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#26728291Thursday, June 03, 2010 9:21 PM GMT

The year is 2256. 162 years ago, the world underwent the tragic event known as the Great Flood. This event occurred due to the increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of the Earth. This caused the atmosphere of the planet to heat rapidly. Humanity, at first, did not expect that this would have catastrophic results. Within another thirty years, the polar ice caps had almost entirely melted. Humanity, in a final desperate rush for survival, began to build boats. The entire work force was shifted over to resource collection, and creation of watercraft. Existing aircraft carriers and oil rigs were stripped and converted into cities at sea. Within another ten years, 99% of the land on Earth was covered by water. Only mountains remained uncovered. At first, things were tense. People didn't know what to do. They were without jobs. Most family members had died. They weren't even used to life NEAR sea. People, over time, adapted though. Whether by choice, or by force. An early experiment by the government was to force people to adapt to sea life. This was through genetic modification. Remaining government aircraft were fitted with large tanks. These tanks carried Mutagen Alpha, the first of a long series. Once a suitable, high population area was found, the order was given for these aircraft to fly over, and dump this gas over the heads of many innocent people. These people underwent many strange mutations, though minor. Many of them simply gained webbed hands and feet, smooth, slimy skin, scales, or gills. Mutagen Alpha was simply a test of the new-found power that the government had. The public's reaction to this brutal testing was outrage. This sparked much civil conflict until the people of Earth split into two factions. Those who hated the government for their crimes to humanity, and those who sided with the government in fear of being the next targets. The former group immediately became a target for following mutagens. Within months of Alpha being created, it gained two siblings: Beta and Delta. These two, rather than containing a rampant mix of genes, contained very specific genetic material. Beta contained the DNA of cetaceans. Delta contained that of reptiles. The Mutagens were dumped on two very different rebel groups who had been at odds for a long time. They immediately began to take on features of the creatures that the Mutagens had included. These new forms gave them the weapons to fight one-another. Thus started the Mutant Wars. Eventually, all were involved in this war. It raged on for sixty years, until the government revived old technology. Nuclear weaponry. As the fighting reached its peak, and the main settlements of the two groups neared each-other, the government aircraft made another pass. The settlements deployed large covers, hoping to deflect the expected mutagens. What was dropped, however, could not be stopped by shields of any kind. The explosions of the nuclear weapons could be heard for hundreds of miles around, and high tidal waves took out small communities of boats. This marked the end of the war. Today, things are normal. People work their farms, communicate, and play as a single race. But tension is common. If not for the tyrannical rule of the government, all hell would break lose. Many hope that doesn't happen. Others though... _____________________________________________________________________________ Key Terms: Alpha (noun): A term used to refer to an Alpha mutant. Beta (noun): A term used to refer to a Beta mutant. Delta (noun): A term used to refer to a Delta mutant. Seafarm: A farm that literally floats on the surface of the water. Boatfarm: A farm that thrives on top of a boat. Rig-City: A city on an old oil rig. These are typically the largest of cities. _____________________________________________________________________________ Factions: Rebel: Those against the government. They typically have lower quality equipment, and worse life-styles. They accept mutants. Typically use guerrilla tactics. Allied: Those aligned with the government. They typically have better arms, vehicles, and living conditions. They reject mutations of all kinds. Typically fight in squads. Government: The mysterious rulers of the Earth. Their forces have the most powerful of weaponry, the largest vehicles, and very comfortable lives. Typically fight using "unfair" tactics, such as air-raids and mortar strikes, which are almost unstoppable. _____________________________________________________________________________ Standard Weaponry: HG1: A standard model handgun. Holds a clip of five rounds. Generally weak in all areas. As the model number goes higher, the weapon becomes more powerful. The highest number is 12. AS1: A standard model assault rifle. Holds a clip of twenty rounds. Rather average in all areas. As the model number goes higher, the weapon becomes more powerful. The highest number is 12. "CQC Scattergun": A rather average shotgun with a large spray. Pump-action. Holds four shells. "Longshot Rifle": A rather average rifle. Can be equipped with a scope. Lever action. Holds three rounds. Light. Accurate. Powerful. (More will be introduced later on.) _____________________________________________________________________________ No ubering or godmodding. Mutations are NOT that severe. Do not change filled out values on the character sheet, or go outside of ranges. Don't join, get involved, and then stop playing. I'll just remove your character from existence. Don't timelapse or start major events without my consent. Please have varied characters. No Mary Sues. Have fun. Please have varied characters. _____________________________________________________________________________ Name: Gender: A/g/e: 14-25. Mutant?: (Put the class if this is true. If not, place N/A here.) Mutations: (If yes to above, put the mutations.) Faction: (Anything but government. Remember to have everything else go with this.) Weapons: HG1. Personality: Appearance: Bio: -Name: Cyran. -Gender: Male. -A/g/e: 25. -Mutant?: Alpha. -Mutations: A long tail often used for grabbing things. It does have barbs on it that can be used to rake at skin. He conceals it when others are around, though. A third, transparent set of eyelids. He tends to wear sunglasses, in case he accidentally flickers down his transparent eyelid .Gills that he covers with a scarf. Most of his body is not typical skin, but more of a hydrodynamic, slick skin. He covers this with his everyday clothing, which most people think is excessive. His hands and feet are webbed, but he wears shoes and gloves. Faction: Neutral. He has yet to pick a side. He does stay in Allied territory, though. -Weapons: HG1. -Personality: Cyran is relatively quiet. He stays out of affairs of others, and is generally a recluse. If you try to rob his store though, you'll get on his bad side. -Appearance: Cyran, in his typical attire, seems like a homeless person. He wears a strange patchwork of clothing, apparently sewn together by himself. This is because he could not find long-sleeved shirts, and long pants. The clothing is typically all in bright colours, usually blues. He also wears heavy brown boots, and brown gloves. The scarf he wears around his neck is a navy blue, similar to that of the sea. If he were to wear one less article of clothing, however, you would see him for what he is. Underneath the excessive clothing is the slick, light blue skin that allows him high agility underwater. Without his scarf, you would easily see the gills on his neck. He can close them slightly on the surface, but even at a fair distance, they are visible. Without his gloves and boots, you would see the webbed hands and feet. Physically, he is six feet tall. His eyes are hazel, and his hair a light brown. The skin you do see on him is fairly pale, surprising for someone who lives out at sea. He has a rather slender build, though somewhat muscular, due to how often he swims. Bio: Revealed over the course of the RP.
#26728725Thursday, June 03, 2010 9:28 PM GMT

