#7776018Wednesday, April 22, 2009 5:03 AM GMT

i jump on the heli that was waiting for evact and told the pilot to "fly me over to the other side" once there i jump out and flank the enemys killing all using my m-4 and johnsons help but then i feal a pain in my leg"FRIENDLY FIRE HOLD YOUR FIRE"i fall to the ground holding my leg and and screaming as blood pours out i try to bandage it but have nothin to bandage wiith cause im a support and carrys ammo so i cut my sleeve and use that but it wont work for long and i flew a far way to flank them
#7776301Wednesday, April 22, 2009 5:48 AM GMT

i throw bandages at him "im gonna keep fireing get suport!" wehn i start talking im hit in the leg and cant walk "MEDIC!"
Top 100 Poster
#7776403Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6:15 AM GMT

Killer: Fire at Will *Fires
#7776540Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6:46 AM GMT

"MEDIC!" opens fire with pistol in last stand "MEDIC!
#7786631Wednesday, April 22, 2009 8:27 PM GMT

i bandage leg and crawl over to johson nad opens fire with m-4 in a attemp of defence and hands him some more ammo and a gun from a dead nva with 7 rounds and 20 bullets left
#7800176Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:38 AM GMT

"i think we cleard it! arg... my leg" i hold my leg i pain
#7800381Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:42 AM GMT

"MEDIC OVER HERE NOW"i grab a radio "this is private bradley we have 2 wounded and 3 dead i'm requsting a medic to our location and a medivact im also requisting for a heli to scan the area and locate all enemy's for us replay as soon as possible bradley out"walks over to the men "ok set up an ambush incase more come to take us out perminitly"
#7800432Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:43 AM GMT

"good idea private"
#7800550Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:45 AM GMT

Name: Seth Davidson Age:25 Gender: Male Side: Allies Weapon(s): M-1911A, (Or whatever the pistol was) Browning 50. cal Gear:Camo pants, camo bulletproof vest, m1 helmet, backpack Rank:Corporal Squad: 153rd HMG division Vehicles: None atm.... Specualties: Sniping, good at cover-fire......stuff like that. Bio: Was drafted into the army at age 19, and has been trainging for this ever since.
#7800664Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:48 AM GMT

"men begin digging a run for the bunkers inside then you to over there go get us some wood to use be ready it's gonna be a long day"the men begin to work on the bunker and in about 30-40 min. we have a good camoflaged bunker going someone begins to talk on readio i walk over and pick it up"what do you have"negetive on the medivact and heli support we have an ambush going on now and it's like a riot over there there swinging there guns at there heads when they run out of ammo but we are ablr to send in some medics and a tank" "but we have 4 wounded and a creusually one"thinks"ok send the medics in we'll handle it
#7802487Thursday, April 23, 2009 2:40 AM GMT

Seth was one of the support gunners, sent in to help with the ambush at (whatever needle's name is) position. He was in a chinook, and he had his browning out, and was polishing it. He watched as they decended into the forest where (Insert Needle's name here) was. As they touched down, and the doors opened, Seth grabbed his weapons and ran out, looking for the group that was getting ambushed. He spotted them, in a bunker. He ran over to the bunker, and climbed in. "Seth Davidson of the 153rd HMG, sir." He said, to (Insert needle's name here.)
#7805064Thursday, April 23, 2009 5:08 AM GMT

(my name is bradley lol) "great" (wat are you again medic or support) over heres the wounded(if your medic (lol))
#7808077Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:23 PM GMT

