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#24001970Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:41 AM GMT

(Warning... this thread is not for the weak of stomach or the faint heart... read on if you wish) "Those who fight monsters should take care that they never become one. For when you stand and look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you." -Frederich Nietsche "The world is never all it always seems to be... good and evil can never be defined by psycological a line in the sand..." Those were the last words you can remember hearing before you woke up... in this chair... your mouth ductaped tightly shut as well as your arms to the chair. The room smells of rot and decay, cries of the dying are heard from outside the rooms wall. Not a ray of sunlight enters teh room, the only light coming from a black and white Telivision hooked up to a VCR inh front of you... that keeps showing the footage of a chicken having it's head sliced off over and over... and over again. Suddenly you hear a wooshing sound above your head... you gaze upward to view only the horrifying sight of a pendulum blade, nearing your spot with every swing. Powered by the force of adrenalin you manadge to yank one of your arms free and using it you pull your other arm free as well. You leap out of the chair right as the pendulum swings, curring both the chair and the TV in half straight down the middle. You rip the ductape off covering your mouth and force open the steel door in the back of the room that seems to lead out. Walking through the corridors lit only by the flickering light of dying lightbulbs that hang every few feet on the ceiling. There are doors of reinforced wood lining the walls. As you pass one, your sick curriosity takes ahold of you and you take a peek inside. In the center of the dark room is a man sitting naked, tied to a chair... he is screaming of fear rather than pain. The sound of a chainsaw can be heard as a female figure covered in a bloodstained robe enters the view carrying the chainsaw. Her face is obscured by the robe as she stabs the chainsaw into the center of his chest and saws upward. She peels open the sides of what once was the area above his chest and pulls peices of his organs out and into a burlap bag that she carries on her hip. You turn away from the door and vomit... Your tempation now lost... (don't worry this isn't just story... also it would have been too hard to just make you play through this part.) Finally you reach the end of a hallway where you see several others who seem to have escaped from their rooms as well. A telivison folds out of the ceiling as it flickers to life, showing a man who's face is obscured by a surgery mask and ski-goggles. "Hello my lucky prisoners.. if you are watching this you have successfully escaped your rooms and being farmed for parts at the hands of my "cistors"..." The man announces in a low, calm voice. "I am Jacob Phaine... and I am your captor hear giving you a chance at freedom. Behind this television is a door to which leads a hallway of rooms that contain some of my Unique creations... all of which you will have to defeat in order to progress to freedom. Weapons will be provided along the way to assist but they will not come easily. This happens to be the only way out... It's your chance... don't pass it up..." he concludes at the TV folds back into the ceiling. Character Sheet: Name: Gender: Age: Appearence: Bio: Rules: No ubering, No char controlling, I control the creatures and Jacob Phain's actions. If you join later in the game you will join everyone in the room they are currently in. You may only have one character at a time, death is permenant, you may create another charecter after one dies. Try to stay serious about this and try to survive.
#24002747Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

*On the door lays a sign that Reads: "Welcome to Hellfire... have a nice stay..."*
#24002772Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

Name: Leon King Gender: Male A.g.e: 23 Appearence: Black Hair, blue eyes, fair skin, gray jacket, white t-shirt, black jeans, white shoes. Bio: Has lost nearly all memory of his life before being brought here.
#24002881Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:53 AM GMT

(thank god I've planned all this out...)
#24003036Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

N.ame: Nic Delmus G.ender: M Ag.e: 17 App.earence: Cargo hat, green tee, white hoodie, brown pants, Reebok shoes. Bio: Has a high temper, and likes skipping school frequently. Sometimes nicknamed "Rage Commando."
#24003261Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:57 AM GMT

SAW, much?
#24003286Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:57 AM GMT

Can we start?
#24003436Saturday, April 10, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

I don't like SAW, but I'm dying to Roleplay.
#24003499Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:00 AM GMT

SAW's ot really good. This is like SAW, so I won't like it. Probably.
#24003611Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:01 AM GMT

#24003656Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:02 AM GMT

(you just have to open the door... and it begins..) (P.S. This is actually different than saw...)
#24003739Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

I was in a dark room, sitting in a chair. There was a lighbulb hanging from the ceiling, it had a dim light. I got up from the chair, rubbed my eyes, and opened the door I saw in front of me.
#24003741Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:03 AM GMT

"We should really open the door. I don't feel like sticking around and being disembowled." I say quickly.
#24003866Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:04 AM GMT

(just walk into the room...)
#24003970Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

I push open the door.
#24004024Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:06 AM GMT

(as I said... walk in and I'll describe it..)
#24004082Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

I walk in cautiously and look around.
#24004138Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:08 AM GMT

I took a quick peek of the room, and then walked in.
#24004623Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:14 AM GMT

As they stpped into the large room, everything came into focus... against one wall was a table, on which there was an Axe, a Crowbar, and a pistol with 2 eight-shot clips. Against the other wall is a massive 10 foot tall male figure wearing only a tattered scrap of pants and a strange muzzle over his mouth, with long black hair spilling down the side of his head chained to the wall. As they enter the room he snaps awake. "Hello my fetid sinners... I am Kleaver the "Dismal"...." he speaks in a loud raspy voice
#24004828Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:17 AM GMT

I sneaked over and grabbed the pistol slowly, and reloaded. (I CALLED IT!)
#24005012Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:20 AM GMT

"They... they torchered me... my body... my soul... my mind... They said the only way to redeem myself to what I once was... was to kill all the sinners that walked through that door... and protect them from getting beyond here with the key around my neck..." kleaver rasps
#24005126Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:21 AM GMT

(I'm not talking here, I'm thinking, FYI) Last time I checked, for people to be dead, they had to have their body destroyed, their mind destroyed, and their soul destroyed. The only way he could've lived was if there was some sort of spell or encantation cast on him...
#24005253Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:23 AM GMT

"YOU DON'T KNWO JACKS#!% ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA THE KIND OF AGONY I AM IN!!!" he screams, ripping the chains free of the wall and howling at nic
#24005421Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:25 AM GMT

I sense him about to charge, but I could be wrong. I co.cked my gun, this pistol looked like a 10mm. I needed a .44 to beat this guy.
#24005488Saturday, April 10, 2010 2:26 AM GMT

I backed up and reached for the crowbar, watching the man's every move.

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