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Top 25 Poster
#26705836Thursday, June 03, 2010 10:52 AM GMT

(I'll bump it and show you how much was copyed)
#26705911Thursday, June 03, 2010 10:57 AM GMT

O_O Almost everything.
Top 25 Poster
#26722906Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:54 PM GMT

Now do you understand why im a little annoyed, also, there is no "Credit to Billy56206" nor a PM from the creator asking for permison to use all my storylines (Excluding the devil part)
#26723825Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

#26744805Friday, June 04, 2010 1:17 AM GMT

I put credit toi you!
#26744960Friday, June 04, 2010 1:19 AM GMT

You recive a letter in the from a mansion in the outskirts of town, it came from a family named "Ookami". You open up the letter to see they invited you along with a few other people to live in their mansion. You, who was going to move out of your family's house sence your at the age to move out. You leave your house to head for a adventure your hoping won't happen...... (Credit to billy56206) Rules: You can be a family member or a Guest. No ubering. No Charater controlling. No swearing. The family members are evil devil, worshipers who can do very evil things and they have many secret rooms in the house, but you dont know that. PLEASE READ THIS!!!!!! The mansion map is this, Ok so out front is the driveway and gates that can only be opened from the inside, but if your ookami you know the if you lift up the gargoyles head it opens up to a button that opens it. Then you go in, and theres a big lobby, where theres a staircase and a doorway. The doorway leads to the kitchen, which basically has ALOT of knives. The staircase goes upstairs, where theres a hall way. The hallway has doors on left and right. The right is where guests stay. The left is secret ookami stuff. The right side has 15 doors, which our the guest rooms, the left side has 2. The basic guest rooms has a single window, a bed, and a closet. All the closet has is blanket's and pillow's. The 2 rooms on lelft are the basic fireplace place for the Ookami family. There are 10 chairs, the fireplace, and a bookshelf. If you pull a certain book on the bookshelf you find a secret passageway, which leads to a hallway to the secret weapons room. The weapons room has shotguns, pistol, axes, crowbars, you get the point. The second room is a closet. But if you pull a shelf out the room twists and you go into a room with graffiti all over that has devil stars and bad stuff on it. It's basically where they go crazy. and thats about it! -Charater sheets- -Guest- Name: A.g.e:(16-25) Gender: Personality: Physical Apperance: Clothing Apperance: Items: Bio: -Family member- Name: (Remeber Ookami is your last name) A.g.e:(16-25) Gender: Personality: Physical Apperance: Clothing Apperance: Items: Bio: What color your eyes turn when you go crazy: SEE! I GAVE YOU CREDIT!

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