#27492487Wednesday, June 16, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

Pacce-Ikran Hunter Bakteyo and I crammed ourselevs inside a large crowd of villagers.We tried to get as near to The Eytukan as possible.In the end we were still quite far away from her.The crowd made a big fuss about us budging them away which created more fuss for the crowd next to us and it soon became a chain of squabble and before you knew it the whole village was in a state of chaos. Kamaro-Leader of Hunting Party It was a riot.Aynilra and I guarded The Eytukan but we didn't move, not even flinch.She didn't silence the crowd.Instead she went back to her carelessly patient way.This annoyed me.I didn't want to to stand and guard The Eytukan only to watch fools like these squabble and fight. "*Na'vi*SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!!* The crowd suddenly bacame silent immediately.Even The Eytukan looked up. Pacce-Ikran Hunter Same old Kamaro I suppose.The Eytukan stood up. "I'ts quite alright,Kamaro,"as she ushered Kamaro away calmly.Kamaro stood down but he still had that look of disgust on his face.The look I feared.
#27497429Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:29 PM GMT

Kamaro-Leader of Hunting Party I looked at the crowds scanning for villagers who dared to make eye contact with me.No one.I stepped back. "*Na'vi*I'm sorry,Sister,"I said.She stepped forward. " tell you the truth..I was actually praying to The Great Mother for a distraction like this." What? "I'd only wish for it to last longer though but I figured that I had to tell you all sooner or later.Running away from the horrifying truth is not what good leaders do so..Here it goes..." "Not many of you know about the skybeings that have recently set foot on Pandora.Even I know very little about them but judging by what I know now...They are hostile and a great danger to Pandora and its inhabitants.A few of the village Elders and I flew to Iknimaya where the Omaticaya make their eternal bond with an Ikran.But what we saw there was absolutely terrible.I don't want to see that kind of thing happen again.I don't want you to see that thing happen again." "So as untill today there will be no more aerial hunts.The ground hunts will be reduced to a minimum.No villager is to go anywhere out of the village.If you see anything strange please report it to me or one of the village elders.I apologise brothers and sisters but I do all this to keep you alive.May Eywa guide us through these tough times ahead of us."
#27505130Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:27 PM GMT

Jimmy I got back on course.Then swurved around a tree. Harrison "We shouldn't be out here..."I said. Jimmy "The patrol is on time,we'll be back at base in about half an hour. Harrison "I thought this patrol was supposed to be longer..."I said. Jimmy "That was a mistake on the patrol roster."I told Harrison.
#27505949Wednesday, June 16, 2010 11:39 PM GMT

Anderson "So that's what happened." Shmit "Yes sir. I need to get back to my work now, the patrol is leaving in 15 minutes, since it's a night op we'll need everything in top shape."
#27508814Thursday, June 17, 2010 12:20 AM GMT

Jimmy I saw a Banshee coming in close.I hovered and turned right so Harrison could shoot it."Get em'."I said. Harrison I shot the Banshee out of the sky.
#27627922Saturday, June 19, 2010 12:28 AM GMT

T'seuke Finally, T'seuke got back to Hometree. He went up to one of the higher branches and found his leafpod. He stayed awake serveral hours, just watching the night clouds roll by and the stars twinkle.
#27637798Saturday, June 19, 2010 3:11 AM GMT

Anderson "Alright, I'll leave you to your minor paranoia." I joked Shmit "Don't make me remind you of how man times incompetent techs almost got me killed."
#27649592Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:15 AM GMT

Pacce-Ikran Hunter "*Na'vi*But thats ridiculous!"I couldn't hold the anger in any longer."This is our world!We can't just leave them to destroy it!Shouldn't we fight back?" "What are you gonna do then, crybaby?You think you can stop them alone?One warrior won't bring these skybeings down.Infact this whole clan won't brong these skybeings down!"This was the first time in years that Kamaro spoke to me.He didn't raise his voice but his cold words and gruesome look pierced me."Its time to start thinking real instead of living in your old childish fantasy world.It would be best if you got got used to the fact that we are powerless."I was punished by my careless words and humiliated in front of the clan.I felt like I should have never left the forest.
#27653572Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:18 PM GMT

T'seuke Finally, he rolled over in his leafpod and closed his eyes. The world instantly closed up and flashed to sunlight. Morning time, oh how T'seuke hated waking up.
#27664181Saturday, June 19, 2010 5:19 PM GMT

