#27084975Wednesday, June 09, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

(NGHA! I dont' want anybody else to join our rp's)
#27086091Wednesday, June 09, 2010 10:02 PM GMT

"Strange indeed my friend."I patted Scott back and stretched.
#27113384Thursday, June 10, 2010 6:58 AM GMT

I nod and say" What now"
#27133401Thursday, June 10, 2010 7:11 PM GMT

*A FEW DAYS LATER* I started to write a letter to Scott and June: "Dear Scott and June, There's nothing left for me here now, I guess I'll just have to go back to the 'Star Wars' universe. You can find me on the beaches of Spira on a loong deserved vacation. But first I have some unfinished business... (You know how to create the portals)" (btw... to create the portal you have to watch the end of Part Six in the saga)
#27134282Thursday, June 10, 2010 7:26 PM GMT

As I finished, I put in the movie and waited. A small spark of light was forming, as It grew larger, I stepped into it. I tumbled onto teh ground. I got up to see it was night time on Yavin IV. I was in front of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy, So it was probably a few years after teh battle of endor. I stood up and quietly entered the academy. I saw somebody walking through teh halls. I quietly followed until I figured out who it was. "Skywalker?" Luke suddenly turned around and pinned me to the wall with a hand on my neck, He slowly let go as he stared at me "K-Kiera?" He stuttered (O_o????) "I-Its you?" "Yes, its me farmboy" I say annoyed "Can't sleep tonight?" Luke waved the question off "Where have you been all these years?" "Away from you, thats where" I say walking towards the exit "But, why come back now?" He followed me I stopped "My parents are dead, I'm a mercenary now. I go my own ways" I kept walking until i reached the door "And you won't be seeing me any time soon" I walked out to find my X-Wing outside. I got into it and headed for Spira
#27215528Saturday, June 12, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

I had just finished making a sandwich when I saw a note that was left on Kiera's dining table. I took it,sat down,took a bite of my sandwich and sat down on a seat. In mid-bite I blew a raspberry and gaped at the message. I then ran to the living room,and saw that the TV was on. I sat down on the couch and watched it. "K-kiera?"I watched the camera panel from Luke's stuttering and to Kiera's face. I clapped a hand over my mouth just before I began screaming.
#27235001Saturday, June 12, 2010 1:16 PM GMT

"Shut up"I say from the couch where I had just awoken from hibernation status.
#27238662Saturday, June 12, 2010 2:39 PM GMT

I looked at Scott irritated. "Well,while you were sleeping,I just saw that my best friend had just went back into Star Wars!"I hissed and pointed directly to the TV that was showing Kiera's face.
#27243947Saturday, June 12, 2010 4:30 PM GMT

"Rerun I bet" I say as I put the tv on pause.
#27274404Sunday, June 13, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

When I arrived, I landed my fighter on the landing pad and changed into vacation clothes. I checked into one of the most luxurious hotels on teh beach and went to the cantina for some lunch. *MEANWHILE* Luke and Han were sitting quietly in a cantina sipping soem drinks when Han broke teh silence. "So, anything new?" "Well, I uh... ran into..." Luke paused "Ran into who?" "I ran into Kiera" Han almost choked on his Ruby Bliels "Kiera?!" Luke slowly nodded "Well did you ask her out for dinner? How did she take seeing you? Did you-" "No, and she wasn't so happy" "Oh...." there was a long silence before: "Do you have any advice?" "On what?" "Like getting her back into my life," "Uh... well thinking that she's as tough as Leia, I guess I do" Han set his drink down "First, where is she?" "I think she's on Spira" "Ooh, I hear they've got nice sunsets there. Anyway, trace her down, corner her, ask her for dinner, then see if she liked it. If she did, k.iss her. If not.... Might as well run away before she kills you" "Han, you should know by now that you can't make her do ANYTHING" "Look kid, just go with my advice adn see hwo it works." Luke sat staring into space before: "Fine, I'll try it, but if it doesn't work... You'll owe me a drink" "Deal then"
#27321691Sunday, June 13, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

