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#26720368Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:07 PM GMT

Over the past week, I have probably found 10 roblox hidden scripts... Here is one. -- functions -------------------------- function onPlayerAdded(player) -- override end --[[ if false then delay(0, function() while (game.Players.LocalPlayer == nil) do wait(1) end while (game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") == nil) do wait (1) end local m = Instance.new("GuiMain") local l = Instance.new("ImageLabel") m.Name = "AdGUI" l.BackgroundTransparency = 1 l.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=23573247" l.Position = UDim2.new(.3,5,0,5) l.Size = UDim2.new(0,470,0,165) l.Parent = m m.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui wait(15) m:Remove() end) end --]] -- MultiplayerSharedScript.lua inserted here ------ Prepended to GroupBuild.lua and Join.lua -- local startTime = tick() local loadResolved = false local joinResolved = false local playResolved = true local playStartTime = 0 local cdnSuccess = 0 local cdnFailure = 0 function reportContentProvider(time, queueLength, blocking) pcall(function() game:HttpGet("http://www.roblox.com//Analytics/ContentProvider.ashx?t=" .. time .. "&ql=" .. queueLength, blocking) end) end function reportCdn(blocking) pcall(function() local newCdnSuccess = settings().Diagnostics.CdnSuccessCount local newCdnFailure = settings().Diagnostics.CdnFailureCount local successDelta = newCdnSuccess - cdnSuccess local failureDelta = newCdnFailure - cdnFailure cdnSuccess = newCdnSuccess cdnFailure = newCdnFailure if successDelta > 0 or failureDelta > 0 then game:HttpGet("http://www.roblox.com//Game/Cdn.ashx?source=client&success=" .. successDelta .. "&failure=" .. failureDelta, blocking) end end) end function reportDuration(category, result, duration, blocking) pcall(function() game:HttpGet("http://www.roblox.com//Game/JoinRate.ashx?i=201573&c=" .. category .. "&r=" .. result .. "&d=" .. (math.floor(duration*1000)), blocking) end) end -- arguments --------------------------------------- local threadSleepTime = ... if threadSleepTime==nil then threadSleepTime = 15 end local test = false print("! Joining game 'cf8a733b-2409-4688-8ebe-1f1241865ebe' place 14799793 at") local closeConnection = game.Close:connect(function() if 0 then reportCdn(true) if (not loadResolved) or (not joinResolved) then local duration = tick() - startTime; if not loadResolved then loadResolved = true reportDuration("GameLoad","Cancel", duration, true) end if not joinResolved then joinResolved = true reportDuration("GameJoin","Cancel", duration, true) end elseif not playResolved then local duration = tick() - playStartTime; playResolved = true reportDuration("GameDuration","Success", duration, true) end end end) game:GetService("ChangeHistoryService"):SetEnabled(false) game:GetService("ContentProvider"):SetThreadPool(16) game:GetService("InsertService"):SetBaseCategoryUrl("http://www.roblox.com//Game/Tools/InsertAsset.ashx?nsets=10&type=base") game:GetService("InsertService"):SetUserCategoryUrl("http://www.roblox.com//Game/Tools/InsertAsset.ashx?nsets=20&type=user&userid=%d") game:GetService("InsertService"):SetCollectionUrl("http://www.roblox.com//Game/Tools/InsertAsset.ashx?sid=%d") game:GetService("InsertService"):SetAssetUrl("http://www.roblox.com//Asset/?id=%d") game:GetService("InsertService"):SetAssetVersionUrl("http://www.roblox.com//Asset/?assetversionid=%d") game:GetService("InsertService"):SetAdvancedResults(true) -- Bubble chat. This is all-encapsulated to allow us to turn it off with a config setting pcall(function() game:GetService("Players"):SetChatStyle(Enum.ChatStyle.ClassicAndBubble) end) local waitingForCharacter = false local waitingForCharacterGuid = 'f8f5e3b2-be78-4dc7-a1de-1253f71c3192'; pcall( function() if settings().Network.MtuOverride == 0 then settings().Network.MtuOverride = 1400 end end) -- globals ----------------------------------------- client = game:GetService("NetworkClient") visit = game:GetService("Visit") -- functions --------------------------------------- function setMessage(message) -- todo: animated "..." game:SetMessage(message) end function showErrorWindow(message) if 0 then if (not loadResolved) or (not joinResolved) then local duration = tick() - startTime; if not loadResolved then loadResolved = true reportDuration("GameLoad","Failure", duration, false) end if not joinResolved then joinResolved = true reportDuration("GameJoin","Failure", duration, false) end elseif not playResolved then local duration = tick() - playStartTime; playResolved = true reportDuration("GameDuration","Failure", duration, false) end end game:SetMessage(message) end function stat(typeID) if not test then pcall(function() game:HttpGet("http://www.roblox.com/Game/Statistics.ashx?UserID=201573&AssociatedCreatorID=3741896&AssociatedCreatorType=User&AssociatedPlaceID=14799793&TypeID=" .. typeID, false) end) end end function analytics(name) if not test and false then