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#24396358Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:21 PM GMT

Hello everyone, this Role-Play is about the medieval times where you'll have to lead you're lands. Story: You and you're people are leaded to Australia and can't get away any further, you're ships broke and the people who knew how to build them died, Now you need to upgrade technologies to rebuild boats and get back to Florida, How to start: ( i will fill in random things to show a start ) Leader: Draganoth The Dragon. Age of leader: 25 Population: 16 Best weapons: Sword and shield and spear. Favourite sport: Spear throwing. Technology level: (1 at start ) Resources there are, ( in this are where u start with ) Rock ( 50 ) Ore ( 20 ) Gold ( 5 ) Food ( 100 ) Wood ( 100 ) Coal ( 10 ) Iron ( 10 ) Buildings list: ( and how much needed to build, ) Chief's hut: 500 wood and 750 rock, Watch tower: 100 wood and 50 rock. Tent: 10 wood and 10 rock Food storage building: 50 food 10 wood and 25 rock. Firepit: 5 wood and 10 coal Wall: 2 wood 3 rock. ( For 1 part ) Totem Pole: 10 wood and 5 gold Temple: 100 gold 100 wood and 100 rock. Farm: 25 food and 50 wood Armoury: 250 rock and 100 wood Blacksmith: 100 iron and 250 rocks, ( 50 wood a time to upgrade produce ) Goldmine: 200 wood and 200 rocks Coalmine: 200 wood and 150 rocks Ironmine: 100 wood and 300 rocks Rockpit: 200 wood Forest: 5 gold Armour list: ( and needed to make ) Iron armour: 10 iron and 5 coal Steel armour: 20 iron 10 coal and 2 gold. Royal Armour: 50 gold 50 iron. Sword: 10 iron and 5 wood Spear: 10 wood and 20 iron Shield: 25 wood. and 30 iron Other info: Event's will happen sometime, Sometimes good and sometimes bad, or neutral. Each page is a year, and to improve research you need to post 10 posts a time. plus, you get 10 of each resource a post, and you will lose -5 of all resources during war. and -20 food a year. further. you'll get each year 100 of all resources, and all buildings that assist them ( like a GoldMine ) will improve it with +10 Starting equipment: 5 swords, 3 shields 3 spears, 3 iron armours, 2 steel armours and 1 royal armour, Starting buildings: 1 Forest, 1 Farm, 1 Rockpit 2 tents 1 Totem Pole.
#24396768Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:28 PM GMT

Tribe name: Dragon's Wrath. Leader: Draganoth The Dragon Age of leader: 25 Population: 16 Best weapons: Sword and shield and spear. Favourite Sport: spear throwing Technology level: 1 Names of civillians: Kevin, Calvin, Lisa, Amy, Vicky, Drogoth, Hawkins, Bloomfield, Erec, Dario, Emma, Nicole, Addison, Alicia, Katie, The normad's are travelling through the forest's while searching for a river, and collecting berries on the way, +10 food. they found a dead deer laying on the ground, +5 Fear. When they came at the river they we're very happy +7,5 happiness. And set up a camp, they builded a farm, claimed some forest, made a stone pit made 2 tents and set up an chief's tent and gone to sleep. (1 day over)
#24396813Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:29 PM GMT

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#24396905Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:31 PM GMT

This is a roleplaying forum, not an No saying forum, so please follow the rules that are made for the forum's or do not reply at all.
#24397016Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:32 PM GMT

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#24397572Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:42 PM GMT

Im not trying to be a mod, im trying to keep the roleplay in here, and just saying no doesn't make sense neither, if you just said what could've changed you would make sense and didn't make this discussion.
#24398196Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:53 PM GMT

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#24398665Saturday, April 17, 2010 5:01 PM GMT

Neon your so cute acting like a fool.It doesnt matter about the posts.So shut up idiotic fool
#24399065Saturday, April 17, 2010 5:08 PM GMT

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#24399234Saturday, April 17, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

Good now that you have learned your lesson maybe you could act nicer to new roleplayers?
#24399578Saturday, April 17, 2010 5:16 PM GMT

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#24399940Saturday, April 17, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

(Neon your name is interesting for some reason.NeonLink is a good username)

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