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#25924880Tuesday, May 18, 2010 8:13 PM GMT

"Go soldiers go!"Was what the Galactic federation Commanders yelled"Samus we need you to go in there and ARRRGH"Said one soldier before getting shot in the back by a space pirate"'Help us samus we are getting killed by the terrible space pirates'Well im sick of it Samus you are going to die right NOW"Said a space pirate"ARRRRRRGH"Samus cried after getting shot repeatedly."The bounty hunter,samus is dead"said the space pirate"Where is my pay- ARRRGH"The space pirate was shot my another bounty hunter coming out of the shadows"Get up samus i knew they fell for it Sis'"he said helping her up"Well Zacara you should have come earlier"she said before collapsing"errrrrgh I should've come better equiped"Said Samus taking off her helmet"Its okay The Galactic federation troops will help"Said Zacara motioning for A GF trooper to come over here The story continues from there Char. Sheet Nam.e: A.ge Gender Bounty Hunter?: Appearence: Armor Type: Bio: Faction Factions Space Pirates Noctorious Pirates of space who are led by Ridley they are abnormally fast though Galactic fedaration The good guys of Space they are a group of troopers and bounty hunters who are out to end the space pirates Nuetral No need to explain armor types Space pirate armor types Space Pirate exoskeleton The strongest but heaviest Space pirate armor type Space Pirate Varia suit The space pirates equivelent of smas's varia suit except no morph ball Galactive Fedaration armor types GF Phazon Enhancement device It uses phazon to make a overpowered weapon but after 5 uses it has to recharge GF trooper uniform It has a plasma rifle(Not the one from halo 1,2,3) Plasma pistol(Still not the same)And 3 grenades GF Bounty hunter suits Varia suit Shouldnt have to explain Gravity Suit Lets you walk quickly in water but slower on water Phazon Enhancment Device Suit Read GF phazon enhancement to get description Mine Nam.e:Zacara A.ge:21 Gender:Male Bounty Hunter?:Yes Appearence:Like Samus's except with blue shoulderpads and a black helmet Armor Type:Varia Suit BioSamus's sis Faction:GF
#26052140Friday, May 21, 2010 9:49 PM GMT


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