#26520706Monday, May 31, 2010 12:56 AM GMT

#26524260Monday, May 31, 2010 1:44 AM GMT

(Bump x2)
#26540594Monday, May 31, 2010 12:30 PM GMT

I walked out of my dorm and saw Tamera. I said nothing. "Drag the lake Charlie." I whispered.
#26540991Monday, May 31, 2010 12:47 PM GMT

I sat down on the dirt with the others that were done, and waited for those who weren't.
#26541181Monday, May 31, 2010 12:53 PM GMT

I leaned back on the dorm. I started moving my hands around in a ball until I opened them and there was a ball of water. I threw it and it bounced off the dorm across from me. I then caught it and made it form a kind of pretend water slide.
#26541354Monday, May 31, 2010 12:59 PM GMT

(I wish more people would join. >.<) An eagle flew across the sky, that was getting quite dark out. The trip had took a long time, picking up people from around the U.S... another student walked out of their dorm.
#26541486Monday, May 31, 2010 1:05 PM GMT

I then sat. (We do need more people.) (Anyone can join anytime!)
#26541541Monday, May 31, 2010 1:07 PM GMT

(Any invites? 'Cause I don't have none. D:)
#26542552Monday, May 31, 2010 1:37 PM GMT

#26543507Monday, May 31, 2010 2:03 PM GMT

Character Sheet Name:Shaun Leftslash Ag.e :15 Appearance:Brown spiky hair and eyes, usaully smiles, you just don't always see it. Likes casual clothes, hoodies, tee shirts, the works. Zodiac: Horse Traits/Personality:Wants to be center of attention, Outgoing, Humorous, Likes fun ~Power: Super Speed Gender: Male Bio/Extras : just hangs around trying to make people laugh, uses his speed for practical jokes.
#26546349Monday, May 31, 2010 3:07 PM GMT

#26546702Monday, May 31, 2010 3:13 PM GMT

(what are we doing first?)
#26546770Monday, May 31, 2010 3:15 PM GMT

(We are already at the school, and getting ready to be introduced,)
#26547059Monday, May 31, 2010 3:19 PM GMT

(ok. waiting for your signal.)
#26547540Monday, May 31, 2010 3:28 PM GMT

The adults quickly skimmed the crowd, and grinned. "There's 12 here. That's all of 'em. Well, Welcome to Tellasiah Z., or Tellasiah Zodiac Private School. As you already know, those are you're dorms. And you should of realised the beautiful scenery around here. All of it is real, so be careful of that rosebush garden over there. I'm Princible Roux, and these are your teachers. They will share their names at class tomorrow. You'll all be attending the same classes at the same time, and that makes it go quicker, so there will be lots of extra time in the day, which is why there are many things to do here. So, welcome to your new school, and enjoy it, my zodiacs. You may explore, but curfew is 10:00. The clock's over there. Dismissed."
#26548111Monday, May 31, 2010 3:38 PM GMT

finally! I'm about to explode. I was so bored. I'm gonna look around, if anyone wants to join me."
#26548113Monday, May 31, 2010 3:38 PM GMT

I got up and looked around.
#26548238Monday, May 31, 2010 3:41 PM GMT

"Heh, whats for dinner?"
#26548317Monday, May 31, 2010 3:43 PM GMT

"Oh yes," Said Mr. Roux. "It's at 6, and it's steak and patato." The teachers and Mr. Roux walked towards the large school house.
#26548352Monday, May 31, 2010 3:44 PM GMT

"Wonder if they allow swords..."
#26548373Monday, May 31, 2010 3:44 PM GMT

(No Swords)
#26548449Monday, May 31, 2010 3:46 PM GMT

"probobly not, i'l go find something to do..." Shaun walks into the gardens.
#26548975Monday, May 31, 2010 3:57 PM GMT

I stood for a minute, looking around. Everything looked boring here.
#26549057Monday, May 31, 2010 3:59 PM GMT

"there was only a few people here that looked like people I would like to be friends with... most people just looked ready to kill everybody near them..."
#26549336Monday, May 31, 2010 4:05 PM GMT

I sighed, and started to walk towards the little dock.