#24983017Thursday, April 29, 2010 10:16 AM GMT

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#25022482Friday, April 30, 2010 3:36 AM GMT

I Grab Briar On To The Humvee.
#25024731Friday, April 30, 2010 5:52 AM GMT

Name: Collin WEapon:MP5 FireARm:blackside 45 Apperance: Regular swat gear Bio: Joined swat when zombies came. Meele Wep:machete
#25024751Friday, April 30, 2010 5:55 AM GMT

*gets out of van and zombies are all over* Get into the hospital!!!!*zombies chase**spews bullets while rushing to hospital* fffffffrrrrrraaaaappppp!! click click! crud!!!
#25024770Friday, April 30, 2010 5:56 AM GMT

*with not enough time to reload i rush into the hospital and quickly board the front doors and windows* they wont last so we will need to find something better to board these up with...
#25025191Friday, April 30, 2010 6:45 AM GMT

Name: Kenneth Sayer. Meelee Weapon: Battery-power drill. Bio: Born in Britain, but the computer shops there weren't as well paid. He moved to NY to work for IBM. Arrived a few months ago. Appearance: Tall, grey eyes, brown hair/blond streaks. Currently: Walking home from a DIY shop.
#25025254Friday, April 30, 2010 6:51 AM GMT

The streets were deserted. How strange. And all the shops had closed, and even then, the DIY shop was the only open one he had found. But what was that sound? Like a subtle moaning, it seemed to come fron nowhere and everywhere at the same time. And then a shadow flitted through an alley to his right. This didn't look a good situation. He was sure it wasn't bad either, but he wasn't in the best of moods after traipsing halway around this section of the city just for a drill. Hang on. Of course, the drill! Kenneth pulled his bag off and took out the drill, tested it, and searched around. Why wouldn't that stupid moaning go away?
#25026407Friday, April 30, 2010 10:25 AM GMT

Name: Group:Army Rangers. Weapon: dual uzis Side Wep: sniper Meele WEp:Knife Apperance: long silky black hair,blue eyes,dark green camo Rank:PVT-Sergent
#25031313Friday, April 30, 2010 3:32 PM GMT

Ducking into an alleyway to take a shortcut, Kenneth somehow just knew he'd have the shock of his life. Though, after some blood spatters, a little battery discharge and a rotting body on the floor, in hindsight, he had expected that it would have come from the scary dark path instead of the street he had just come from. Kenneth slinked into the next street, and decided that instead of going home, he should find transport and a better weapon. Plenty of cars in this area, but a zombie apocalypse didn't mean there were any less of them burning or propped on bricks. So, he reasoned, find a bike. Prefferably one with an engine. Pedals just weren't suited to life/death situations.
#25032535Friday, April 30, 2010 4:33 PM GMT

-Kicks open door with baseball bat clenched in hand- -Infected look around at me- Cmon! -One runs up to me and i flip her over my back- -I look around me and im surround by infected-
#25033099Friday, April 30, 2010 5:03 PM GMT

*shuffles through each room looking for something to board the front windows up with* hmm...*opens a room and theres a zombie staring right at me* click click out of ammo!*zombie charges at me*ALRIGHT YOU WANA DO IT THE HARD WAY! LET DO IT THE HARD WAY!!!!!!!SHANK SLICE STAB WHOOSH.*zombie lays dead at the floor**sigh* *feels vest* oh ya thats right i had a sidearm...
#25033222Friday, April 30, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

*find a few things* hmm lets see...plywood and a brain surgery drill this should do but theres no time to waste.*rushes to the front door**droped everything* aww crud...*sees at least 10 zombies staring at him* *reloads mp5* pow pow pow ffffffrrrraaaaapppppp click click*one zombie left**zombie charges and knocks me down* aaaaahhhhggggg SHANK!*that got him off me but i have to finish the job* pulls out blackside 45* POW*gets to work on boarding up front doors and windows*
#25033562Friday, April 30, 2010 5:26 PM GMT

(Why is it that these zombies are all staring instead of attacking?)
#25034759Friday, April 30, 2010 6:16 PM GMT

(they attack its just they dont have the best reaction time. but ya they can put up one heck of a fight....)
#25040426Friday, April 30, 2010 8:43 PM GMT

It was an old, rusted fire escape. Well, why shouldn't it be? Besides, the zombies that had chased him for the past two minutes seemed to have trouble climbing stairs, and when one of them did, it wasn't too difficult to lean forward and drill through their skulls. Nornally, it killed them instantly. One was so decayed that it's head spun round and it's neck snapped.
#25048606Friday, April 30, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

(RedDwarf And Br Accepted) I Stay In My Humvee,Obviously Waiting For The Survivors. [Event,RedDwarf] A FireEstnaguisher Blocks Your Path,What Do You Do?
#25048648Friday, April 30, 2010 11:03 PM GMT

(Notice The FireEstnaguisher Is Opening Fire Right In Front Of You.)
#25050085Friday, April 30, 2010 11:28 PM GMT

Kenneth decided it may be time to go. He couldn't sit on a fire escape forever. Curiously, an extinguisher lay toppled in front of the escape door, blocking it. He tried lifting it up, but that was difficult with a drill in one hand. He put it down, but still couldn't move it. Then, he heard a sloshing noise. Too thick to be water, but thin enough to roll about with ease. Whatever it was, it wasn't used for extinguishing fires. He quickly darted up to the next level's platform and ducked down. He heard a 'whoosh' as something headed for the extinguisher, and pierced it. The explosion threw him up, and he almost dropped the drill. He looked over the edge, to see the zombies blown to pieces. "Hey, thanks!" he shouted to whoever had placed it there. Well, they must have had their reasons. He opened the fire door and stepped into a murky warehouse.
#25075622Saturday, May 01, 2010 10:29 AM GMT

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#25078271Saturday, May 01, 2010 12:15 PM GMT

The murky warehouse was empty, much to Kenneth's dissapointment. Though... what was that through the window? Something yellow. Small, but yellow. It was a forklift. Kicking the glass out, Kenneth heaved himself through the frame. He then saw that across the other side of some rubble were zombies. How annoying. Deciding that he could use the planks and nails dotted around to better secure the forklift, he knew he's need more time. So while there were few of them, he'd have his chance to act. Walking calmly up to them, he stabbed each on in the temples with the drill, and walked back again leaving them spasming. On his way, he picked up a board and several nails.
#25174422Sunday, May 02, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

"COME ON!" I Yell As I Rev Up My Humvee.
#25175248Sunday, May 02, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

Kenneth gave a sigh of relief, and looked over his handiwork. The forklift now sported gull wing doors, and only a tiny strip to see through to minimise chances of them getting to him through were he was looking. He got in, and pushed the start button. The engine roared to life, and it immediately ran over a zombie.
#25175516Sunday, May 02, 2010 8:52 PM GMT

"Looks Like All THe Other Survivors Are Dead,Infected,Or Survived!" I Rev My Humvee,I Charaged At The Bridge,Well Broken Bridge,I Make The Jump Again,The Hit Down Wasnt Massive Just A Jump. Another Missile Hits Down And Destroys A Building,The Building Fell On A Group Of Zombies, I Geet Out Of The Hummvee.
#25175607Sunday, May 02, 2010 8:53 PM GMT

(Why do you use a capital letter at the beginning of each word?)
#25175653Sunday, May 02, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

(I Dont Know,Its My Habbit,Lawl)