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#25338050Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

4 Billion years ago, The planet forms. 5.3 million years ago, Life evolves in the universe. ---------- As you may know, This is an evolution thread, You evolve your creature to intellagence, AND try and find othere life. RULES: 1.No intellagence right away. 2.At first, You cannot find intellagence on othere planets, You have to do. different things. 3.You have to evolve for a reason. 4.Have fun. 5.I will assign admins once i see you fit. 6.No ubering. 7.No god-modding. 8.There will be wars, BE REALISTIC And no ubering. ----------------------- Sheet: Planet Name: Planet Age: Planet's Appearance: Unusual Things about the Planet:(Like werid shapes, ETC....) Is there life yet?: Plants:(Atleast 2, More than one.) Plant Appearance: Animals: Animals Appearanace: Animals or Cells:(Atleast 2, More than one.) Animal or Cells Apearance:
#25338866Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:31 PM GMT

Pl.anet Na.me:Fra.q 5 Plan.et Ag.e:5 M.illi.on ye.ars Plan.et's Appe.arance:http://www.freewebs.(REM.OVE)com/danielsblog/Spore%20Planet.jpg Unu.sual Thi.ngs ab.out th.e Plan.et:Pur.ple mouta.ins(S.ome.) I.s t.h.ere lif.e y.et?:Y.es Pla.nts:Fra.nkian, A. fl.y-tr.ap li.ke pl.ant, Ha.s sm.all ha.irs, AN.D, st.ands u.p fro.m i.t's ru.its, Al.so, A ho.rick, A pla.nt th.at loo.ks lik.e a. p.alm tr.ee. Pla.nt Ap.pearance:Ab.ove Ani.mals:Bra.ks, A b.row.n cr.eat.ure, It.'s a ani.mal th.at. wal.ks o.n a.ll fo.urs, An.d .th.en t.here a.re york.ians, W.hich ha.s .2 wi.ngs, an.d fli.es, A.LSO, .It i.s whi.tish-Bla.ckish, A.nd loo.ks de.vilish, A ce.ll ca.lled a Jo.kan i.s a.ll re.d, An.d ha.s a f.a.g.e.l//li//m, A.n.d i.s circul.are. A.nimals Ap.pearanace:Ab.ove Anim.als o.r C.ells:Ce.lls: Ma.ny, so.me circ.ulare, so.me ov.al. Ani.mal o.r Ce.lls Apear..ance:A.b.ove
#25339290Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:42 PM GMT

#25339328Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:43 PM GMT

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#25339384Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:44 PM GMT

New rule: Rule 9. I must accept you. Robot, Not accepted.
Top 25 Poster
#25339476Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:47 PM GMT

Planet Name: Avonus Planet Ag/e: A couple hundred million years. Planet's Appearance: Slightly smaller than earth. All of it is a massive freshwater forest swamp. It's gravity is higher than Earth's, and it's atmosphere is made of various harmless gases. Unusual Things about the Planet: It has massive concentrations of a very magnetic ore. Is there life yet?: Yes Plants: Fungus Tree, Water Dipper Plant Appearance: FUNGUS TREE- A thick, towering mushroom, with a wide and thick cap. It's stem is tree-like, and bleeds a dark green pus. It reproduces by spores. The new generations grow on top of older, dead generations. They come in various sizes, shapes, and colors, depending on species. Their most notable feature is that they are surprisingly intelligent, and capable of many thoughts that humans are capable of. However, they are not sentience. WATER DIPPER- A short, but thick plant, similar in appearance to the Pitcher Planet. They are usually a vibrant red color, and dip into the semi-shallow waters of the never-ending swamp. They have a symbiotic relationship with dozens of small, unnamed parasites, which digest their food for them, as well as bring dead plant matter to it. In return, they have a safe breeding ground. Animals: Mushroom Mimicker, Crawler Fish Animals Appearance: MUSHROOM MIMICKER- Built in similar design to the decaying cap of a dead Mushroom Tree, with 4 pairs of small, yet thick and strong legs. They crawl along the floor of the shallow parts of the swamp, where they can easily be mistaken for a dead mushroom's cap slowly drifting along. This is how they catch prey. They have four hidden eyes on the top of the cap, and two film covered ones on their central lobe area. On the central lobe area, they have a long, sticky tongue. When they are landed upon by prey, the mushroom cap top of their bodies will suddenly curve up, and they will flip over, retracting their limbs into the 'mushroom' cap. They will slowly sink down, where their prey is trapped, and will eventually drown. Then, the Mushroom Mimickers will secret a digestive substance, and will swallow up the black paste left behind. CRAWLER Crab- massive, wide and towering crustaceans. Have no head, but have shells that cover all parts of them that are visible besides the underbelly. Have hundreds of spider-like legs, each one as long and broad around as a human leg. They are omnivorous, and feed on everything except the Fungus Trees. They are capable of swimming in the areas of the swamp that can actually be considered the sea, and they have very powerful bones to go with their exoskeleton. While a sense of sight is almost nonexistent, their sense of hearing, and echolocation (for underwater), is incredible. (Guess which one will be my main species, in the end. Also, everything is massive because of the high gravity and very dense atmosphere. They've evolved that way to withstand it.) Animals or Cells: Animal or Cells Appearance:
Top 25 Poster
#25339516Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