Name:Zero Age:22 Gender:Male Side:Allies Weapon(s):M-1911A1,Knife,Hand grenade Gear:Parachute,Cyanide Pill,Survival Kit Rank:2nd Lieutenat, Airman First Class Squad:44th Air Force Fighter Squadron Vehicles:F-100 Super Sabre Specualties:Flying planes and having a steady aim. Bio:Joined the Air Force 8 months ago.He graduated near the top of his class. So far he has killed 3 enemy jets, 4 probables, 6 damaged, and hasn't been shot down yet. "This is Potato Group requesting take off",I said."You are clear for take off Potato Group",I heard over my radio. I slowly powered up my engines and moved down the runway and took off.I was at 8,000 feet when I heard over the radio that 6 MIG-19s were heading this direction.I relayed the message to my comrades and made a 3 G left turn so I would circle the runway slowly. A couple minutes later, the MIGs came onto radar, I locked on, steadied the plane, and fired a radar-guided missile. I watched the missile go to the left, around, and behind the MIGs and flew right up one's tailpipe and detonated. I watched it spiral down and crash. "Don't relax, men...That was just the first one." I cooly said.A couple seconds after that I saw two missiles fly out from Potato 4.I watched, and saw that one detonated two early, but one still made it and took out a MIG. Then and only then did I start hearing the cannon fire.I broke into a 5 G right turn to dodge the cannon fire. But Potato 2 wasn't so lucky, he got an underbelly full of cannon shells and dropped. He ejected about 2 seconds before the plane crashed. I knew this was going to get seroius now. I fired a heatseeker and it scored a kill on a MIG. Now the odds were even. I dodged left and right to evade the cannon fire all the while trying to get a lock on. another MIG was downed by Potato 3, his first kill of the war. The other MIGs broke and tried to run away but I cooly left them a parting gift, rush delivery, in the form of a radar-guided and heatseeker missile. 2 explosions,2 falling planes,2 ejected vietcong pilots, 2 more kills. I had seven kills now..i had become an ace.
#7811908Thursday, April 23, 2009 6:30 PM GMT

(Cannot be 2nd Lieutenant and you need a Full Name, not just Zero. I am the Enforcer of rules in this thread, hehe) "Alright, let's move up the Street, then check the Corner and move towards that Crashed Fighter." Daniel ordered his Squad after watching one of the Sabres dogfighting above crash. Williams and George quickly moved first with Matt, Jones and Davids moving slower behind, cover the Higher windows. Green and Butcher were advancing down the Side of the street with Anderson, Scott and Daniel over the Other Side. "Dan, I got movement in that house over there." He whispered as the Squad stopped in the Middle of the Crossroads. He moved forward and saw a Hole blown in the wall. He nodded to Butcher, who ran over with Davids and stepped through the Wall. The Rest of his squad and Him followed through and then exited out the other side. "17th Squad, this is Staff Sergeant Adams, stand by for further orders. We're pinned down on 1 Street, move there and help! Out" Daniel grabbed the Radio and replied. "Roger Adams, we'll be there Asap. Moving now!" Daniel gestured to his Squad and started giving orders. "Alright, Butcher, Williams and Anderson, get some Heavy Weapons. M60s, M-21s and some M-79s if we have any, wait, Scott go with them too. And take that LAW too. Alright Hooah, move out." Daniel nodded at Butcher who replied with a Grunt and moved out. Daniel's team then started advancing down the Street as Butcher's team covered from the Higher Levels. "This is Super Tweet Squadron." Daniel smiled as the Dragonfly Squadron came on Station ready to bomb VC Positions. "Super Tweet One, to 17th, identify yourselves with Green Smoke, I repeat Green Smoke, use Red Smoke and Flares to designate Enemies." Daniel replied with a Roger and looked at Jones. "You got the Flares and Red Smoke, and you Matt?" They grunted and nodded. "We've all got Green." His squad all smiled from ear to ear and then moved up to the End of the Street, when a machine gun opened up. "It's an RPD with a Type-24, get in there!" Davids shouted after listening for half a second. Dan nodded, Davids was the Resident Weapons Expert, and he liked explosives. The Squad barged into the abandoned house, but as they ran up to the Top Floor, Jones ran into a Man, who shouted something in Vietnamese. Jones was shocked and he looked into the Man's eyes, while he looked into Jones', The Vietcong reacted first, and sunk a Knife into his Neck. Dan was running up the Stairs and saw Jones being stabbed. He fired half his clip at the VC killing him. Another ran out of another room and was gunned down by Matt who was coming up behind Dan. "This is 17th, we've got a Problem, man down!" Green yelled into the Radio as the Rest of the Squad, other than George and Green covered the Street as the VC fired from the Other side of the road and Butcher's squad covered from the Next House along. "Super Tweet, hitting the VC Buildings, out." The Dragonflies suddenly unleashed a huge drop of bombs. Which flattened VC Buildings and their Vehicles, yet some remained and fired back. (Sorry for long post)
#7812615Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:05 PM GMT

