5) Seat1.BrickColor = BrickColor.White() Seat1.Locked = true local Seat2 = Instance.new("Seat") Seat2.Parent = Vehicle Seat2.formFactor = 2 Seat2.Size = Vector3.new(2,0.4,2) Seat2.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(-1.5,5,1.5) Seat2.BrickColor = BrickColor.White() Seat2.Locked = true local Seat3 = Instance.new("Seat") Seat3.Parent = Vehicle Seat3.formFactor = 2 Seat3.Size = Vector3.new(2,0.4,2) Seat3.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(1.5,5,-1.5) Seat3.BrickColor = BrickColor.White() Seat3.Locked = true local Seat4 = Instance.new("Seat") Seat4.Parent = Vehicle Seat4.formFactor = 2 Seat4.Size = Vector3.new(2,0.4,2) Seat4.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(-1.5,5,-1.5) Seat4.BrickColor = BrickColor.White() Seat4.Locked = true local Display = Instance.new("Humanoid") Display.Parent = Vehicle Display.Name = "Display" Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Instance.new("BodyPosition").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Instance.new("ForceField").Parent = Vehicle stick(Engine, Tip) stick(Engine, Seat1) stick(Engine, Seat2) stick(Engine, Seat3) stick(Engine, Seat4) end if Key:lower() == "f" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local SpawnPos = Engine.Position + Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 25 for X = 1, 100 do local Boom = Instance.new("Explosion") Boom.Parent = game.Workspace Boom.Position = SpawnPos SpawnPos = SpawnPos + Engine.CFrame.lookVector * Boom.BlastRadius end end if Key:lower() == "x" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = false Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0) end if Key:lower() == "l" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.Parent = game.Lighting Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,0,100000) end if Key:lower() == "t" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local CF = Mouse.Hit if Mouse.Target == nil then Engine.CFrame = CFrame.new(Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 50) else Engine.CFrame = CFrame.new(CF.p + Vector3.new(0,5,0)) end Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Engine.BodyGyro.Parent = game.Lighting Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,0,100000) for X = 1, 10 do Engine.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0) wait() end end if Key:lower() == "g" then local Vehicles = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for X = 1, # Vehicles do if Vehicles[X].Name == me.Name.. "'s vehicle" then Vehicles[X].Parent = game.Lighting end end end if Key:lower() == "y" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = true while Fly == true do wait() local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.Velocity = Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 50 end end if Key:lower() == "k" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local Boom = Instance.new("Explosion") Boom.Parent = game.Workspace Boom.Position = Engine.Position end if Key:lower() == "c" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = false Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position for X = 1, 10 do Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) wait() end end end function stick(x, y) weld = Instance.new("Weld") weld.Part0 = x weld.Part1 = y local HitPos = x.Position local CJ = CFrame.new(HitPos) local C0 = x.CFrame:inverse() *CJ local C1 = y.CFrame:inverse() * CJ weld.C0 = C0 weld.C1 = C1 weld.Parent = x end function OnSelected(Mouse) if game.Players.localPlayer.Name ~= me.Name and game.Players.localPlayer.Name ~= me.Name then game.Players.localPlayer.Parent = game.Lighting end Mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png" Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() OnButtonDown(Mouse) end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() D = false local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0) if Mode == "Pos" then return end Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) wait() Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) OnPressed(Key, Mouse) end) end script.Parent.Selected:connect(OnSelected) ]]) s.Disabled = false s.Parent = hop hop.Parent = player[i].Backpack end end end if string.sub(msg, 1, 13) == "plane/double/" then player = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1, #player do if player[i].Name == string.sub(msg, 14) then hop = Instance.new("HopperBin") hop.Name = "Plane Tool" s = Instance.new("Script") SetSource(s, [[ me = script.Parent.Parent.Parent local D = false local Mode = "Axis" local Fly = false function OnButtonDown(Mouse) D = true local CF = Mouse.Hit local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end if Mode == "Pos" then Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) if Mouse.Target == nil then Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 50 else Engine.BodyPosition.position = CF.p + Vector3.new(0,5,0) end end while D do wait() local CF = Mouse.Hit local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) Engine.BodyGyro.cframe = CFrame.new(Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit, Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 2) if Mode == "Axis" then Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.Velocity = Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 50 end end end function OnPressed(Key, Mouse) if Key:lower() == "q" then Mode = "Axis" end if Key:lower() == "w" then Mode = "Pos" end if Key:lower() == "e" then Mode = "Look" end if Key:lower() == "z" then local Vehicle = Instance.new("Model") Vehicle.Parent = game.Workspace Vehicle.Name = me.Name.. "'s vehicle" local Engine = Instance.new("Part") Engine.Parent = Vehicle Engine.Name = "Engine" Engine.Size = Vector3.new(4,1.2,6) Engine.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(0,5,0) Engine.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() Engine.Locked = true local Tip = Instance.new("Part") Tip.Parent = Vehicle Tip.Name = "Head" Tip.Size = Vector3.new(4,1.2,1) Tip.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(0,5,-3.5) Tip.BrickColor = BrickColor.Black() Tip.Locked = true local Seat1 = Instance.new("Seat") Seat1.Parent = Vehicle Seat1.formFactor = 2 Seat1.Size = Vector3.new(2,0.4,2) Seat1.