(Scratch intelligence on the trees. However, they are capable of gaining it at a later date. Also, why is Robot not accepted?)
Top 25 Poster
#25339541Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:48 PM GMT

(Nevermind, I see.)
#25339576Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:49 PM GMT

(Signaturecrow, He dosn't explain what planet he's on, He just left out alot of important stuff.) (Accepted signurdcrozov Robot, you will be accepted if you say what planet you came from.)
#25339639Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

(Late post.) (Accepted Sig. NEW ADMIN: Signaturecrow In the sea... Several small cells swim around, one stumbles apon another, eating one.
#25339792Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:54 PM GMT

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#25339865Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:56 PM GMT

(And they can't be a plant then, You are going to have to explain there whole appearance then.)
#25339918Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:57 PM GMT

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#25339980Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:58 PM GMT

(Okay, Accepted, But i will be watching you.) The broks hunt in packs of 4, As they catch a few insects.
#25340022Thursday, May 06, 2010 8:59 PM GMT

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#25340057Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:00 PM GMT

(No, As at first, Plants formed before animals.)
#25340136Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:02 PM GMT

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Top 25 Poster
#25340226Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

(Branch, you don't need to be watching him and all. Also, why do you call me signature crow?) Life on Avonus goes on, the creatures unaware of the Keelahgesh above them.
#25340241Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:04 PM GMT

The Jokas swim in packs, sometimes they are loners, As they swim, They snatch up and eat several cells.
#25340290Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:05 PM GMT

(If i don't watch him, Then why should i watch this thread??? And i like calling you signaturecrow.)
Top 25 Poster
#25340349Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:06 PM GMT

Crawler Crabs die off partially, as they run their food supply dry. So, instead, they begin to feed on Fungus Trees. Surprisingly, the Fungus Trees adapt to this. They now have strong(er), thick(er) roots, which dig deep(er) into the ground, to anchor them against the force of the Crawler Crabs, which eat them using four pairs of cutting jaws. The first two are on the outside, meeting at a middle point, while the last pair is within the other two, meeting diagonally.
Top 25 Poster
#25340387Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:07 PM GMT

(Branch, why do you say you watch him? That implies that you pay particularly close attention to him, ignoring others. You do not need to watch him closer than you watch any others. If you aren't only watching him, then why did you not say 'I'm watching you' to me?)
#25340449Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

(Because i didn't want to, Must i explain everything?) The broks hunt more and more, They evolve longer legs, and grow taller.
Top 25 Poster
#25340514Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

(Depends, must you be so mean?) (You didn't want to, or you didn't think of it?) Fungus trees and Crawler Crabs are now in harmony, and no further evolution is done.
#25340520Thursday, May 06, 2010 9:10 PM GMT

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