"12th Marine, come in 12th Marine!" Green was screaming into the Radio, hoping Killer's squad who were nearby could hear them over the Radio. Green slammed the Microphone back onto the Pack and ran out into the Room where Dan was. "Sir, Jones is bad!" He yelled as he came in and fired a few well aimed shots with his M-16. Dan nodded as he stuck his M14 out and fired a Few Bullets at a Vietcong who was moving inside the Buildings. Matt put the Bipod of his M60 on the Wall, and started blazing away at the Vietcong doing the same to him. "Super Tweet coming in for Run Two." The Dragonflies came back over and dropped more bombs, taking out a few buildings and most of the Vietcong inside. Two Attack Hueys came overhead seconds after the Bomb drop, and raked the Buildings and the Walls on the Street with their Miniguns and M60s, before putting 2.75 Rockets into them as well. "Matt, Anderson!" Dan yelled at the Two, who turned around and started listening. Green grabbed the M60 and started firing it himself as Dan briefed Matt and Anderson. "Get downstairs and tell me if any troops are moving along!" They nodded before running down the stairs and seeing no troops were moving. Then they heard the unmistakable sound of a Tank rolling down the Street, but it was more than one, it was many and suddenly a Convoy of Tanks and APCs came down the road, with their .50s blazing at the VCs and the M35s .30s taking out what the .50s didn't "Dan, tanks moving up, pop the smoke!" Jones yelled as he took out a VC with a Grenade behind a Tank. Daniel pulled the Pin out the Grenade and dropped it, and green smoke started to fill the air.
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#7812646Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:06 PM GMT

Killer watched as men were cut down by the Viet Cong " Come in We need Help" Killer Yelled into the Radio
#7812967Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:17 PM GMT

The Tanks recognised the Presence of Daniel's squad and began to sweep the Other side of the Street. He moved downstairs with Jones and saw the Marine Colonel get out one of the M35s at the Back. He walked over to Daniel's building and stepped inside. "Good work Corporal! We've taken these lot out and we'll move up as soon as we get our casualties outta here." The Colonel patted Daniel on the Back and took off his Helmet. "Sir, we've got a bad casualty upstairs, he got knifed at Short Range, have you got room in the APCs that are moving back to the Command Centre." The Colonel nodded. "Great, another one, ok. Lieutenant! Get a Stretcher up here!" A Medic ran forward with another man carrying a stretcher. "Where Sir?" Daniel pointed upstairs and the Lieutenant nodded and they ran upstairs. The rest of his Squad came downstairs and waited for orders. "Ok, Corporal, get in the APCs near the Front, or the M35s and we're moving up to help the 12th Marines. Oorah." Daniel saluted and his team moved towards the Back two M35s and got inside.
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#7813093Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:20 PM GMT

" WE NEED SUPPORT" Killer yelled down the Radio Killer held a injured mans Hand " Stay with me" Killers squad hid behind a wall then tossed grenades of the wall
#7813989Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:51 PM GMT

"This is Green, Killer, our Convoy is moving up." Green was replying to an Annoyed Marine, who was in trouble. Daniel sighed and laid back in the Back of the M35. Scott and George had their M60s mounted on the Back of the Truck and Matt had his on the Roof of the Cab. "Ok, two minutes 'till we're there!" Dan yelled out after asking the Driver. His squad grunted and weapons were loaded. The Tanks in front had already started firing at VC UAZs that were scouting around, and the APCs were pulling over to let the Troops out. "Get out, we're here!" Daniel ordered as he jumped over the Side of the M35 and put some Bullets into a VC UAZ. A Patton unleashed its .50 next to him, and George put some fire with his M60 at the Same Place. Matt and Green ran up and barged into a building, before taking up positions on the Second Floor, while Scott and Anderson were following Butcher towards a Small Wall, where they were going to set up and use the Portable .30 and an M60. Daniel was followed by George, Williams and Davids over to a Wall, where there was Tracer Fire and Grenades coming over it. Daniel ran and vaulted the Wall, quickly followed by the Other Three, who set up their weapons and gave cover fire. "Private Killer, Corporal Jackson, 17 Squad. You needed help?" He asked and chuckled as a Marine Staff Sergeant gave cover from a bit further down. "Staff Adams, you're the 17th then, bit late, but better late than never."
Top 100 Poster
#7814072Thursday, April 23, 2009 7:54 PM GMT

