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#25786375Saturday, May 15, 2010 11:07 PM GMT

Title:Down under Genre: action/ Sci-fi Sequels:yes Chapter 2 Intro for book:24 years after the nuclear war a few good people were left on an island. The fallout turned almost everything..and everyone, into mutants. The world was left in the hands of Justin and Joseph rodriguez Keli was having a hard time running the city. Usually, Justin was there to put in some discipline. She tried, but she wasn’t mean. She was actually one of the nicest people you would ever meet. “Keli!” A voice said in the distance. Keli jumped on her small dragon, and flew to the shouting person. It was Kalintine, who was named after her mother, Kelintine, yep, you guessed it, Keli. Kalintine, or Kali ,had had a huge crush on Justin forever. Kali was standing at the edge of their biggest boat, Guiten, with a crowd of about 10 people and 15 kids. Guiten had enough room for 70 people, and Kali knew it. “Keli, c’mon, I’m looking for Justin!” Kali said. Keli should have known. But, Justin had not reported in for a few days so….what the heck, she’ll go. “Coming, wait for me!” She flew the dragon over the boat and jumped off after attacking a hook to her belt and another to the dragons harness. She swung down, gaining momentum with every gaining moment, and unattached the harness. She soared, flying high in the air, and then came back down divinf into the water. She swam to the beach to hear Kali say she was a showoff. She walked on the boat and started the engine.
#25786486Saturday, May 15, 2010 11:09 PM GMT

not entire chaptire*
#25845265Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:37 PM GMT

Title: RP closed Type: Comedy Sequel: Why would there? Rp clozed becuz teh wurld go BOOMEH
#25845600Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

TITLE: RP Open Genre: Comedy Sequels: Lolno. RP open again for no real reason.
#25846336Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:55 PM GMT

(RP closed was a joke, dude, it was a joke)
#25968744Wednesday, May 19, 2010 8:39 PM GMT

Ah, new idea. TITLE: The Sight CHAPTER 1: Dark Plots Genre: Action/Adventure/Slight Horror SEQUELS: Yes, more chapters. In the state of Montana, all was quiet in the nights. Nothing mysterious was remembered. But, as the quiet night reached the time of 1:00 A.M., a dark figure crept through the winter snow. The head looked around, and then it ran into a nearby forest. I leapt over large rocks and dead trees, until reaching an empty clearing. It stopped, and stood there for a few minutes. Then another figure came out from the shadows. "Ah, so you made it." said the First Figure. "Dear Eclimpse, I have never been late for a meeting." Said the second one. "Yes, Deoclipe, I heard that information from others." said Eclipmse. "So, have you found any more Seers?" asked Deoclipe. "I am sorry to say I haven't." "I have done so. I found a boy, almost 13. We must kill him before he reaches that" "Yes, I know why. But, how?" asked Eclipmse, sounding excited. "The boss has made a plan. We will intrude the house, and take him. We'll then bring him to the Lab, and test his fighting technique. If it is good, we will brainwash him, and he will think he's been working for us all his life. If it is bad...we will kill him." "What is the boy's name?" "Orpheus Kyleson." Miles away, in the state of Virginia, the boy named Orpheus Kyleson woke in a cold sweat.
#26558568Monday, May 31, 2010 6:44 PM GMT

TITLE: Last stand GENRE: Action/zombie horror SEQUELS: Yes I quickly changed my mind.I have played that game,But its gone all REAL!? "Howd-"And I fell on the ground.I think I would be,umm,some sort of killed,but Im not the other man who scares of all.While zombie tryed to take a fresh bite of my neck,I found a plate,somehow here,on the floor,and bashed that lady.She was showeled,and I stood up,took a knife from the kitchen counter(right near me)And sliced her nose.There was alot of blood.But she wasnt dead.... I sliced again.Now Im lucky.The ,uhm,zombie fell.And died,I think. I quickly shutted my door.I was grabbin' everythin' I can,And putted the stuff near the door,and finally created a barricade.Well,some kind off.Then suddenly a hand bashes somehow thru the door and even "got"to my TV.The zombie hand were in blood,TV did its job.I decided to run away somehow,witch seems to be unpossible.Airvents?Im not a hero.The only airvent is in my toilet.Even a mouse cant get here.Window?Nah,The fire ladders here are the worst things. So... Suddenly a zombie came out of window.I heared a shattering glass,And right near me there was a zombie.I grabbed a microware for this time,and smashed a head.The zombie fell on the table,And the table dusty old table made its last crush.I smashed again,but i felt pain in my fingers.Of course,its not turned off.The sandwitch fell on zombie,and then a flaming microware after.I quickly ran to the fire exghustier.I pulled the ring,prepared,and pulled the "trigger". The fire have been exghusted,the zombie is dead.RIP microware and table... No time for this.I got thru the window,and got on the ladder.Good thing the zombie was in the window,or i could be wounded.I got on the balcon of the ladder.And decided to leave this place,before the barricade's gone.
#26922780Sunday, June 06, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

I am bumping this because these are great stories..))
#26925654Monday, June 07, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

