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#25542957Monday, May 10, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

(stupid question) How about lizardmen in the desert areas? they vary in tyoe from snake-like ones to (maybe) dragon ones.
#25542999Monday, May 10, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

Maybe you should read the proposed idea for the environment?
#25543320Monday, May 10, 2010 9:23 PM GMT

Race of the slitherins The slitherins are half human, half lizard creature living in the warm, underground cave. They are large, fast and walk on bent legs. a notable feature is that their legs are not straight like humans, but bent. Sliterins are a race which rep.roduces using eggs. they mainly eat meat, and weild mostly spear/halberd like weapons, where they are very efficient at using them, being able to block, attack and counter attack efficiently. The slitherins are mainly hunters, rogues and sometimes priests, where they are taught about certain chants with different purposes. Being lizard like creatures, Heat/fire based attacks have very low effect on them. they also, due to their scale and them being cold blooded, are immune to many effects. Slitherins grows in "Ponds", looked after by a old female. they are looked after until the age of 5, where they start to talk. sliterins grows very quickly, and lives old, on an average of 120 years.
#25544058Monday, May 10, 2010 9:33 PM GMT Might have to squint a little, but I did my best.
Top 25 Poster
#25544304Monday, May 10, 2010 9:37 PM GMT

Thinking of a desert based speicies.
#25544385Monday, May 10, 2010 9:38 PM GMT

Super, come join us at Firruu's place for the discussion.
#25546568Monday, May 10, 2010 10:11 PM GMT

Race of Ampliogens. The Ampliogens are the evolution of humans. When technology was improved, the humans decided it was time to become one with it. They eventually found out how to infuse technology to themselves, and became the Ampliogens, or 'improved people'. The 'improvements' were simple at first. Physical enhancements, like increased running speed were common. Eventually, though, they got more complex; things like metal tentacles, or tails with large blades. Currently, modifications that allow implanted Ampliogens to control elemental energy are in the works. For the most part, Ampliogens look human. The ones who look human are 'mundanes'. Their modifications are all internal, and they make up the middle class. Below them are the 'uglies', and above them are the 'pretties'. Uglies are Ampliogens that have been changed in severe ways through modifications. They are typically experiments, and used for war. Their modifications are mostly external. Pretties, however, are the top class. Though external modifications may be present, they have a type of intimidating beauty. Their facial and body features will be perfect, due to surgery, and their external modifications will be sleek, but powerful. They usually have the most advanced modifications. ~ Not great, I know. I need to work on them a bit more. This is the base information, though.
#25547002Monday, May 10, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

Oh, race war firruu? :P The Halcyons The Halcyons are an alien race. They are gifted in both high technology, magic, sciences and in the use and crafting of cristals, which takes a large part of their culture. Halcyons, are, in essense, immortal. They live up to 500 years, and once they die, may choose to reborn, revive or transform into a shade (Sort of a ghost). Halcyons are tall, thin, gentle bug like creatures with a humanoid appearence. they wear armor, and like......How...could i put this forward....."Shiny" things. this means that they are always clean, and always are armed with staffs or spell cristals. Halcyons can be very resillient, since their main source of life is not their body, but their souls. a halcyon may not actually be killed easily until his spirit expires, which can be done by using soul damagin spell/weapons or making them "Lose hope". Despite the fact that they are very ressilient, powerful and admirable, they are still humble and fair. they take pride in the fact that they like to help other races, and are very helping and welcomming. Despite all the abilities and qualities, Halcyon are rare as their re.production rates are slow....|Very slow...
Top 25 Poster
#25547339Monday, May 10, 2010 10:23 PM GMT

Collab race? Have their name and their living area. -+RUINED+- - They live in the deep, deep, desert, usually underground. - Their usually covered in cloth, sometimes they hair external and internal modifications. They have distilling suits that allow them to contain water in the open desert.
#25548255Monday, May 10, 2010 10:37 PM GMT

If you're wondering why I'm not posting races, it's because Firruu and I are coming up with races in his place. And, I'm not good with race paragraph description thingies.
#25548655Monday, May 10, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

Come to my place, or miss out on vital discussion.
#25549014Monday, May 10, 2010 10:49 PM GMT

