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#24999315Thursday, April 29, 2010 9:25 PM GMT

When I prefer to 'you' I mean Vikatikki If this doesn’t fit into the PM, then go here: Also, you might want to read the notes first. What if, we had GUIs for the leader (A.K.A. First person on team). NOTE: This GUI consist of 7 different selections, and an unkown amount of scripts along with AIs. NOTE: When making AIs talk, have them also use bublble chat. NOTE: That any of these ‘Typing’ selection can also be exchanged for a GUI list. NOTE:These GUIs, once again (Im saying once again because it will come up again), This is ONLY for the leader (A.K.A. First person to touch spawn). NOTE: The AI's will have to look like the teams morph. Geronatirai doesn’t have one, so make them normal people. And for Hargenni, just make a Fake Host, for the morph to control. NOTE: Almost all of the explanations, ideas, instructions, and suggestions were made at different times. So if something(s) don’t make since at first, take another look at these notes. PREVEIW:Another update idea possible is called Ranking system. But that will come later. NOTE: The AI's should always have swords out, if possible they don’t, but can bring them out, add that. NOTE: The AI's shouldn’t do friendly damage. NOTE: If possible, over time, the AI's should grow in numbers over the number they kill. NOTE: The max number of AIs is up to you (Vikatikki) NOTE: I have thought of the idea of making a follow section, but it is up to you for I do not see how they could benefit unless following the leader. NOTE:I will also add an idea called User Mode. It is called this because it will allow normal players of the team to be entitled of basic commands for the AI. NOTE: If a leader leaves, he should most likely promote someone else. If not, either kick all off the team, or promote the second person to touch be automaticly to leader. 1)The first person to touch the spawn of a certain team, games a GUI. 2)This gui can control AIs. They are controlled from the GUI. 2B) Controls can be: [Click] [Either] Attack, Defense, Talk, Naming, Personal, New Leader, Respawning, and Messenger mode 3A)Attack: You can set up either [Enter name] GUI for them to attack such, a [enter team] for them to attack an enemy during war time. Or instead of entering there name, you click on there name, by making a list of names, or teams GUI to pop up after clicking on the Attack: Team/Player (I didnt add to make 2 sections, either a team, or a Player) 3AA-EXAMPLE~1-1) Attack>Team>(List)Holy Empire 3AA-EXAMPLE~1-2) Attack>Player>(List)Vikatikki 3AB-Example~1-1) Attack>Team>(Type)[Enter Team here] 3AB-EXAMPLE~1-1)Attack>Player>(Type)[Enter Player here] 3B)Defense: Defending works to help prevent a player from taking damage. The AIs will surround the player choicen to protect and will take damage from the sword instead of you/him taking damage. It works 2 ways in sections also. They work with Youself, and Player. The Yourself makes them protect you, and the Player makes you type the name of a player you wish to protect. 3BA-EXAMPLE~1-1)Defense>Yourself 3BB-EXAMPLE~1-2)Defense>Player>[Type Player here] 3C)Talk: The talk selection is to make your AI's Talk Without naming your AI's, they will be called AI-1, AI-2 and etc. The Naming will come up later. Now, to make them talk, your click talk, click the AI name (NOTE: The Humanoid name, with health, will appear above the AIs health as AI-1, AI-2 & etc until named), and type into a GUI type bar what you want it to say. 3CA-EXAMPLE~1-1)Talk>AI-1(Or whatever you name it)>[Tpye here] 3D)Naming: the naming selection allows you to name/rename your AIs. You click on the Name Selection and Click AI-1 or etc., and type in the name. NOTE: This should automaticly change the name on the GUI too. After typeing the name and pressing 'ENTER', it should change the name (AI-1 & etc) to whatever you typed in. 3DA-EXAMPLE~1-1)Name>AI-1(Or anyother one)>[Type new name] 3E)Personal: The personal Selection is for healing. If a AI is damaged, then anotehr AI can heal that AI. If the leader, or any other player is damaged, then he also can heal him. NOTE: healing the takes awhile, it musn't be fast. 3EA-EXAMPLE~1-1)Personal>AI-1(Or whatever you name it)>Heal>Player/Yourself 3EA-EXAMPLE~1-1)Personal>AI-1(Or whatever you name it)>Heal>AI-2(Or whatever you name it) 3F)NewLeader/Promoter: (It is up to you to call it either one [I’m talkingabout Newleader/Promoter] ) Alright, this is when you are the leader of a group, but decide you want to leave, or say “g2g” so all you have to do is click NewLeader/Promoter selection, and type in or click on the name of the new leader you want. NOTE:If possible, if he/she types name/ click on an Explorer name, or someone from another team, it shouldn’t let him/her promote someone other than someone on the team. NOTE: This a GUI list would most likely be best if it could update itself if someone leaves or someone joins, for it could only display the people on that team. 3FA-EXAMPLE~1-1)NewLeader/Promoter>[Type name/click GUI list of ideal person] 3G)Respawning)) (This is AI respawning) When AIs get killed, it seems more realistic they don’t respawn. But then what funs that? So instead of a Fast Respawn, or Never respawn, how about slow respawn? I estimate maybe 180 seconds, that’s 3 minutes. If you feel otherwise, feel free to increase or decrease the amount. NOTE: There is no need for a selection here. 3H)Messenger Mode: Messenger Mode can allow you to send 1 AI [teleported] to another. Heres how it works, you Click MMode (if you wanna name it that), Click AI-1(Or whatever you name it), Type in what you want it to say, and there will be a list, or you can type in the name of a person, to teleport the GUI to. NOTE: In the main NOTE:’s I said when they talk, they should use bubble chat. When they get teleported, the bubble chat should last alteast 20 seconds, and when you teleport the AI, it should come back in atleast 20 seconds as well. This is useful to set up trade, or even War. NOTE:When it talks, you can decide wether it starts after, or before you teleport them. 3HA-EXAMPLE~1-1)MMode>AI-1(Or whatever you name it)>[Enter What you want it to say]>[Type/select the player you want it to teleport to] Well thank you for reading this, I have created, what I think, a very nice idea. CREDIT: Idea started from: OoteltonoO (He thought of the Leader GUI) Idea worked on/finished: SuperShockWave (I basicly made all of this) PREVEIW:Another update idea possible is called Ranking system. But that will come later.
#24999871Thursday, April 29, 2010 9:33 PM GMT

Pages: 3 Words: 1,098 Characters (No spaces): 5,360 Characters (Spaces): 6,415 Paragraphs: 44 Lines: 95
#25022143Friday, April 30, 2010 3:25 AM GMT

#25027184Friday, April 30, 2010 11:21 AM GMT

It's an interesting idea, but NOT for the BRF genre and NOT for Roblox. Incase you did not know, AIs (especially controllable ones) tend to lag a lot on Roblox.
#25032191Friday, April 30, 2010 4:16 PM GMT

Alright, well thank you anyway.

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