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#23921187Thursday, April 08, 2010 7:50 PM GMT

This isn't really serious. Just something to stem the boredom. ________________________________________________________________________________ You are walking, but suddenly are stopped by a strange event. A small flare of energy goes off in front of you, and a small note drifts downwards. You catch it, and begin to read; "Greetings, This is a formal invitation from Lord Falyn to (insert name here). You are hereby invited to the greatest tournament in history! The rewards will be great. Immortality. Power beyond your greatest dreams. The riches of all the kings of the world. The perils will be greater. You will be facing off against devious traps and monsters, in addition to other champions. The way to enter is simple. Tear this note in two halves, and you will be accepted for the tournament. If you aren't interested, drop the note to the ground. I hope you consider my offer. Lord Falyn." You ponder for a second the dangers, but greed sets in. Immortality, power, and riches are what all those living dream of. You smile at your fortune, and tear the note in half. Suddenly, you lose consciousness. _____________________________________________________________________________ Your character can be anything mortal. No machines or gods. Wait for approval. Story or chatroom, as long as chatroom is detailed. Good grammar and spelling are required. I may promote players to moderators. Listen to them. If they abuse powers, report them to me. No ubering or godmodding. I control events. No unknowns on character sheets. Only I can do that. _____________________________________________________________________________ Name: Gender: A/g/e: Species: Home (Earth or whatever): Strengths: Weaknesses: Weapons: Apparel (clothing/armour): Inventory (other stuff): Skills (mortal abilities that are abnormal): Powers (inhuman abilities that would normally be impossible): Appearance (no images; detailed paragraph, of at least five sentences): Bio: Name: Lord Falyn. Gender: Male. A/g/e: Unknown. Species: Human? Home: Unknown. Strengths: Unknown. Weaknesses: Unknown. Weapons: Unknown. Apparel: A simple black robe, hood, and cloak. Inventory: Unknown. Skills: Unknown. Powers: Unknown. Appearance: Fairly tall. Dirty blonde hair. Hazel eyes. Delicate features. Fair skin. Kind looking. Bio: Unknown.
#23921263Thursday, April 08, 2010 7:51 PM GMT

(oh, nice. really nice. congrats. anyway, can i be this , a dragon? rough size 6 m long 2 m tall)
#23921296Thursday, April 08, 2010 7:52 PM GMT

#23921357Thursday, April 08, 2010 7:53 PM GMT

(I already saw it. It's pretty good. And yes. You can be anything organic. Read the darn information before questions.)
#23921488Thursday, April 08, 2010 7:55 PM GMT

(i know, just asking. dragons are sometimes seen as uber.) (maybe i'll have another, more prepared shot at it.)
#23921607Thursday, April 08, 2010 7:57 PM GMT

#23921690Thursday, April 08, 2010 7:58 PM GMT

Name: DUOS Gender: Male. A/g/e: none Species: none Home: The Chaos Rebellion home planet Strengths: ??? Weaknesses: ??? Weapons: He can suck up elements with his mecha arms(Ex. He sucks up fire and ice, he has the choice of firing them or fusing them, and he can only hold 2 elements at a time.) Apparel: Looks like a normal human, White T-shirt Blue jeans. Inventory: A visor that can call his brothers, UNIOS, and TRIOS. Skills: None suprisingly, does his weapons count? Powers: None. Appearance: He has blue eyes. Brown hair. about 5 foot 10. Golden wings. Looks kind of evil, but is actually really nice. Bio: Joined the Chaos rebellion, and if he told you anymore, he would have to kill you.
#23921836Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

Name: seros Gender: male A/g/e: 23 Species: stripped night furry Home:drakonian Strengths: fast, good constitution, strong, can fly, powerful fire attacks, can use magic. Weaknesses: magic takes time to be used, afraid of water, can't swim, wings are somewhat...fragile...but not too much. Weapons: claws, flames (many types, most notable one is a blue fireball that blows us on impact) Apparel (clothing/armour): scales Inventory (other stuff): some crystals Skills (mortal abilities that are abnormal):accuracy, mind reader / controler Powers (inhuman abilities that would normally be impossible): incredibly solid and strong for its size. Appearance:http://www.roblox.com/seros-item?id=25242360 :Bio: a dragon that spent most of his life alone.
#23922009Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:03 PM GMT

