#24004333Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:11 AM GMT

I saw the extremely hard questions. I took draft paper from my bag and began working out question 1.
#24004478Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:12 AM GMT

I took out a piece of paper and flipped my math textbook to page 306. I started writing down the answers, eager to get it over with.
#24004574Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

I finished question 1, I looked at question 2, it was harder, "oh great" I muttered sarcastically.
#24004666Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:15 AM GMT

(Joke: Question 1: Train A is going at 130 MPH, Train B is going at 90 MPH, what size shoe is the conductor wearing?) Question 1: [something, something something, I'm too lazy to think of a problem] I put down 43.25. I'm good with quarters. Question 2: [same old fractions] I put down 1/16.
#24004762Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:16 AM GMT

I could picture the look of my teachers face staring at us silently work, I got that out of my mind and finished question 2 and 3.
#24004768Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

Question 3 was the part I had trouble with. Formulas weren't easy for me.
#24004848Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:18 AM GMT

CS: Name: Vash A.g.e: 17 Gender: M Appearance: tan jacket, brown camo pants, black t-shirt, brown shoes, blond hair Items: None Personality: Usually nice, like to make jokes*but they often fail* Bio: Blargh (O HAAAI!)
#24004853Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:18 AM GMT

I saw question 4. I knew its going to take me minutes. I thought hard, but random things kept coming into my mind.
#24004934Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:19 AM GMT

(Accepted, Vash) I wrote my name on the top then finished question 4.
#24005042Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

After, I came up with the right answer for question 4, I wrote my name quickly on the top and gave it to the teacher.
#24005086Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:21 AM GMT

Vash rushed into the class. Vash: Sorry that I was kinda late... :| (Epic enterence for epicness of epic. lolwut?)
#24005177Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

"You'll just have to do the questions for homework, Vash" The teacher said as she put the paper on her desk. I walked up and handed the paper to my teacher and walked back.
#24005237Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

I finished both questions 3, and 4. I guessed on 4 and filled in the blanks to the formula in 3. I turned it in to the teacher.
#24005239Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

I sat on my desk, my hands in my pocket. (This is NOT a highschool thread D:)
#24005433Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:25 AM GMT

Vash: Oh well... He sat at his desk.
#24005613Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:27 AM GMT

(Eh, we can pretend this is the last class of the day) THe bell rang. "Bye kids have a wonderful weekend" THe teacher said as she waved. Most kids got up and rushed out the door, I waited until the crowd was gone and walked out. Books in hand.
#24005714Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:29 AM GMT

Vash was one of the kids who rushed out the door. Once he got into the hall, he thought to himself about something.
#24005755Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:29 AM GMT

(Well, I know it's not a highschool thread, but who cares? We're in highschool, but we're not really going to be doing that highschool junk for this roleplay. It's much more than that.) I walked out and took off my cargo hat. I started using it as a fan, as I got hot. I kept wondering of the series of earthquakes around the area, I hope that there won't be one today.
#24005834Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:30 AM GMT

Name: Finn Torenov Ag.e: 16 Gender: male Appearance: gray cargo shorts, white t-shirt, brown hair, blue eyes, with an athletic build. Items(Its OK if you have small weapons but don't bring them to school): several knifes, lighter, firestarter, Iphone Personality: has an odd fasination with fire, don't ask why. other than that, is quiet, calm, and prefers to stay out of trouble. Bio: A german immagrant, Finn has had a little trouble adjusting to his new home, but has gotten along fine so far. He can speek english but not fluently. He has a little trouble in school because of the languedge barrier. other than that, he is just another student trying to keep up with his grades.
#24005897Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:31 AM GMT

I walked out slowly to my house out of the school, I drank my water bottle half-way home.
#24005947Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:32 AM GMT

I always wanted to be a crygenicist since I was a small boy. I've had this love for ice for so long, and I like to keep myself near cold areas. I don't know why.
#24006012Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:33 AM GMT

I walked out of the school, on my heelies. When I got home, I changed into my average Reebok shoes.
#24006014Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:33 AM GMT

Vash grabbed his stuff from the locker and procedded to the buses. (Procedded Misspelled?)
#24006039Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:33 AM GMT

#24006047Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:33 AM GMT

I kept worrying about my invention. It broke a week ago, and since then. Disasters have started happening all over the word. Was it me r was it all related? I didn't want to think about it. I walked out of the highschool.