pcall(function() game:HttpGet("http://www.roblox.com/Analytics/Measurement.ashx?IPFilter=Primary&SecondaryFilterName=UserId&SecondaryFilterValue=201573&Type=" .. name, false) end) end end function analyticsGuid(name, guid) if not test and false then pcall(function() game:HttpGet("http://www.roblox.com/Analytics/Measurement.ashx?IPFilter=Primary&SecondaryFilterName=guid&SecondaryFilterValue=" .. guid .. "&Type=" .. name, false) end) end end function reportError(err) print("***ERROR*** " .. err) if not test then visit:SetUploadUrl("") end client:Disconnect() wait(4) showErrorWindow("Error: " .. err) end -- called when the client connection closes function onDisconnection(peer, lostConnection) if lostConnection then if waitingForCharacter then analyticsGuid('Waiting for Character Lost Connection',waitingForCharacterGuid) end showErrorWindow("You have lost the connection to the game") else if waitingForCharacter then analyticsGuid('Waiting for Character Game Shutdown',waitingForCharacterGuid) end showErrorWindow("This game has shut down") end end function requestCharacter(replicator) -- prepare code for when the Character appears local connection connection = player.Changed:connect(function (property) if property=="Character" then game:ClearMessage() waitingForCharacter = false analyticsGuid("Waiting for Character Success", waitingForCharacterGuid) connection:disconnect() if 0 then if not joinResolved then local duration = tick() - startTime; joinResolved = true reportDuration("GameJoin","Success", duration, false) playStartTime = tick() playResolved = false end end end end) setMessage("Requesting character") if 0 and not loadResolved then local duration = tick() - startTime; loadResolved = true reportDuration("GameLoad","Success", duration, false) end local success, err = pcall(function() replicator:RequestCharacter() setMessage("Waiting for character") waitingForCharacter = true analyticsGuid('Waiting for Character Begin',waitingForCharacterGuid); end) if not success then reportError(err) return end end -- called when the client connection is established function onConnectionAccepted(url, replicator) local waitingForMarker = true local success, err = pcall(function() if not test then visit:SetPing("http://www.roblox.com/Game/ClientPresence.ashx?PlaceID=14799793&UserID=201573", 300) stat(5) end game:SetMessageBrickCount() replicator.Disconnection:connect(onDisconnection) -- Wait for a marker to return before creating the Player local marker = replicator:SendMarker() marker.Received:connect(function() waitingForMarker = false requestCharacter(replicator) end) end) if not success then reportError(err) return end -- TODO: report marker progress while waitingForMarker do workspace:ZoomToExtents() wait(0.5) end end -- called when the client connection fails function onConnectionFailed(_, error) showErrorWindow("Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=" .. error .. ")") end -- called when the client connection is rejected function onConnectionRejected() connectionFailed:disconnect() showErrorWindow("This game is not available. Please try another") end idled = false function onPlayerIdled(time) if time > 20*60 then showErrorWindow(string.format("You were disconnected for being idle %d minutes", time/60)) client:Disconnect() if not idled then idled = true end end end -- main ------------------------------------------------------------ analytics('Start Join Script') pcall(function() settings().Diagnostics:LegacyScriptMode() end) local success, err = pcall(function() game:SetRemoteBuildMode(true) setMessage("Creating Player") player = game:GetService("Players"):CreateLocalPlayer(201573) player:SetSuperSafeChat(false) player.Idled:connect(onPlayerIdled) -- Overriden onPlayerAdded(player) pcall(function() player.Name = [========[mattchewy]========] end) player.CharacterAppearance = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset/CharacterFetch.ashx?userId=201573&placeId=14799793" if not test then visit:SetUploadUrl("")end analytics('Created Player') setMessage("Connecting to Server") client.ConnectionAccepted:connect(onConnectionAccepted) client.ConnectionRejected:connect(onConnectionRejected) connectionFailed = client.ConnectionFailed:connect(onConnectionFailed) client.Ticket = "6/3/2010 2:04:01 PM;DAWERpY3AqAPFhtqESa9F/5ghUHo2DMsA/kPZR17n2u0346+f2JOXpLFSSmDp0eRa+E63r4gPEh7flQEhijCD0oK0rNYz5Bfbx+BzXDtIzifm5X7sSkUVvjVaWJ2BarRWeEuVtvqHJ1H4qT3hX8oAwc9a47ZlBE3U5Lfid/RGU8=" client:Connect("", 64626, 0, threadSleepTime) analytics('Connect Client') end) if not success then reportError(err) end if not test then -- TODO: Async get? loadfile("http://www.roblox.com/Analytics/GamePerfMonitor.ashx")("cf8a733b-2409-4688-8ebe-1f1241865ebe", 14799793) end if 0 then delay(60*5, function() while true do reportCdn(false) wait(60*5) end end) local cpTime = 30 delay(cpTime, function() while cpTime <= 480 do reportContentProvider(cpTime, game:GetService("ContentProvider").RequestQueueSize, false) wait(cpTime) cpTime = cpTime * 2 end end) end analytics('Join Finished')
#26720409Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:08 PM GMT