"Yeh there is a machine gunner holding us up" Killer said then threw a grenade
#7814609Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:08 PM GMT

Daniel nodded and started signalling to the Butcher, who gave an exaggerated nod and started shouting orders at Scott and Anderson. Daniel put some fire down with his own M14 as the .30 and M60 began to fire at the Machine Gun Pinning them down, an APC opened up with its .50 and a Patton Tank started firing its Flamethrower. "All Firepower on one poor VC." Dan's warped sense of humour made him laugh and then he put some more potshots towards the VC Gunner. "Alright Killer, we've cleared it move up!" He ordered as the Gunner's position was seen to have been reduced to burnt ash and rubble. He gestured at his Men, and they gestured back with a 'yes'. "We're staying put, good luck Private." Dan gave a salute to Killer before taking up position to guard the Town. (Last Post Tonight from me, and Happy St. George's Day, I know you're a Taff (Welsh) Killer so you not as bothered, but night.)
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#7814657Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:09 PM GMT

( Yeh lol i am one) "Thanks mate you go" Killer Loaded his rifle and was ready
#7819364Thursday, April 23, 2009 10:18 PM GMT

(2nd lieutenant is the lowest rank you can have in the Air Force so...I'm going to edit my name.) Name:Gregory "Zero" Ridgebecher Age:22 Gender:Male Side:Allies Weapon(s):M-1911A1,Knife,Hand grenade Gear:Parachute,Cyanide Pill,Survival Kit Rank:2nd lieutenant, Airman First Class(, Ace) Squad:44th Air Force Fighter Squadron Vehicles:F-100 Super Sabre Specualties:Flying planes and having a steady aim. Bio:Joined the Air Force 8 months ago.He graduated near the top of his class. So far he has killed 7 enemy jets, 4 probables, 6 damaged, and hasn't been shot down yet. )
#7834158Friday, April 24, 2009 6:50 AM GMT

(No it is Not, I know the Ranks of multiple Services, and I think Airman Basic is, that's the Lowest Officer Rank. Senior Airman is the Highest Rank an Air Force Trooper can be. But I'll let you off, just as I can't be bothered to make a Scene)
#7841445Friday, April 24, 2009 6:45 PM GMT

Squad (Mainly for Me, I keep forgetting): Corporal Jackson (Me) Corporal Butcher - 2nd In Command Private First Class Jones (Man Down) Private First Class Davids Private First Class Green Private Matt Private George Private Anderson Private Scott Private Williams RP Post: "Well, Corporal Jackson, thanks for saving our Skin. Well, Jack's and mine, my squad are either KIA or MIA." The Staff Sergeant nodded and slung his M-16 over his shoulder, the Lance Corporal behind him nodded at them and loaded his own M-16. "Alright, Staff." Daniel nodded and the Rest of his Squad gathered around him. "Corporal Jackson!" Daniel did a Quick about-turn and saluted as 2nd Lieutenant Jamie Taylor yelled his name. "Get your Squad together, I want this Town Secured, the Rest of the Platoon will help!" He finished and returned Daniel's salute. He adjusted his Goggles on his Helmet before heading back to the Command Post in the Town Centre. "Super Tweet 2 Going Down!" Suddenly came over the radio, and Daniel's squad and the Marines hit the deck. The Dragonfly flew overhead before crashing into a Row of Houses, blowing them up, and destroying the plane. The Lieutenant came running over to Daniel and ordered them to go and secure the Crash Site. "Alrighty Sir." Daniel chuckled and his Squad and the Marines began moving tactically towards the Crash Site.