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#24978082Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:39 AM GMT

It is the year 2015. There is a mojor terrorist threat brewing in Vegas. We know this by security footage and an under cover agent who is now deceased.We all grieve about the loss of him. Anyway, we are sending several squads to Vegas to root out the threat and eliminate it. You and your squad will be informed on your mission ASAP. Get to your appointed helicopters and gear up. Pilot: "Strap in guys and dolls, we are in for a bumpy ride!. Make sure you have your equiptment together and your nerves bundled. I'll play the briefing on the screen infront of you." Commander: I walked into the shot and sat down. "Good day ladies and gentlemen. We have a serious problem here in Vegas. We have evidence of a terrorist attack that is going to happen soon. We need you to follow our leads and eliminate this threat." I said, smiling. "I know you can do it soldiers. I am going to play a video from our brave undercover agent." I said, pressing a button on a remote. Recording: A tall, slim man walks into view. "Good job men. We need to get this plan in motion. Vegas will only be the beginning. Once the U.S. is brought to it's knees we can dominate them." The man looks at the camera, or the man behind the camrea. "Well, recruit, now's the time to prove yourself. Bring out the hostages." Three civilians were brought out, bound and blindfolded. The man that was recording was given a desert eagle. "Now execute them without mercy!" the man yelled at the filmer. The gun trembled with fear as the commander laughed. "Don't have the guts? Or are you a fake?" The commander pulled out a Spas 12 and shot the camera man down in one shot, leaving him to bleed. He then executed the civilians with his shotgun and proceeded to stom on the camera. That is where the story is now. Once characters are made, you will be in one of several squad helicopters and be briefed on the rest of the mission then. Character sheet: Name: Age: Nickname: Tag number: (What number is on your dog tags.) Clothing: (inclusdes bullet proof vests and other armors like that.) Physical appearance: Cammo: (what cammo are you wearing) Weapons loadout: Primary:(any type of weapon, list will be after sheet) Secondary: Sidearm: (Pistols only) Gear 1: (Gear is like grenades and C-4) (there will be a list of gear after sheet) Gear 2: Weapons list Assault Rifles (Useable for primary or secondary): 552 commando ak-47 aks-74u aug a3 famas fnc g36c g3ka4 l85a2 m4 m468 m8 scar-h cqc tar21 Handguns (pistols) (Only useable in sidearms): 92fs desert eagle glock 18 mk.23 p99 raging bull usp40 Light Machine Guns (useable in primary or secondary.): 21e m249 spw mg 36 mk 46 Shield (useable in primary or secondary. It is used with sidearm only. You will be able to use the side arm by itself also. The shield slows you down fairly well.) Shotguns (useable in primary or secondary): 500 tactical 870mcs m3 spas 12 xm-26 lss Sniper rifles (useable in primary or secondary): l96 artic warfare m40a1 psg1 sr-25 sd sv-98 scout tactical Sub Machine guns (useable in primary or secondary): aug para mac11 mp5n mp7a1 mp9 p90 skorpion vz83 type 05 ump45 (Note you can change weapons at certain points from restock points. I will let you know where you can change weapons.) Rules: no ubering no god modding no modding no insta-kills listen to me and others I will appoint mods if I see fit be nice to others do not be rude ask questions if you don't understand something or are curious about something, I'm happy to help. Have Fun!
#24978462Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:48 AM GMT

Name:Johnson Vertrez A.g/e:2/1 Nickname:October Tag number:31 (October Holloween=31 Get it?) Clothing: Black Leather Pants Black Leather shirt with susspenders ontop of his bullet proof vest knee pads elbow pads and fingerless gloves Black Boots And Grey officer cap Physical appearance: Mucley Rough Tall Tan skin Blue eyes and brown hair Cammo: All Dark Black Weapons loadout: Primary:G36C Secondary: Mac11 Sidearm: Dessert Eagle Gear 1: M12 frags Gear 2: Smoke Grenade
Top 25 Poster
#24978551Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