How did you retreive this?
#26720477Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:09 PM GMT

#26720516Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:10 PM GMT

#26720636Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:12 PM GMT

workspace:ZoomToExtents() game.Close:connect() :3333
#26720676Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:13 PM GMT

#26720816Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:16 PM GMT

I'm trying to find a way to give people badges with a glitch so Telamon will give me 2000R$, and I found these files.
#26720906Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:18 PM GMT

http://www.roblox.com/game/gameserver.ashx game:GetService("BadgeService"):SetAwardBadgeUrl(url .. "/Game/Badge/AwardBadge.ashx?UserID=%d&BadgeID=%d&PlaceID=%d&" .. access) But you'd need to know the value of "access", which is only ever given to the ROBLOX game servers.
#26720940Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:18 PM GMT

I have found like 5 more, but now they won't show up.
#26721010Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:20 PM GMT

@snc, my software should catch everything that the client sends to the server, but the badges won't send.
#26721069Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:20 PM GMT

That's because the Roblox game *server* sends them to the Roblox site.
#26721192Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:23 PM GMT

Oh, well, then what is access?? How could we find it... "local placeId, port, sleeptime, access, url, killID, deathID, timeout = ..."
#26721279Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:24 PM GMT

And don't forget this one: http://www.roblox.com/Game/MultiplayerSharedScript.lua Also, if it all shows as one messy chunk in your browser, view the source, that should get it into proper lined view.
#26721347Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:26 PM GMT

I use Fiddler2... It does all the hard work for me.
#26721391Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:26 PM GMT

Well, the .luas are what the .ashxs process into the script that gets sent to the game.
#26721708Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:33 PM GMT

client.Ticket = "6/3/2010 2:04:01 PM;DAWERpY3AqAPFhtqESa9F/5ghUHo2DMsA/kPZR17n2u0346+f2JOXpLFSSmDp0eRa+E63r4gPEh7flQEhijCD0oK0rNYz5Bfbx+BzXDtIzifm5X7sSkUVvjVaWJ2BarRWeEuVtvqHJ1H4qT3hX8oAwc9a47ZlBE3U5Lfid/RGU8=" Where did it get the letters?
#26721769Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:34 PM GMT

ASP.net made them and put them in the script.
#26722230Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:42 PM GMT

If you know who made them why can't you use some of their code to "Decode" it?
#26722383Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:44 PM GMT

Because: 1) Hashes can't be decoded, that's how they're designed. 2) Because we don't HAVE that code. It's not like: "Oh I know microsoft made my version of Windows, so I'll just walk up to them and ask them how to hack it".
#26722412Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:45 PM GMT

ASP.net is the server-side language Roblox uses. Roblox makes the code, they just use ASP.net to put it in the html.
#26722464Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:46 PM GMT

I saved 4 locations to Roblox scripts. Somewhere. I can't remember all of them, or where they are.
#26722721Thursday, June 03, 2010 7:50 PM GMT

Now what you said makes more sense. I thought you meant they randomized the characters and roblox used them. not Roblox used them to randomize the characters.
#26723449Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:03 PM GMT

#26725682Thursday, June 03, 2010 8:37 PM GMT

#26731168Thursday, June 03, 2010 10:03 PM GMT


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