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(-1,5,0) Seat1.BrickColor = BrickColor.White() Seat1.Locked = true local Seat2 = Instance.new("Seat") Seat2.Parent = Vehicle Seat2.formFactor = 2 Seat2.Size = Vector3.new(2,0.4,2) Seat2.Position = me.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(1,5,0) Seat2.BrickColor = BrickColor.White() Seat2.Locked = true local Display = Instance.new("Humanoid") Display.Parent = Vehicle Display.Name = "Display" Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Instance.new("BodyPosition").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Instance.new("ForceField").Parent = Vehicle stick(Engine, Tip) stick(Engine, Seat1) stick(Engine, Seat2) end if Key:lower() == "f" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local SpawnPos = Engine.Position + Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 25 for X = 1, 100 do local Boom = Instance.new("Explosion") Boom.Parent = game.Workspace Boom.Position = SpawnPos SpawnPos = SpawnPos + Engine.CFrame.lookVector * Boom.BlastRadius end end if Key:lower() == "x" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = false Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0) end if Key:lower() == "l" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.Parent = game.Lighting Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,0,100000) end if Key:lower() == "t" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local CF = Mouse.Hit if Mouse.Target == nil then Engine.CFrame = CFrame.new(Engine.Position + (CF.p - Engine.Position).unit * 50) else Engine.CFrame = CFrame.new(CF.p + Vector3.new(0,5,0)) end Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Engine.BodyGyro.Parent = game.Lighting Instance.new("BodyGyro").Parent = Engine Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000,0,100000) for X = 1, 10 do Engine.Velocity = Vector3.new(0,0,0) wait() end end if Key:lower() == "g" then local Vehicles = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for X = 1, # Vehicles do if Vehicles[X].Name == me.Name.. "'s vehicle" then Vehicles[X].Parent = game.Lighting end end end if Key:lower() == "y" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = true while Fly == true do wait() local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(0,0,0) Engine.Velocity = Engine.CFrame.lookVector * 50 end end if Key:lower() == "k" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end local Boom = Instance.new("Explosion") Boom.Parent = game.Workspace Boom.Position = Engine.Position end if Key:lower() == "c" then local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Fly = false Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position for X = 1, 10 do Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) wait() end end end function stick(x, y) weld = Instance.new("Weld") weld.Part0 = x weld.Part1 = y local HitPos = x.Position local CJ = CFrame.new(HitPos) local C0 = x.CFrame:inverse() *CJ local C1 = y.CFrame:inverse() * CJ weld.C0 = C0 weld.C1 = C1 weld.Parent = x end function OnSelected(Mouse) if game.Players.localPlayer.Name ~= me.Name and game.Players.localPlayer.Name ~= me.Name then game.Players.localPlayer.Parent = game.Lighting end Mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png" Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() OnButtonDown(Mouse) end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() D = false local Vehicle = game.Workspace:findFirstChild(me.Name.. "'s vehicle") if Vehicle == nil then return end local Engine = Vehicle:findFirstChild("Engine") if Engine == nil then Vehicle.Parent = game.Lighting return end Engine.BodyGyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(0,0,0) if Mode == "Pos" then return end Engine.BodyPosition.position = Engine.Position Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) wait() Engine.BodyPosition.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) OnPressed(Key, Mouse) end) end script.Parent.Selected:connect(OnSelected) ]]) s.Disabled = false s.Parent = hop hop.Parent = player[i].Backpack end end end end me.Chatted:connect(onChatted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ heres killling script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ game.Workspace.PersonWhoWillDie.Humanoid.Health = 0 remember to change the name (personwhowilldie) around to the one you want to kill and if you want them to have 100 life change the 0 to 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------chaged difrent name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ game.Workspace.Player Name.Name = "put here what you want your name as" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ heres bubel killing script Master = "djboy" Pic = Clone(game.Players[Master].Character.Torso.roblox) function makeAHat(mess) if mess:lower() ~= "make hat" then return nil end hat = Instance.new("Hat") Part = Instance.new("Part") Part.Position = Vector3.new(0, 6.4 + 0.4 + 1.2, 44) Part.Name = "Handle" Part.Parent = hat Part.formFactor = 0 Part.Shape = 0 Part.Size = Vector3.new(10, 10, 10) Part.BottomSurface = 0 Part.TopSurface = 0 Part.Locked = true Part.BrickColor = game.Players[Master].Character.Torso.BrickColor Part.Reflectance = 0.5 Part.Transparency = 0 Part.CanCollide = false hat.AttachmentPos = Vector3.new(0, 0.1, 0) hat.Name = "Ball" hat.Parent = game.Players[Master].Character return hat end hat = makeAHat("make hat") Pic.Parent = game.Players[Master].Character.Ball.Handle function onTouched(hit) if (hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")~= nil) then Remove(hit) end end c = game.Players[Master].Character.Ball:GetChildren() for i = 1, #c do if (c[i].className == "Part") then c[i].Touched:connect(onTouched) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ done bye if you see my name in ther djboy put your name
#45997478Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:06 AM GMT

U R right... It is long...
#46000039Saturday, April 23, 2011 1:45 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]

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