Name: Pvt. Jonathon Brown, prefers Jon Ag/e: 19 Nickname: Rookie (named for the fast that he's the youngest and least experienced member.) Tag number: 34 Clothing: Kevlar vest, ballistic helmet, SF10 Gas Mask (with the lenses tinted red), black combat pants, ACU beneath his gear main gear, combat boots, protective gloves. Physical appearance: Black short hair, barrel chested, average height, tan skin, blue eyes, gaunt face. Camo: Desert Weapons loadout~ Primary:xm-26 lss Secondary: MAC11 Sidearm: USP40 Gear 1: C4 Gear 2: More C4
#24978555Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

(I forgot the gear list... Whoops...) Gear: C4 Breaching Charge M67 Frag Grenade XM84 Flashbang AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade AN-M8 Smoke Grenade Gas Mask Tear Gas
#24978562Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

Yo sig mabey try putting periods between age
#24978585Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:52 AM GMT

(change my gear to The Grenades and breaching charge
#24978606Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

(Strike gas mask from the list.. I messed that up.. >_<) Both are accepted.) Do you both want to be in the same squad?
#24978616Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

Name: Blake A/ge: 23 Nickname: Jayhawk Tag number: 7 Clothing: Black Kevlar Vest, Black Leggings, Black Shirt, Helmet Physical appearance: Black Hair, Green Eyes, 6'1'' 190lbs Cammo: Urban Weapons loadout: Primary: SA80 (I know it isnt in the list.) Secondary: 870MCS Sidearm: MK23 Gear 1: C4 Gear 2: Smoke Grenade
#24978628Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

Aye yes and twig ima let you finish but you must pay (JK)
Top 25 Poster
#24978647Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:54 AM GMT

(Sure.) (Protective gloves are combat gloves.)
Top 25 Poster
#24978665Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:55 AM GMT

(FACT* That he's youngest.)
#24978676Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:55 AM GMT

#24978775Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:57 AM GMT

Name: Dirk Newman A/ge: 31 Nickname: Newman Tag number: 21 Clothing: Dogtags, Black Kevlar Vest, Infantry helmet, HUD dispay visor Physical appearance: Brown Hair, blue Eyes, 6'1'' 195lbs Cammo: Standard Weapons loadout: Primary: Ak-47 Secondary: Frag Sidearm: Dual Pistols Gear 1: Grenade Gear 2: Grappling hook
Top 25 Poster
#24978806Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:58 AM GMT

(My combat gloves still have their fingers, actually. *POW*)
#24978845Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:59 AM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/gsg9-papercraft-item?id=26347019 Just image that as a human. That is what my uniform looks like.
#24978855Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

("We will keep fighting to the ennnnnnnnnd And then we will FIRE MAH LAZAHHHH)
#24978867Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:00 AM GMT

@Sig...Remember the Red Empire RP?
#24978894Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:01 AM GMT

(speaking of empire how about a good old middle ages thread EH?)
#24978904Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:01 AM GMT

Helicopters, really First off, it would be completly unsafe to fly helicopters in an urban area, wind drafts from buildings, civilians, etc. 2nd, the most common way of transport would be a C-5 galaxy Cargo plane.
#24978936Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:02 AM GMT

(That or a giant armourd car)
Top 25 Poster
#24978943Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:02 AM GMT

(Nope, sorry, don't.)
#24978947Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:02 AM GMT

(That or Saturn Rockets)
#24978967Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

Top 25 Poster
#24978978Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

(Zorg, I see you're having trouble. Slash out everything referencing a/ge (etc: y/ears, ol/d). If that doesn't work, slash EVERYTHING. No mercy.)
#24978985Thursday, April 29, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

Name: Sgt. Anton Marcelini Ag/e: 33 Nickname: Sarge Tag number: 25 Clothing: Tactical helmet with protective goggles and a banclava, black bullet-proof vest, navy blue bdu shirt, navy blue bdu pants, black combat boots. Physical appearance: raven black hair, steel gray eyes, due to an accident in a fire fight, a scar running from his left eye to the bottom of the right side of his jaw. Cammo: mainly black, gray and navy blue. Weapons loadout: Primary: Sv-98 Secondary: Spas 12 Sidearm: MK.23 Gear 1: flashbang Gear 2: tear gas

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