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#24306327Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:46 PM GMT

(I actually do. And spiders...*Shudders*)
#24306511Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:50 PM GMT

"Yeah, I'm an EXCELLENT pilot. Out of the 10 that went with us last time, we only had 3 Casualties!"
#24306587Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:51 PM GMT

I try to unlock the door desperately. (So, you going to Brit, keno?)
#24308619Thursday, April 15, 2010 10:27 PM GMT

"Hey, you do realize he was joking, right? He beat one of our best pilots in a race."
#24309749Thursday, April 15, 2010 10:47 PM GMT

N ame: Bakarne Gallieon Class: Rouge A.g.e: 22 Appearance: Long dark brown hair, shoulder length. Green eyes, slightly tanned skin, I usually wear a long black cloak and pants, or whatever will blend in easily with my surroundings. Story: I'm a sworn enemy of The Order, no one has dared to ask me why. I'm very cunning and dexterous and I seek to help destroy The Order in any way I can and I always have my dagger at hand. My family is unknown, and I have no care for ever knowing. I see that my purpose to fullfill is to destroy The Order, and I haven't thought about anything much beyond that.
#24314471Friday, April 16, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

(Ello? :o)
#24316886Friday, April 16, 2010 12:40 AM GMT

(It says templar and jt posted but I don't see their posts. . .)
#24389096Saturday, April 17, 2010 1:45 PM GMT

N ame: Travis "Angel" Brooks (Called "Angel" usually.) Class: Rebel (That ok?) A.g.e: 20sh Appearance: Wears a turban which covers his face except his eyes. Wears a camoflague trenchcoat. (Matters which mission) Sometimes uses a balaclava and a ghillie suit in "special" missions. Has two sniper rifles which he keeps crossed, a Setmex (Sticky grenade), and a Knife which is spring loaded and he can use it as a projectile against enemies at a close-range. Also carries a pistol. NEEDS an explosive at all times. (From wall charges to explosive ammo, he needs some! :3) Story: Was once part of The Order, untill one of the Commanders put his true love to death. After that, he immediatly retired and joined the Rebellion. Now, he uses his anger and hatred to fight.
#24389495Saturday, April 17, 2010 1:55 PM GMT

~Angel~ "Eh. The Reapers? Well, we both hate the Order, but I don't get why they dun' put us first.. but whatever..." (Remember, this guy is part of the Rebellion.)
#24413016Saturday, April 17, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

(What KIND of Rebel?)
#24413910Saturday, April 17, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

#24413958Saturday, April 17, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

(Isn't "Human Turret" a class? If it is, Im that.)
#24414091Saturday, April 17, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

*I reach in my pocket, to feel a "Play-do" like substance* "There's my explosive." *I chuckle to myself*
#24430264Sunday, April 18, 2010 1:22 AM GMT

THe helicopter reaches the area, and hovers about 40 feet above it. "Alright. Jalion, since you're new to the scythe, You get to land. Everyone, else . . " I chuckle " . . Just like we practiced!" I give Jalion the controls, and open the door of the Helicopter. We all jump from it, hitting the ground and rolling. I give the helicopter a salute, and take out dual pistols. I begin giving commands.
#24430511Sunday, April 18, 2010 1:25 AM GMT

"Ugh, you leaders...." I navigate it to the ground with a thud, the blades missing someone's head by a few inches
#24437897Sunday, April 18, 2010 3:29 AM GMT

I chuckle "We try. You ready? Alright. Offensive, take out the guards. Defensive, stay here and guard the Heli. The rest are coming with me for the show." 3 men run off, 3 men get back in the Heli, and I look over the rest, before smiling and running off. (For the record, it's one of those large helicopters made for carrying troops.)
#24551563Tuesday, April 20, 2010 2:20 PM GMT

An Order gunner runs up to me "Sir, Artillery has been sighted, along with a small group of Reapers." He reports to me. " . . . Artillery has brought the scythe? . . . " I ask, in the monotone voice I've had since I took control of my Father's empire. The man gulps, nodding his head. " . . . Wonderful. Dispatch the Paladins. Artillery will fall." The man nods again, and smiles lightly. He runs off towards the northern section of the Order's main headquarters. " . . . The Paladins . . . " I repeat, then chuckle " . . I'm rather proud of that project . . Artillery, Blackout and their pathetic REBELLION have yet to face them . . . This will be rather entertaining." He pushes a button on his desk " . . Martha . . . where in h3ll is my coffee?"
#24555155Tuesday, April 20, 2010 4:55 PM GMT

New Class! The Order - Paladins- Nicknamed to defeat The Reapers, they are horrible experiments created by The Order. Memory wiped before and after the surgery, and metal grafted to their skin as armor . . and weapons. Some, however, have kept fragments of their memories. Life as a human being, being captured by The Order, how much they hate them . . .
#24909068Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:17 PM GMT

. . Yet another one of my forum roleplays that died. Fine, I'll make a Rebel version of the "Paladins". The Memories - Nicknamed for being those who had undergone the Paladin surgery and still keeping most of their memories - all of their hatred of the Order. They joined the Rebellion, metal still on their skin, as removing it would mean certain death, they are eternally transformed.
#24930761Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:52 AM GMT

(It's your fault that it died...)
#24951028Wednesday, April 28, 2010 5:23 PM GMT

(How ish it my fault?)
#24951121Wednesday, April 28, 2010 5:27 PM GMT

(Ugh, fine, if it'll make you people happy, tryouts for The Leader and for Blackout are available, now that I've demonstrated their personalities to some degree. Blackout is always hyper, treating everything like a game. The Leader is the complete opposite, always serious, his thoughts only on the death of Artillery and Blackout and their rebellion. If you still listen to this forum, send me a PM.The sibject will either be Blackout or The Leader, depending on who you want to be. Write a small thing of you acting like the character. Artillery ish still mein. >:D)

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