#24582504Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

Seamus: *I run upstairs to see Jacob* "ZOMGWTFHAPPENDNOOB!?!?!??!"
#24582554Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:45 AM GMT

Nikolai: I look over at Seamus who just came up. "Whut is happening?! Srrsly, I blaked out."
#24582573Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:45 AM GMT

I Dont Say Anything As I Was Hit To The Floor And Blood Coming Out Of My Mouth.
#24582656Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:46 AM GMT

Seamus: "<:O" *I pick him up* "TO THE VAN-MOBIEL!!!" *DunnaladunnalaDUUUN!!!*
#24582698Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:47 AM GMT

Nikolai: "Oh darn, he's dead." :/ I follow Seamus.
#24582809Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:49 AM GMT

MEANWHILE AT THE VAN... Seamus: "Does anyone have a medikit?" I started to look for one in the mess in the van.
#24613771Wednesday, April 21, 2010 10:48 PM GMT

hayde: *chews on box with red cross on it* whooops. was that the medikit? 0.0
#24624146Thursday, April 22, 2010 1:10 AM GMT

After That Talking A Wound That Hurt Me Blasted Out.There Was A Blood Puddle Under Me Everywhere in The Van And On Me As Well,I Wasnt Dead Yet.
#24631381Thursday, April 22, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

Seamus: "Yeah, re.tard..." I say as I snatch it from him and start to heal Jacob.
#24631527Thursday, April 22, 2010 3:39 AM GMT

I Began To Feel No Pain (I Heard Sheepie Shut Down A Shirt's Comment Because Of You.No Offence)
#24687094Friday, April 23, 2010 5:54 PM GMT

(He did. Sheeppie can't take critisism well, so he shut them off because Seamus said he didn't like it.) Chase: "My God! There is blood everywhere! This man needs a doctor!" I say, looking down at all the blood.
#24714115Saturday, April 24, 2010 1:31 AM GMT

(Lawl,Shepie Is A Good Creator And All But He Needs To Learn About The Insults And Try To Calm Himself Down,Anyways You Could Have Used The Guaz Pad On My Wound Wiping All THe Blood On Me Off Then Wrapping It Up With A Guaz Long Pad Then Wipe All The Blood In The Van Off.Anyways,I'm Saying All Of This Because I'm Learing To Be A Doctor,Once I Doctor I'm Gonna Go Serve In The Millitary For 1-5 Years Then Back To My Doctor Carrer.I'ma Be A Medic!=3.Joinng The "Army Rangers" In Real Life When Old Enough.Anyways Why Am I Talking About My Life?Lawl Back To The RP)
#24806049Sunday, April 25, 2010 3:09 PM GMT

hayde: well im a docter =) *pulls out saw*
#24909537Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:35 PM GMT

Seamus: "No, NO! It only looks like he's minorly internally bleeding..."
#24928467Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

Nikolai: "If you were a doctor, you would know that a saw is obviously not the tool for this kind of situation!" I say, taking the saw out of his hands and throwing it out of the van. The thunderstorm is getting really heavy now, and it feels like hail. "We need to get in the van, or take this guy inside, because I am going to freeze out here..."
#24941696Wednesday, April 28, 2010 4:33 AM GMT

Seamus: "Just remember, we can't go anywhere without gas..." I say looking down upon Jacob.
#25014222Friday, April 30, 2010 12:57 AM GMT

Hayde: "we have to push the car to a safer place." gets out of car and starts pushing."AHHH the rains too hard. i cant stand up anymore." 3 seconds lator I almost get struck by lightning. hops back in car "ok nevermind. pushing is a BADDD idea"
#25020862Friday, April 30, 2010 2:50 AM GMT

Nikolai: "We have no choice. We have to hold up in the mansion for the night. If we stay in this metal box, we might as well kill ourselves."
#25022424Friday, April 30, 2010 3:34 AM GMT

My Eyes Open A Bit,"Help...." I Managed To Say That Message Thru The Pain.
#25098872Saturday, May 01, 2010 6:56 PM GMT

Seamus: I look at (Quan) "We need to find medical equipment. If we DID find gas, we couldn't see through the rain..."
#25300892Wednesday, May 05, 2010 7:38 PM GMT

Hayde: we have to wait out the storm in the mansion
#25310025Wednesday, May 05, 2010 10:47 PM GMT

Meanwhile in the graveyard outside the mansion... Zombie: BRAINS....
#25321083Thursday, May 06, 2010 2:02 AM GMT

[Jacob] I Point Crookedly At A Pain Pill On The Right Side Of The Van,Then On The Left,At A Shot That Would Take Away The Pain Peremently,And Try To Cover My Pain,Then At The Middle On One Of The Seats,Which Had A Medic.
#25392397Saturday, May 08, 2010 1:31 AM GMT

Seamus: I give Jacob the pain pill and I start to bandage him up, "We should get back into the house and search for some gas or something..."
#25392467Saturday, May 08, 2010 1:32 AM GMT

[Jacob] I Take The Pain Pills."Otis Is Dead."