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#25957344Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:00 PM GMT

me:Guys the dragons are just illusions!! The clones are coming out of your shadows!!!!Look out!
#25957373Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:03 PM GMT

Me: Urggh... My bad, hurricane ! Those clone belong to a master. Search and kill the master to stop the clone. Forgive my foolishness :P (Oh, poo >.>)
#25957411Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:06 PM GMT

*Runs towards hurricane and chocolate* Me:Guys what happened to the others?? *Clone runs to my direction and I throw my spear which slices my clone but it is still alive* Me:NO!!Guys your clones are right behind you!!!!
#25957461Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:11 PM GMT

Tri-Edge sighs. Me: Guess I'll have to do all the work. *before my clone attacks me, summons a scythe and swing it back to the clone* Me: There should be a mastermind behind those clones, ignore the clones. Search for the master and kill it before the situation get worse. *Leviatates and begin to seach master*
#25957480Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:12 PM GMT

Me:Tri-Edge use your power and hold off Hurricane and my clones.We will search for the mastermind!!
Top 100 Poster
#25957499Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:15 PM GMT

(Wow... Uh, guys. I'm gonna be off for a while... I was just informed from a phone call that one of my dear female friends committed suicide by hanging herself, tonight... I'm just gonna go off for a while.)
#25957514Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:16 PM GMT

(well uh ok............)
#25957579Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:21 PM GMT

*a sickle appeared out of nowhere flew toward hurrican's clone and stabbed its head* Me: Thank me later. *flies away* ___________________________________________________________________________Off topic: What the... really ? O_o She has issues !
#25957603Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:24 PM GMT

(true she does and choc i gtg bye)
#25959467Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:27 PM GMT

(I miss everything! D: Oh well I'll jump in with storeh mode.) KP wasn't anywhere to be seen. Then a manhole started shaking like crazy. It burst open with a gush of water flying right out of it. On top of it was KP. He shot blasts of water pulses out at the clones. "No need to thank me, I'm just getting started!" KP shouted down at them.
#26033010Friday, May 21, 2010 7:42 AM GMT

*Runs to find the evil mastermind behind the clones* Me:Where could he be?!! *Suddenly sees a scarab and a man on top* Me:That must be him!!*runs to scarab which is drilling a hole in the ground* Me:Who are you?? ???:Me??.......well u will find out soon but all you need to know is that I have made the clones and soon I will conquer Robloxia and no one can stop me!! Me:We will see!!*shoots lightning bolt at ??? but ??? uses forcefield* ???:HAHAA!! Is that all you got!!I have to go but Ill leave a friend for you to play with!!Scarab eliminate him!!!! Me:Cmon........bring it on!!Ive beat this scarab a hundred times!! ???:But I have made this one stronger than all the others.......good luck!!*Jumps into hole which then somehow disappears* me:Stronger?? please....*Suddenly sees scarab growing two more legs and 10 lasers and rocket come out of its back* Me:WOW........this might be tough.......
#26035816Friday, May 21, 2010 12:35 PM GMT

I heard something and she took off running to LightningBolt, I saw the scarab and gapped at it,"What, the, {Content Deleted}."
#26036291Friday, May 21, 2010 1:01 PM GMT

*I keep on dodging the scarab trying to crush and shooting rockets at me* Me:I gotta attack!!*Runs to scarab but scarab shoots ice laser and I am frozen* Me:Oh no!!! I cant move...............
#26036993Friday, May 21, 2010 1:54 PM GMT

*uses speed to melt ice* Me:oh man!! This thing is friggin strong!What am i supposed to do now?*thinks*I got it!! Me:I take out its legs and I can finish it off!!! *Scarab tries to crush me but I slice off its leg* Me:Yes take that!!! *Scarab shoots laser at me but I block with my spear of lightning* Me:AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!*refelects scarab's laser at his legs and half of its legs are gone* Me:Alright now lets do this..........
#26040800Friday, May 21, 2010 5:19 PM GMT

"Guys, I'm gonna go in for a big one!" KP said, as he started charging while clones were actually trying to climb the water pillar.
#26066239Saturday, May 22, 2010 1:46 AM GMT

*I try run at the scarab but the scarab shoots lightning ray at me* ME:HAHAHA!!!Thanks for the power!Ur all bronze but no brains!! *I use the lightning ray's power and cuts the other half of the scarab's legs off* Me:How you like that?!!!*Then the scarab suddenly flies with engines on its back* Me:Wow i did not see that coming.......... *Scarab then disappears but I managed to throw a tracking device at it* Me:Yes !Now lets see where you are going....What nooo!!*i say as I see that the scarab is headed for the Robloxian Town Hall where builderman and ROBLOX are giving a speech* Me:???'s lair must be somewhere around that area.I wonder what he is going to do....*I run towards the Robloxian Town Hall*
#26096207Saturday, May 22, 2010 4:54 PM GMT

KP had just finished charging and it started raining. Then everything slowed down.(Dramatic affect, not time it'self.) A pulse of water chucked out from top to bottom of the pillar.
#26138140Sunday, May 23, 2010 6:24 AM GMT

Me:Wait!!I better find the mastermind's position so that when i destroy him the scrab will be as well *Suddenly sees 2 red dots on tracking device and one is right below me* Me:The scarab is there so that must mean ??? is right below me!*rearranges molucules and goes through the ground*(it is possible) Me:Woah this is one big lair!*Suddenly a man staring at a big screen sees me* ???:So you have found me but you wont be able to stop me! Me:Tell me who you are! ???:Dont you remember me LightningBolt?I paid a little visit to your city. me:*Suddenly gets a flashback* Me:Dr.........Bloxxon!!!!! Me:You?!Now i will destroy you! Dr Bloxxon:So you remember me!How nice!!I destroyed your city just to find you and take your powers,but I failed now i will not!!! Dr Bloxxon:Now I am just interested in ROBLOX and builderman's power!!!With their power i will be invincible!!!!!
#26138215Sunday, May 23, 2010 6:27 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#26138487Sunday, May 23, 2010 6:43 AM GMT

oh you fail. telamon is out to catch you because ur a troller. worthless. actually we dont even care. and we will ignore you. why play roblox anyway?
#26138615Sunday, May 23, 2010 6:50 AM GMT

uhh you guys are weird if u think this is dumb y leave a comment?Unless you are interested in this
#26151250Sunday, May 23, 2010 3:00 PM GMT

(Oops! There was an error! Redirecting back to Superhero Alliance RP!) KP then started mumbling to himself. (Magical Starsign reference here. Get ready!) "Ocean tide, lake waters. You are what has taken over. River flow, geyser spear. You are what drowns the people that go to far. Rise up high and regain the strength of the world!" KP said. Then suddenly the pillar disapeared. All the other manholes started shaking. Then a whirlpool of ocean water flooded out, wiping out most of the clones.
#26334993Thursday, May 27, 2010 8:04 AM GMT

uhh ok guys im gonna close this thread its getting kinda boring so bye

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