Canyon Golems ------------------ These are 8'foot towering rock monsters. They worship a god called Potere-Sham. Once born, they are implanted with a chip to give them a single special ability, the most common being formation-shifting. They are natural engineers, while they don't really look like it. The males have purple eyes while the females have green. Females are actually the tougher and more important ones, while the males are the smarter and more servant-like. They live in the deep western Canyons and talk with deep voices. While they may seem extremely primitive, they are excellent engineers. They are intoxicated with minds of terminal and electrical knowledge. Some females can evolve into Sham-Golems. With this, they are granted with great sense of strength and physique. They are also granted with the ability of auto-persuasion, or voice lockpicking, as they call it. They can force any (NPC) Golem into completely agreeing with them with this valuable tool. They look like a normal Golem you hear in stories, but they usually wear a type of dark armour. This is a normal female Golem you would come across: Although, most likely, it wouldn't have the axe. That is casual Golem clothing.
#25550432Monday, May 10, 2010 11:11 PM GMT

Ice Goblens ------------- They're small grunts from the ice lands. They are the weakest of the races and would most likely be overpowered in a fight, but they have their advantages. With them being about 3 ft. tall, they can climb into holes and hide where no one else would be able to. They are artistic, agile, and smart, yet can't fight at all. Well, atleast some of them. They are all granted with atleast one power related to ice. There are many of them, and they prefer cold over hot any day. They have high, nasal voices and walk on bent, twig-like legs. They wear a wool-coat no matter where they go. They have long, pointy ears like Wood Elves. They have long elipse-shaped noses and deep brown eyes. They are normally skinny and have claws at the ends of their fingers. They are normally a toothpaste-like blue or a light brown.
#25550551Monday, May 10, 2010 11:12 PM GMT

Great. So now we just need to put everything together.
#25552131Monday, May 10, 2010 11:35 PM GMT