Title: The Living Dead Genre: Horror Sequels: Nope Lightning flashed. I ran through the rain with my pistol. I was running out of ammo, I had to make it to the train. Whenever the lightning flashed I saw the zombies and heard the screams of my family and friends being eaten alive. I shaked the image out and realized I was at the station. I ran to the back fastly and found surviviors. My heart leapt with joy...and then I heard a noise. "Raghhhhhhh" I turned around slowly and found about 10 zombies. "Go go go!" a man in a camo outfit yelled. I ran but fell. I cracked my head and sat there bleeding. I heard the train whistle. "NO!" I yelled. "WAIT WAIT!" But it was too late. The train was leaving and I was left with 10 zombies. I realized I might as well fight. I sat up and started shooting. I took out 3 and ran out of ammo. I watched as the zombies moved towards me and descended to eat my flesh.....
#26926343Monday, June 07, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

#27116431Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:59 AM GMT

TITLE: Last Stand GENRE: Action/zombie horror SEQUELS: Yes One day,a scientist named Jeorge,was sleeping in his office chair.His office,witch you can call a laboratory,was filled with alot of glass bottles,radiation air,computers,Microscopes,and counters.Jeorge was dressed in white tux,white coat whitch was over the tux,White trousers,and black comfortable boots.He was sleeping with his hands on his tummy,and with head up.He almostly looked like dead,but of course he was breathing.He had another of over 50 computers in his lab,but this one was right near him,on his desk.Exept the computer,there was a telephone,a picture of himself with friends holding gamepads (seems like they was playing X-Box 360)and some paperwork with the pen stand.The computer showed paragraphs,and numbers.Thought,from point of John,it didnt show anything usefull.He knew that the CEDA labs has alot of guards whitch can report a sleepy worker.Still,our fellow Johnny didnt sleep for a long time.He worked from 7 am till 9 pm,without almost stopping.Suddenly Jeorge woke up.He quickly took Parker's pen and bagan to write the usual test status. The Test was called HU-12.Scientists fed hungry poor animals with the wierd sort of drink.When parrots,dogs,cats,and other pets drank it,they began to die wierd death.The drink "ate" them,so you could see their bones. After this happened,Scientists of CEDA started to test it on the people,of course,for money.When human drank this sort of drink,he suddenly started to cought out blood,and his skin turned Grey.But there wasnt any other changes on his body exept theese.Drink didnt ate the skin,everything was ok.Testers started to break glass too,without sucess.But some did,and guards shot the in the tummy or face,and they died easily like flies(Meh zombies are not from RE,they are from L4D!>:O) But lets return to our sleepy John.He began writing.All of sudden one,then alot of glass bottles started to fall near the lab.The room was storage,but looks like a lab without people.The bottles didnt broke,they made of rubber.The drink poured in the sewers thought the wierd hole in the floor,witch seems to be not fixed for a long time.When everything poured in,the water changed to a little bit of green.No one noticed that.... To be continued
#27116525Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:07 AM GMT

Sorry but I want to correct this sentense a little: Testers started to break glass too,without sucess.But some did,and guards shot the in the tummy or face,and they died easily like flies(Meh zombies are not from RE,they are from L4D!>:O!,but they eat flesh...unlike L4D ones.)
#27154730Friday, June 11, 2010 12:43 AM GMT

O.o that was crazy!
#27173361Friday, June 11, 2010 9:51 AM GMT

TITLE: Welcome to Soviet Russia! (Im bored XD) GENRE: In Soviet Russia,Genres choose you! SEQUELS:Lolmaybe I was driving my Ford to the Leningrad.When I reached the sighn,my car suddenly transformed to Lada (Soviet car) and started to ride on me!But I suddenly ran faster....Omg. I woke up in the hospital.Wait,what the....Bed woke on me! It stood up,and I was on the floor!All of sudden the floor made a hole a pushed up,so the floor was on me!The doctor came and said:Mr Ark,its your time to go check the hospital... I woke up from the bed.Phew,it was over.At last.The worst nightmare. When suddenly a Ford Crushed my door,and took the keys...... FIN
#27224292Saturday, June 12, 2010 4:19 AM GMT

#32600248Friday, August 27, 2010 11:07 AM GMT

GENRE: Action/zombie horror (See subject for title) SEQUELS: Yes I landed on the grass,thank god.But I still wasnt lucky.There were alot of them.Army of them.And all coming towards me.After quickly noticining that its my own garden,I started to run fast.I knew I would die,but there was a chance.I found my pitchfork.This was a nice weapon to make some extra seconds of my life.I prepared to die.All of sudden.... Ive heared a shot.Then two.Three.Four.I couldnt understand whats going on.Zombies quickly turned in other direction.They were laying down one by one. I still didnt understand whats actually going on.When they were all dead.I heared a male voice saying:"So you say that this is a horde!?" I stood up,took my pitchfork,and went to the voice.I had alot of plants,so I couldnt see this guy.Now I saw him.He was my old friend Jake,very old and nice friend.He is very tall,always have his black jacket on him,shirt with picture of a car and words:Pardeks car service.Where he actually worked.He said:Holy jesus,Purp,its you! I responded:Yeah,I know... -Do you know whats going on here? -Nope.. -Zombie apocalypse! -What!!!? -Well yes.We all knew that.There are almost no survivors.Exept us. -Who? -Us. To be continued....
#32642253Saturday, August 28, 2010 12:07 AM GMT

Wow! I thought this had died along time ago!
#32775581Sunday, August 29, 2010 7:33 PM GMT

Il try and keep it alive...
#32775748Sunday, August 29, 2010 7:35 PM GMT

(Thanks man! I haven't been able to come up with a decent story in a long time)

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