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#254513Saturday, November 24, 2007 5:16 PM GMT

Rate Bar (people who think i'm am popular/un-popular: None Rate: No Rates rated: None shirt rate: None Hat rate: No Hat Body color rate: None Message: please reply to this post to rate it or to just chat back. ___________________________________________________________________________ do you think I am popular? not alot of people think that. but some do. *thinking* ah-ha! here I will show my movie! well, if you think I should.
#257532Sunday, November 25, 2007 11:11 PM GMT

I Havent heard of u, but ur just spiffy. Average like player.
#6710590Monday, March 23, 2009 10:12 PM GMT

yea your ok u would look better if u had a backwards hat but what do i look like and also i like vamps and i want girl hair for hats and bot hats and i also want a face with girl eyelashes on it

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