(GRRRR, I KEEP FINDING BETTER PICS!!!!!!: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=spring#/ddyy2x)
#27351313Monday, June 14, 2010 7:07 AM GMT

(Lol and cool pic)
#27381564Monday, June 14, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

(Pretty..just don't make yourself TOO pretty or else you'll be a Mary-Sue.I'm in war with them =_= RAWR.) I sighed. "Well...looks like we'll have to ger her."I said. I sounded sad,but I was REALLY excited. I wanted to use the force and my lightsaber again!
#27382390Monday, June 14, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

'CHARGE"I say as the TV turns blue and I jump through it into the cantina where Luke and Han were.
#27385233Monday, June 14, 2010 10:00 PM GMT

"That works?!"I thought out loud. I ran and jumped through the TV and ended up taking Hans down. "Ow.."I groaned. "Can't get enough?"Hans grinned. "SICKO!You might want to remember you are in a RELATIONSHIP with Miss Leia!"I kicked him away and got up. "Hello Luke."I waved. Luka waved back awkwardly. (NEW LOOK: http://br(REMOVE)owse.devia(REEMOVE)ntart.com/photography/people/?q=June&order=9&offset=408#/d1qoj0f )
#27396943Tuesday, June 15, 2010 1:01 AM GMT

Han smiled "Yes, actually I am, we're getting mar.ried in two months" "And I have to get to Spira" Luke said getting up *LATER ON SPIRA* Luke set his x-wing down and went to check in teh same hotel I was at. Then he went to the beach bar and sat down. Since I didn't feel Luke's presence, I went to the same beach with a blue and white bik.ini. As I passed by, most of teh guys there looked at me. Especially Luke, he put his drink down adn stared. (XDDDDD. I can TOTALLY see him doign that) I lied down on a towel and tanned for a while before going to swim. As I dried myself off to go back to the hotel, the man who was sitting next to Luke almost fell out of his chair while looking at me. I stopped and stared at him, Luke quickly turned around. I narrowed my eyes as I figured otu it was him. I quickly got my stuff and hastened toward my room
#27398188Tuesday, June 15, 2010 1:20 AM GMT

A. G. E D I R E C T O R Y: Kiera: 25 June: 25 Scott: 25 Luke: 25 Leia: 25 Han: 35
#27412168Tuesday, June 15, 2010 7:34 AM GMT

(Thanks) I stand up and say "Hey Han" as I grab a drink.
#27432407Tuesday, June 15, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

(no problem) I could sense Luke following me from a safe distance, I continued as fast as I could towards my room until I reached a turbo-lift. As I turned around in the lift, I saw Luke heading for the stairs. I groaned and pushed the fifth floor button and waited until it reached teh top. As I got out I looked around to see if he was there. But what I didn't know was that he was just around teh corner next to me, I quietly ran to my room. He kept hiding around corners everytime I looked over my shoulder, finally I made it to my room. I put in teh code adn went inside quickly shutting the transparisteel doors. I put my back against the door adn panted. But Luke had already made his way in my room using force speed. I turned around and headed towards the 'fresher (shower). When I got out I changed into normal vacation clothes, but I noticed something different in the room, the HoloScreen was on in th living chamber, and there was somebody on the couch watching HNE (news)
#27433362Tuesday, June 15, 2010 7:32 PM GMT

I walk up to my little room and sit down on the couch.
#27438614Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

(Han is the dude who played Indiana Jones.And no,I didn't just notice that. ;D) I sat down,legs crossed,and meditated. Ah yes.Quietness. :D
#27439265Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

(WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?! GO TO SPIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!)
#27440153Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:43 PM GMT

Na.me: B2 Unit ABC-123 A.ge: It's over 9,000!!! App.earance: http://www.rpgcentral0206.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/b-2superbattledroid_1.jpg http://www.legendgames.co.uk/acatalog/47_SuperBattleDroid.jpg How Many Times They've Watched Star Wars: He was in it! Personality: None. Fun Fact(s): He was designed with various mechanisms. B.io: He teleported to the area, because he felt like it. The Force Is With Me
#27440230Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:44 PM GMT

#27440331Tuesday, June 15, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

B2: Too late, puny human!