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#26584689Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:34 AM GMT

More and more users are learning how to use cheat engines on roblox. They are becoming skilled at bypassing the security system, and I'm not talking about roblox site, as in user hacks and tix hacks, I'm talking about in-game hackers. If you go into "☆ ULTIMATE Build to Survive ☆ - Predator Drone!" by Ajedi32, you will most likely find that 60% of the servers are hacked. Many people are asking hackers in-game how to hack, and the most used source to learn how to hack is via YouTube. YouTube provides most of the users with information on hacks and cheats on roblox. We can't do much about YouTube, but we could try to find better ways to increase the security system on Roblox. A lot of it could be solved with a "Report>Hacking" option under the in-game Report menu. My favorite games are ones that require work to get points, such as "Build To Survive" games, and Tycoon games. I don't bother with any other games because there is not much of an objective. These hackers are ruining my favorite games because when you hack to get points/creds/money, it ruins it for others because then its like having ultimate VIP powers in every game, you can create objects, insert, and do all these things that just takes away the fun. One of my favorite games a while ago when it was popular was "Plane Wars 2 Beta 11.0 (READ DESCRIPTION)" by mathachamp. I visited the place not too long ago, to find that the entire workspace was deleted, and a hacker had placed the respawn in the middle of nowhere and made it noncollidable, so everytime you respawned, you would fall to your death. Then the hacker actually inserted a PLACE into the workspace. I don't remember what the place even was or who it was, but it was not fun at all for anyone. I suggest a step up in anti-hacking software and larger punishments for hackers. One of my friends in Real Life is a hacker, and he decided to play this game. He got IP banned within the first hour. He bypassed it. We need better ways of banning.
#26585576Tuesday, June 01, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

#26588341Tuesday, June 01, 2010 2:44 AM GMT

@Anth That isn't long at all. a 200 page book isn't long either. I agree. An extra security thing would be good for ROBLOX. Maybe an extra firewall...or 20.
#26648530Wednesday, June 02, 2010 5:00 AM GMT

a RAT nuke was inserted into a game about an hour ago. that was epic but, still, it was hacked and placed into a game. Hacking needs to be stopped.
#26650460Wednesday, June 02, 2010 7:37 AM GMT

YES!!! We need to step-up ROBLOX's security BECAUSE of this and the fact the downfall of relaxing internet is nearing. ◙Boombox101
Top 50 Poster
#26651846Wednesday, June 02, 2010 9:58 AM GMT

Get over it.
#26652279Wednesday, June 02, 2010 10:32 AM GMT

it's called exploiting. but... support.
#26652321Wednesday, June 02, 2010 10:36 AM GMT

@cyber I consider a 1000 page book short. :P The way I see it, any book I can finish within the course of a week is short. I've read the entire twilight series, which is almost 2000 pages, within a week. I am a FAAAAAST reader.
#26653358Wednesday, June 02, 2010 11:43 AM GMT

People are getting smarter One person went to cross roads started a big earth quake had like several rick roll songs playing wiht messages popping up with epic face decals everywhere
#26653502Wednesday, June 02, 2010 11:50 AM GMT

I support the Hacking/Exploiting category, but there is easier way to scare them off. It sounds silly, but it works. The way is to have a debate of the subject "Why exploiting is wrong". Oh and for those that think it's too long, heres it in nutshell: Hacking and exploiting = bad Report category for hacking and exploiting = good
#26654237Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:26 PM GMT

@FuggleBob HOLY CRAP O_O
#26654525Wednesday, June 02, 2010 12:45 PM GMT

It doesn't really matter. Just don't play games.
#26655464Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:34 PM GMT

O.K. We get a admin/mod, learn how to hack and cheat on roblox via youtube, PATCH what they use, and, done.
#26699572Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:50 AM GMT

LegoNut, its not that simple. People learn. I know very little about hacking, but I do have friends who hack and I've seen youtube videos. Heres something you might want to know. Cheat Engine Version XXXXXX Keyword: VERSION When we patch stuff up, they aren't gonna just sit there and say "Ok. I give. Now I'm gonna be a model citizen." No. They learn. They learn what new cheats work and how to get past patches and updates. If you patch things up, it doesn't help all that much. It just stalls them. If we get a report button, this will limit the number of hackers.
#26699657Thursday, June 03, 2010 3:52 AM GMT

they need to get up with Ne.xon and get their Hack Shield. that should help ALOT.
#26700295Thursday, June 03, 2010 4:14 AM GMT

agree with above but theres still hacker too,and most of them arnt cheat engine.
#26705680Thursday, June 03, 2010 10:44 AM GMT

actualy, most of them are C.E., but very few are ligit hackers.
#26707848Thursday, June 03, 2010 12:39 PM GMT

If Its C.E Then Just Put "ANTI C.E Script" Im Free Models..
#26709478Thursday, June 03, 2010 1:56 PM GMT

true like a hour ago i was in a normal sfoth server then the same deacle was one ever brick it was flashing rainbow and carmell dancen was playing then we all got kicked :3
#26757449Friday, June 04, 2010 5:44 AM GMT

ok so in one of the "Build To Survive" games, there were 5 servers online. I visited each and every server. Each of them had at least 1 player with over 6,000,000,000 Points and less than 10 survivals. The maximum points a disaster could give was 30. You do the math. 5 out of 5 servers. 2 of them had 2 players hacking it at once. I do not tolerate them, I leave the server when I see them.
#26757514Friday, June 04, 2010 5:48 AM GMT

HaloCE, that was the work of Cheat Engine. And that's not hacking, it's exploiting. Which is completely different. And Cheat Engine cannot be stopped yet. Infact, I don't think if it's possible for Roblox to stop it.
#26757591Friday, June 04, 2010 5:52 AM GMT

Simply create an article, or visible page that says things about how exploiting is illegal, and it could ruin your life. Three minutes of fun for three months in prison. Of course none of these users will be sent to prison. I do think Hacking/Exploiting needs a lot of skill to create the programs in the first place, so kudos to the creators, but it's the users who just click Download, then Start who I dislike.
#26757760Friday, June 04, 2010 6:02 AM GMT

mrLennox, exploiting is not illegal.
#26760701Friday, June 04, 2010 10:21 AM GMT

Hacking is, though. Btw guys, for those of you who don't know the difference... Hacking is breaking into a system via computer and either mess things up or annoy the hell out of people. :P Exploiting is using glitches to your advantage. Some hackers on roblox-well, most of them-are really exploiters, although there are SOME hackers.
#26791736Friday, June 04, 2010 10:34 PM GMT

Exploiting punishments should be tougher then. It is so annoying to see people 'exploit' and then other users have a reaction of either "Hey! how did you do that? Teach me how!" Or "Oh my god.. not again.. stupid hackers/exploiters.."

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