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#26240320Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:23 AM GMT

Author's Note: Just have fun, and, the Gods MUST be proven to have been in a type of Mythology. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Storyline: Ranging from Greek to Chinese mythology, all of the gods exist. Greece, Eygpt, Rome, Viking, Chinese, and more gods ALL exist. So, to stop all of their kids from being and causing chaos in normal schools, they were sent to the Pantheon. At the Pantheon Highschool, all of the main items for getting a good education are provided. Snacks, movies, libraries, and more are provided for entertainment. It's going to be a blast at Pantheon Highschool, or is it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Time: You rose from your bed, your alarm clock ringing 8:05 A.M. "Dangit!" You yelled, throwing on your clothes and grabbed your bags running past your mother who had your breakfest ready. And yet, you forgot one thing, your phone. You sighed, running back instead past your confused mom, grabbing your phone. As you jumped into your car, you waved good-bye then sped off to Pantheon Highschool with a large grin. You thought it was going to be all perfect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules/Guidelines: ~Follow the following with your LIFE ~If I pause the thread because too many people are offline, do NOT argue ~No flamming/trolling/spamming/arguing/etc. OUTSIDE of the Role-Play ~No God-Modding/Ubering/etc. ~Use your logic, not just randomly spam because you're not accepted ~Romance is allowed, just do not take it too far ~I can pause/stop/freeze/ban you from Role-Playing without cause ~I can deny Character Sheets WITHOUT reasoning ~I MUST accept your Character Sheet for you to even begin Role-Playing ~If you break any of these rules/guidelines three times, you're out of this thread ~I'm allowed to add rules anytime ~Do not argue with me or I WILL kick you out ~Please, try and be descriptive ~NO SWEARING ~Use good grammar. If you have a typo every once and a while, I don't mind. If it's all the time, we need to talk ~Be realistic, so no armies, fake arms, guns, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Sheet: Name: A.ge: (13-16) Gender: Son/Daughter of what God: (MUST BE A GOD FROM REAL MYTHOLOGY. NO FAKE ONES.) Where did the God originate from: (Eygpt, Greece, etc.) Apperance: Personality: Bio: (Optional) Backpack: (NO WEAPONS) Weapon: Power(s): (Must relate to the God you are a child of)
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#26240376Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:24 AM GMT

Name: Garrett Jakob Wolfe A.ge: 16 Gender: Male Son/Daughter of what God: Ra Where did the God originate from: Eygpt Apperance: Short, spikey Platinum Blonde hair that dangles infront of his eyes sometimes. Under the white hair is a pair of gleaming emerald eyes that beam with curiousity and mischief. He has the necklace of a sun strapped around his neck. He has a full white hoodie with the symbol of Ra on the hood of it and a black skull on the back. His pants are white with yellow streaks on the sides of it. Garrett has a scar going through his left eye to the tip of the nose. His shoes are Nike. Instead of red and white, he got gold and white to support his father, Ra. Personality: Garrett usually sticks to the shadows. When he comes out, he'll lie and pull pranks. His good side is actually worse than his bad side. Only two people have actually become friends with him but were both killed in a fist-fight in a dark alley-way. Even seeing his father can't lift his spirits of his mother's death. Bio: His mother, Jackie Wolfe was killed in a tragic car accident when he was only five-ye.ars-old. His father then dumped him on the steps of his Aunt Judy's step. She usually doesn't pay attention to him but deep down, cares for him. It is rumored that Garrett is actually the son of the Norse God, Loki for his great pranks and lies. Raised on the streets of Brooklyn, Garrett knows how to survive if anything bad happens. When he turned sixteen recently, his Aunt was shot to the death just for the five-dollars in her purse. He moaned for her death. She had been the only person to actually come near him. His only companion and friend is a small, golden retriever named Tina. He protects Tina with his life. Backpack: An Iphone GT, an Ipod, some books on all of the different mytholgoys, and some drawing paper. Weapon: A small spear that can sent blinding light into the enemy's eyes, making them blind for a temporary moment. It is carried on the back of his hoodie, attached with two wires of golden light made by his father. Power(s): He can control, destroy, and bend light. Garrett is also able blind people for a moment with light or shroud himself in the sun.
#26240586Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

Does Cthulhu count? He does have real worshippers.
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#26240661Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:28 AM GMT

(Uh, what mythology does he come from?)
#26240774Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

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#26240854Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

Lovecraftian. He was originally a god in Lovecraft's poetry written in the 19th century,, but rose to a cult status where people began to worship him. He is made up, but arent all the gods at some point?
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#26240979Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:32 AM GMT

(Peip, sorry, no. It can be from Italy, Rome, South America, Greece, Aisa, China, South Africa, etc. but that won't count. Also, accepted to that guy who made a sheet. Just don't double space.)
#26241097Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:34 AM GMT

Oh. If you want geometrictal origins, then Europe.
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#26241206Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:36 AM GMT

(I said No, Peip. Just pick China, Old Norse(Vikings), Greece, Rome, China, etc.)
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#26241253Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:36 AM GMT

(Oh, Neon, you're not accepted. A.ge has to be 13-16 so no 17.)
#26241276Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

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#26241282Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:37 AM GMT

I was simply providing information that you lacked, smeghead. Now that youve offended me, goodbye.
#26241341Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:38 AM GMT

Name: Kimiko O'conner A.ge: 16 Gender: female Son/Daughter of what God: Flora Where did the God originate from: Rome Apperance: http://www.roblox.com/Kimiko-Oconner-item?id=27681637 blue eyes insead Personality: a bit of a shy girl Bio: (Optional) Backpack: book on flowers, fruit gummy snacks(gotta have those gummies) and an ipod(I can get rid of the ipod if you want) Weapon: katana... Power(s): Has an ability to interact with flowers and nature, baldy blah blah
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#26241419Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:40 AM GMT

(Uh, OK then, Peip? OK, we can start Role-Playing now.) I sat in my parked Mustang GT in the parking lot of the Pantheon Highschool, not wanting to get outisde.
#26241512Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:41 AM GMT

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#26241662Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

I was on a bench, on the school grounds, my ipod in my ears, reading my book.
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#26241753Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:45 AM GMT

(By the way guys, try and be more descriptive.) I sighed, opening up the door and slammed it. I walked past a girl with a book on a bench. I grinned as sunlight blinded her temporarily.
#26241963Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:49 AM GMT

(I try) "GAH!" AS I turned blind I couldn't see where I was moving my body so I fell of the bench. "Whats your problem?"
#26242033Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

(..Whadda 'bout Yog Sothoth? :3 He's Lovecraftian too.) (By the way, Cthulhu and Yog Sothoth are a giant cuddle fish and some tentacle monster. Plus, I don't really count them as Gods, even though in the Cthulhu Mythos they are. Plus, giant fishies can't exactly have children.)
#26242086Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:51 AM GMT

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#26242268Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:54 AM GMT

(Uh, Lightning?) "I'm a prankster, what do you expect?" I laughed quietly with a large grin. (Neon, we can't enter the school yet)
#26242412Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:57 AM GMT

(I might join. I just like explaining things.)
#26242518Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

"Grrr." I mumbled as I stood up,still blind a bit, my hands were doing something strange.
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#26242595Tuesday, May 25, 2010 2:01 AM GMT

I frowned. "Er, what are you doing?"
#26242669Tuesday, May 25, 2010 2:02 AM GMT

"Getting back at ya thats what!" My vision came back as a vine of some sort appered in my hand and turned into a katana.

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