#2625340Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:06 AM GMT

i know but idk the path cause this place is a maze
#2625448Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:14 AM GMT

MC:i got an idea for clearing this maze. i'm pretty sure strong epxlosives will work. *blows on whistle* Bob-omb 1:yes, sir? MC:blow a ohle right through this maze! Bob-omb 2:sir yes sir!*blows a direct hole to exit of maze* MC:conviunient, huh? i have thousands of bob-ombs at my command.
#2625564Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:20 AM GMT

Deimos: Suicidal little men? Cool.
#2625669Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:27 AM GMT

ren:hey its the core wait i remember in sonic and knuckles and sonic 3 and knuckles that the core is a boss! core:enemies detected" puts indestructle walls in exit ren: ok lets destroy this thing key:"gets protected by a sheild so we cant get it"
#2625689Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:29 AM GMT

Deimos: NO!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! *Starts banging on walls* Sanford: Calm down jeeze, here, Smoke your drugs. Deimos: :D
#2625714Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:31 AM GMT

ren:pk beam! "shoots beam core:"shoots beam"" blocks my beam" sprkys:"shoots sparks"
#2625733Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:32 AM GMT

Hank: Who needs magic when you have guns? *Takes out a Heavy Bazooka and shoots* (Earthbound reference)
#2625734Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:32 AM GMT

MC:no wall is gonig to stop me!*fuse lights, and MC turns red*make a bomb shelter! i'm gonna use nukesplosion! *fuse almost reaches MC* Deimos:OMG Sanford:MOMMY! *i'm gonna go to bed, so this may be my last post. carry out the nukesplosion plox =D*
#2625752Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:33 AM GMT

Deimos: Oh. #$%@. Sanford: Agreed. *'Splode*
#2625773Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:35 AM GMT

what i mean by last that i'll bwe back. i'm going ot bed, so i won't post until i get back home.
#2625791Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:36 AM GMT

in other words, MC doesn't die form this. it'll be like a normal splosion. he won't die. that means i'll keep posting =D
#2625880Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:42 AM GMT

I get it...
#2626112Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:54 AM GMT

"explosian smoke goes away" core still stands but its damaged" ren:pk rockin beta! core:error error!"tons of beams keep coming out ren:uh oh "gets near every one"pk sheild sygma!"sheild comes out and all lasers are bouncing back"
#2628916Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:48 PM GMT

Kami: Oh this is awesome!
#2629890Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:42 PM GMT

Pico:*Takes Out A Knife And Cuts The Wire To The Sheild*
#2630606Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:30 PM GMT

MC:*gets flying from his own explosion*ARGH!*get blasted through time, into Count Bleck's castle*oof....where am i? Bob-omb:hey guys, a fellow refugee! Bob-omb 2:dude, we need to hide form nastria, or she'll get us, and make us one of....them... MC:ummm....them? wait a sec, i'm as flat as paper! Bob-omb:you aren't supposed to be here, are you? nevermind that. we need to get moving! ???:mmkay, what's going on here?! Bob-omb 3:oh,NO! it's her! run!!!*flees* Bob-omb:huh?*gets zapped by brainwash*all hail count bleck! Bob-omb 2:NOOOOOO! brother!!!!i surrender! just don't brainwash me! i'll do anything you say! kill me if i don't! Nastaria:very good. oh, i see there's one more. be ready to become one of these guys, mmkay? MC:oh man....*gets zapped*augh!....never..... Nastaria:a fighter, hmm? but nobody evades my superr hypnosis, mmkay?*increases brianwash power* MC:no......*braiwnash continues*......all....heal....count.....BLECK.......
#2630612Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:31 PM GMT

hail i mean =|
#2630677Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:40 PM GMT

Nastaria:count bleck, sir? Bleck:WHAT?! Nastaria:appearntly this bob-omb knows about the future. perhaps we should send him into the future and kill all the heroe's so the all worlds will become swallowed? Bleck:hmm.....very well. *opens portal in time*go, Mr. C. Mr. C:with pleasure.*enters portal* Name:Mr. C Bio:He IS MC, but he is long lost to the team, unless they somehowe give him a major concussion. he is nothing to tinker with now- he is a true villan, complete with a Mr. L scarf and mask. HP:125/125 Attk:450 Def:60 Speed:175 Moves 1:dark slam(charge fused with dark fire) 2:dark bob-omb toss(makes dark matter upon explosion) 3:water bomb blast 4:subspace explode(makes Mr.C explode, drawing anything in a small radius into subspace.) Final smash:BoomBot(goes inside the BoomBot ,which spits dark bob-ombs a stomps opponents) Final:Subspace Nukesplosion:(if you saw the subspace emmisary, you know just how dangerous this can be.)
#2630681Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:42 PM GMT

actually for move 3 it is dark napalm bomb.
#2630699Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:45 PM GMT

Name:Count Bleck Desc:The Owner Of The Dark Phrophicy LVL:300 Atk:300 Def:300 Speed:300 EXP:1000 To Next Lvl Final Smash:DESTROY THE UNIVERSE(can Be Used Only Once) Name:Captain Olimar Desc:A Hocotateion Lvl:20 Atk:100 Def:100 Speed:100 EXP:300 To Next Lvl Final Smash:End Of The Day.
#2630723Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:50 PM GMT

Olimar:WOAHHH!!!!*Crashes In Count Blecks Castle With 10 Pikmin*
#2630728Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:51 PM GMT

oh, and Mr. C's lv is 50.
#2630741Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:53 PM GMT

Challenger Approaching! Name: Radiostorm Description: ??? LVL. 150 ATK. 150 DEF. 150 Final Smash: Pump up the Radio! (He creates a gigantic sound storm at the top of the stage which can highly damage the opponents) He jumps out of nowhere and punches Olimar in the face.
#2630750Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:55 PM GMT

(Oh, and did you really not know that Luigi is Mario's OLDER brother?)
#2630758Tuesday, September 02, 2008 6:56 PM GMT

Olimar:*Uses Pikmin to Lift up Ship And Takes off*Thank God I Didnt Lose Any Parts.