Name: Aliea Starheart Gender: female A/g/e: 15 Species: Humans/Starheart (A species I made up) Home (Earth or whatever): Finalsword's Earth (I use her mother in his roleplays, this is the first time I am using.) Strengths: Strong enough to handle a sword and quick too. She also knows weakish magic. Weaknesses: Fragile. Also when she doesn't drink coffee, she gets tired Weapons: A light long sword Apparel (clothing/armour): A dark red T-shirt, and skirt. She also has a bright red sneakers with white on them, and a red hat. Inventory (other stuff): Not much exept a parakeet named Paki and a few charms. A bottle of coffee too, which keeps it hot. Skills (mortal abilities that are abnormal): Swordfighting, and jumping high Powers (inhuman abilities that would normally be impossible): Fire magic and telekenetic powers, both weak. And some healing magic Appearance (no images; detailed paragraph, of at least five sentences): Black short hair with a small but long pony tail covered with a dull white ribbon, but not on the head itself, just the ponytail. She also has pale skin for some reasons, (I'm not saying this because I am lazy.) and she has bright big red eyes. Also she has a thin body, but it isn't EXTREMLY thin. She has some muscles too. Bio: She is basicly was stuck in some pod for years and years, until she was like ten. Her birth mother is unknown for the time being. She loves chicken and birds, but not for eating. Infact, she dislikes eating them, but she is perfectly fine with eatting beef. She is also caffine obsesed, so she carries a big bottle of coffee.
#23922177Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:06 PM GMT

Oh, and the reason she is accepting the tornament is because she wants to have Paki's family back and hers too. Oh darn, I forgot Paki is an orphan and so is she.
#23922179Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:06 PM GMT

Name: Aiden Renz. Gender: Male. A/g/e: 23 human years. Species: Draconic. Home (Earth or whatever): Where are draconics from? Strengths: Guns, attacking from afar. (I guess.) Weaknesses: Melee opponents, his soft underbelly. Weapons: Two pistols. Apparel (clothing/armour): A white t-shirt and black jeans. His armour is his scales. Inventory (other stuff): None, really. Skills (mortal abilities that are abnormal): Heightened sense of sight and smell. Powers (inhuman abilities that would normally be impossible): He can fly...because he has wings. Appearance (no images; detailed paragraph, of at least five sentences): 7'1. Blood red eyes and scales. Tan underbelly. Red wings, with black spots here and there. He has a dragon fang necklace. Bio: He was born on *draconic planet/place* and abandoned soon after birth. He's been sort of a mercenary since then.
#23922287Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:07 PM GMT

Name: Stephen Westerly Gender: M A/g/e: 19 Species: Human Home: Earth Strengths: Speed and agility Weaknesses: Defence and cold things Weapons: Sword Apparel: Same as Marth. Look him up if you don't know who he is. Inventory: A liquid that can heal, whip Skills: Coordination, speed, high jumping Powers: Psychic Powers Appeaance: Fair skin, skinny, tall, blue eyes, black hair Bio: A boy who's always happy and has many friends. He used to be a champion fencer, but he quit fencing and started becoming a swordsman.
#23922396Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

(Forget the apparel on my sheet. I want to change it) Apparel: Brown t-shirt, blue jeans, black Converse
#23922577Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

(I should probably say that many of you will die.) ~ All You awaken to find yourself in a massive Roman Colosseum-esque building. Sitting in the center, on a stone throne, is a man. He wears a black robe, hood, and cloak. The hood is not up, so you can see his face. He smiles warmly towards you. This is obviously Lord Falyn. "Welcome Champions." He says, extending his arms. "May as well get comfortable. There are others to come." You notice that there are others around you. They are not all the same as you.
#23922663Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

Aliea said, "Oh goodie, lots more people!"
#23922691Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

(By the way, pickachugirl, I did NOT copy some things off your sheet. It's just a coincendence.)
#23922725Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

I rubbed my head as I stood up. 'Could've been an easier way to get us here..' I thought. I looked around, taking in my surroundings.
#23922744Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

I look at the other people. "You are very right, sir." I gave him a smile.
#23922760Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

seros looks around, not surprised by what he sees. the only thing he is sad off is that he couldn't bring his magical constructs with him. he is a tinker, before all. he seats down, waiting for everyone.
#23922808Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

(I will allow one hour for others to join. In the mean time, Falyn may think of ways to amuse you. And himself. Moreso himself.)
#23922924Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:17 PM GMT

DUOS just stood there and said, "More people? This will become a bloodbath.."
#23922989Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

I decided to study some of my opponents. One of them seemed to be a full fledged dragon. There was a human..and a humanoid creature. The hooded figure sitting on the throne-like object interested me the most.
#23923016Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

seros though for a second. he hated killing people. the best he could do what just knock them out. that was what he hopped.
#23923035Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:19 PM GMT

Aliea sighed, "Well there is just more people to die here then." She then opened the cap of her bottle and drank. "Ahh.. Caffine," she said.
#23923060Thursday, April 08, 2010 8:19 PM GMT

Name: Dani Reumass Gender: Male A/g/e: 19 Species: Human. Home (Earth or whatever): Earth Strengths: Strong to handle dual swords and so. Weaknesses: Not too strong.....Getting distracted easily.Yet not fooled. Weapons: Dual swords. Apparel (clothing/armour): My appearance. (No hat) Glasses. Inventory (other stuff): A Lizard called Skills (mortal abilities that are abnormal): Incredible Intelligence and a non-common ability to solve problems.Very strategic. Powers (inhuman abilities that would normally be impossible): Can read minds and communicate through them. Appearance (no images; detailed paragraph, of at least five sentences): Thin.His hair is black,and shaggy like.Dark Borwn eyes.Very intuitive.....Tan skin.Not too white nor too black. Bio: Meh......

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