~Darynels~ Ice Goblens ------------- They're small grunts from the ice lands. They are the weakest of the races and would most likely be overpowered in a fight, but they have their advantages. With them being about 3 ft. tall, they can climb into holes and hide where no one else would be able to. They are artistic, agile, and smart, yet can't fight at all. Well, atleast some of them. They are all granted with atleast one power related to ice. There are many of them, and they prefer cold over hot any day. They have high, nasal voices and walk on bent, twig-like legs. They wear a wool-coat no matter where they go. They have long, pointy ears like Wood Elves. They have long elipse-shaped noses and deep brown eyes. They are normally skinny and have claws at the ends of their fingers. They are normally a toothpaste-like blue or a light brown. Canyon Golems ------------------ These are 8'foot towering rock monsters. They worship a god called Potere-Sham. Once born, they are implanted with a chip to give them a single special ability, the most common being formation-shifting. They are natural engineers, while they don't really look like it. The males have purple eyes while the females have green. Females are actually the tougher and more important ones, while the males are the smarter and more servant-like. They live in the deep western Canyons and talk with deep voices. While they may seem extremely primitive, they are excellent engineers. They are intoxicated with minds of terminal and electrical knowledge. Some females can evolve into Sham-Golems. With this, they are granted with great sense of strength and physique. They are also granted with the ability of auto-persuasion, or voice lockpicking, as they call it. They can force any (NPC) Golem into completely agreeing with them with this valuable tool. They look like a normal Golem you hear in stories, but they usually wear a type of dark armour. This is a normal female Golem you would come across: Although, most likely, it wouldn't have the axe. That is casual Golem clothing. The Halcyons --------------- The Halcyons are gifted in both high technology, magic, sciences and in the use and crafting of crystals, which takes a large part of their culture. They live up to 500 years, and once they die, may choose to reborn, revive or transform into a shade (Sort of a ghost, yet cannot fight in this form.). Halcyons are tall, thin, gentle bug like creatures with a humanoid appearance. They wear armor and “shiny" things. This means that they are always clean, and always are armed with staffs or spell crystals. Their main source of life is not their body, but their souls. A Halcyon may not actually be killed easily until his spirit expires, which can be done by using soul damaging spell/weapons or making them "lose hope". Despite the fact that they are very powerful and admirable, they are still humble and fair. They take pride in the fact that they like to help other races, and are very helping and welcoming. Despite all the abilities and qualities, Halcyon are very rare. Race of Ampliogens ---------------------- The Ampliogens are the evolution of humans. When technology was improved, the humans decided it was time to become one with it. They eventually found out how to infuse technology to themselves, and became the Ampliogens, or 'improved people'. The 'improvements' were simple at first. Physical enhancements, like increased running speed were common. Eventually, though, they got more complex; things like metal tentacles, or tails with large blades. Currently, modifications that allow implanted Ampliogens to control elemental energy are in the works. For the most part, Ampliogens look human. The ones who look human are 'mundanes'. Their modifications are all internal, and they make up the middle class. Below them are the 'uglies', and above them are the 'pretties'. Uglies are Ampliogens that have been changed in severe ways through modifications. They are typically experiments, and used for war. Their modifications are mostly external. Pretties, however, are the top class. Though external modifications may be present, they have a type of intimidating beauty. Their facial and body features will be perfect, due to surgery, and their external modifications will be sleek, but powerful. They usually have the most advanced modifications. Race of the Slitherens ------------------------ The Slitherens are half human, half lizard creature living in warm, underground caves. They are large, fast and walk on bent legs, which is a pretty notable feature of them. Sliterens are a race which rep.roduces using eggs. They mainly eat meat, and wield mostly spear/halberd like weapons, where they are very efficient at using them, being able to block, attack and counter attack efficiently. The Slitherens are mainly hunters. Being lizard like creatures, Heat/fire based attacks have very low effect on them. They, due to their scale and them being cold blooded, are immune to a few effects. Slitherens grows in "ponds", looked after by a old female. They are looked after until the age of 5, where they start to talk. Slitherens grows very quickly, and lives old, on an average of 120 years. Race of Wood-Elves ---------------------- This race is native to the forests of the land. They are fairly numerous, but you will see few in a lifetime, as they reside in the deepest parts of the forest. Their society is formed by clans, typically defined by the characteristics of the elves within the clan. The wood-elves have a unique method of raising their children; at birth, the child is abandoned in the forest. Sensing the link with nature, an animal will take this child as one of it's own. The animal will raise the child for five years, in which it will take on the characteristics of the animal, and forge a bond with the species. At the five-year point, the animal will bring the child to the corresponding clan, where it will be raised, and taken in as part of the family. There are two exceptions, however. On some circumstances, the child will not be taken at all by any animal. This child will most likely die. If it survives, however, and others find it, it will be raised as a shaman. A shaman is one who can affect the mental, physical, or emotional state of another. The shaman will have one or more senses eliminated, however, and will be extremely frail. Another possibility is that the child will be passed between several animals. This child will retain the characteristics of the first animal, but will have the ability to turn into, and gain the characteristics of ANY animal. This is called a druid. Both druids and shaman are revered as the most important members of their clan, behind the leader. The typical wood elf is rather tall in height, averaging about seven feet. Their builds are quite slender, though, but their muscles are finely developed. Their senses are also incredibly sharp. They are natural leaders, especially when it comes to navigating a foreign environment. They also make fine warriors, varying in capabilities depending on the animal that raised them. Someone at one with a bird may act as a scout, whilst one raised by a wolf may be a ferocious warrior. DARYNEL MAP! --------------- is the place to go for a map of the area you’re dealing with. Intro: The great lands of Darynel. Many peaceful creatures live in thee, you being one of them. You live like any normal race, doing your normal every day thing. But more of the important stuff. This is nothing like your every day medieval story. This is a medieval world of future technology. Like a sword that produces electricity. There are no spaceships, no. No transportation like technology. Terminal technology, cybernetic technology, and electricity. That kind of stuff. The story will be revealed in the roleplay like it’s a story. There will be no sheets. Just detailed paragraphs. Much more will be revealed as this roleplay progresses. Great thanks go to: Phoneguy Bloxxernoob Firruu And Supersonic2000 ~Darynels~
#25553204Monday, May 10, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

Phoneguy gave me the rights to post and edit. I'm considering removing the Halcyons entirely, due to the fact that their existence is pointless.
Top 25 Poster
#25553822Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:01 AM GMT

Ah, is it posted yet? I need to jam in the ruined at somepoint.
#25554182Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:07 AM GMT

I will post it now, but I'm removing the aliens.
Top 25 Poster
#25554278Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:08 AM GMT

Ah, fah. Would have posted -+ THE RUINED +- before the thread would have been posted. Their not aliens, so, yey.
#25554610Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

The grammar on the lizard-people sucks as well, in addition to the lack of detail. I don't feel like fixing it. When Bloxxer can be bothered to fix it himself, it'll be posted.
#25554840Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:18 AM GMT

I say that you just let it pass. I did some editing on it. Or, if not, just don't add it. Yep, I'm back.
#25555101Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:22 AM GMT

I really don't like them right now. Bloxxer needs to put some actual effort in.
#25555294Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

He's not on right now. Maybe for now we won't add it in, and when he's on, you can PM him and ask him to change them. Then they can be in any everyone'll be happy.
#25555486Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

what will be the name
#25555571Tuesday, May 11, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

It's up right now, by the way.

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