Shmit My squad and I returned from our night patrol. We had been attacked again. A thantor this time, it ad broken the canopy on my AMP but we managed to hurt it enough that it ran off. Luckily for me. On the way back I was relying on a Exopack and again we were attacked, that time by a small group of viperwolves. One gave me a gash on my arm before I took my sidearm to its head. Again we repelled them, albeit barely.
#27667923Saturday, June 19, 2010 6:27 PM GMT

Jimmy I was bringing Lucky Thirteen back from patrol.About 1.5 Klicks from base.It had been a long patrol after all. Harrison I was barely awake and all I wanted was to lay in my bunk.
#27730651Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:14 PM GMT

T'seuke The alien noise of those skybeings flying around filled the air, which was so foriegn, but everyone has learned to get used to it. It will only be a matter of time before they evict us of our land, T'seuke thought
#27737937Sunday, June 20, 2010 11:40 PM GMT

Jimmy I hovered Lucky Thirteen over the landing pad.I started gently going down.
#28105196Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

James Dengald He walked silently around the base making sure everything was in ship-shape. Every flaw he saw, he commanded a maggot to fix it, clean it, anything. It was the end of the week and Commander Dengald always did checks at the end of every week, just to show who's the boss, really [[Sorry, I can't post much, try to invite friends to RP with you guys, or RP without me, I'm on vacation so it's hard to keep up.]]
#28127643Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:26 PM GMT

(I'm on vacation too.Lol) Jimmy Lucky Thirteen touched down on the landing pad.I powered down the Sampson and got out.I then started checking the engines. Harrison I checked my doorgun and removed it from it's mount.I set it down and checked the mount.
#28331887Wednesday, June 30, 2010 6:05 PM GMT

T'seuke He ran off down Hometree. Na'vis were crowding as always at the base of the tree. T'seuke ran off into the forests and climbed on a direhorse. "Yah!" he hollared as the direhorse started a trot, then a gallop. Eventually, he made his way down through the forest, leaping over the shrubs and everything. He rode all the way into the deepest parts. Finally, he gave the direhorse a breather and let it drink from a small stream. He pat it and it started to gallop back to Hometree. Mu'ar, as sure as always, was gliding overhead. "Isa cu'ay," T'seuke whispered, and Mu'ar turned and went back to Hometree, reluctantly. It was a long time since he has hunted on feet, but he was hunting for something different this time, he was hunting for clues, facts, answers. Why are these aliens landing here? Why are they ending life as he knew it? Why are they killing animals? What are they using the trees that had to be killed for? Why do they need the area clear of trees? What are they wearing on their faces? What are those monsters they have tamed? How did they tame them? All of those questions and more buzzed around T'seuke's head, flooding his head. He can't rest until those questions have been answered and the forest in perfect harmony again. The connections under the forest are being destroyed by them, everyone can feel it weakening, especially the animals that depend on that connection.
#28413771Thursday, July 01, 2010 9:12 PM GMT

Jimmy I got out of the hanger and headed to the barracks.
#28431622Friday, July 02, 2010 1:15 AM GMT

[[It seems like people are leaving the thread. I wonder if they will come back.]] T'seuke Te walked stealthily in the shrubs. He was close to the base, but not close enough to be detected by them. A huge AMP walked close to him, but he pushed himself into the cavity of a large tree. He continued to approach the base even closer, aware that he was now in range of being seen by them. T'seuke crept around in the shadows of the more bluish plants, hiding his blue skin so that he may not be seen.
#28477671Friday, July 02, 2010 8:27 PM GMT

(Sorry I've been gone. I did get you the memo about how I'd be in England for a while right?)
#28490753Saturday, July 03, 2010 12:02 AM GMT

[yeah i got the memo, but everyone else except for you that hasn''t been active lately seems to have left >.>]]
#28506830Saturday, July 03, 2010 4:04 AM GMT

(I think the novelty wore off.)
#28941530Friday, July 09, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

(testing testing...)
#28941576Friday, July 09, 2010 11:30 PM GMT

(sorry,i needed to try something...)
#28943416Friday, July 09, 2010 11:57 PM GMT

(Dude, the thread has been dead fr over a week. Let it RIP.)
#29142938Tuesday, July 13, 2010 1:18 AM GMT

[[Okay, let's declare this a dead thread now. Good RPing, mates. This is probably one of the most successful thread I've made so far.]]