#26728925Thursday, June 03, 2010 9:31 PM GMT

(sorry actually no I won't)
#26729559Thursday, June 03, 2010 9:40 PM GMT

#26734119Thursday, June 03, 2010 10:46 PM GMT

#26735161Thursday, June 03, 2010 11:02 PM GMT

#26737184Thursday, June 03, 2010 11:32 PM GMT

Name: Seryn Wren Gender: Female A/g/e: 21 Mutant?: Delta Mutations: Seryn has numerous patches of dark green scales, mainly on her arms and back, accompanied by a reptilian yellow slitted eye, which she covers up with a contact lens. Her nails have sharpened at the tips, and her voice has turned into a low hiss, and gills. Her teeth have also sharpened down to a point. Faction: Rebel Weapons: HG1. Personality: Seryn is typically rather quiet and reserved in public as she dislikes attention and doesn't need it, but personally with people she actually knows, she has a good sense of humor and is typically quite bold. Appearance: Seryn wears a roughly tailored long-sleeve shirt she stitched together her self with a high neck. She wears faded brown gloves to cover her hands, and faded dark green pants. With grey-blue eyes that match the massive expanse that is the ocean, and dark green hair that looks like deep waters, Seryn fits in perfectly. Bio: Seryn is an agent of the rebels, and currently looking into recruiting for them.
#26738099Thursday, June 03, 2010 11:47 PM GMT

Is this fun?
#26738415Thursday, June 03, 2010 11:51 PM GMT

Um... I guess that depends on what you think.
#26738716Thursday, June 03, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

I'll try it.
#26739135Friday, June 04, 2010 12:02 AM GMT

Name: Chris Gender: Male A/g/e: 19 Mutant?: N/A Mutations: N/A Faction: Rebels Weapons: HG11 Personality: Courageous, has endurance and loves to kick buttox. Appearance: (Look at my character. That's what I look like.) Bio: Left the other Faction, came here. Just starting life as a Rebel.
#26739311Friday, June 04, 2010 12:05 AM GMT

When do we start?
#26740167Friday, June 04, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

Well, Firruu's busy at the moment, but he told me he'd be back soon.
#26740203Friday, June 04, 2010 12:17 AM GMT

Okey dokey.
#26740318Friday, June 04, 2010 12:18 AM GMT

I'm joining, gonna take me a sec though.
#26741212Friday, June 04, 2010 12:30 AM GMT

Name: Finn Torenov Gender: male A/g/e: 19 Mutant?: N/A Mutations: N/A Faction: Allied, not involved in major combat though Weapons: HG1. combat knife (that's ok right?) Personality: Tends to keep to himself, but loyal, and is always willing to help, almost everything he does is to help either his family or friends. But he is also fiercely idealistic. He helps the government because he has seen what anarchy does to people, and realizes that a central authority is neccesary to maintain order. Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, dark gray t-shirt, ragged dark green cargo shorts, black sunglasses. Bio: He has had a hard life, with most of his family killed after getting caught in a crossfire between the allies and the rebels. He became loyal to the allies after they helped him save his brother. though he isn't involved in direct combat he constantly trains with his pistol and knife, knowing that he would almost certainly have to defend himself and his brother sooner or later.
Top 100 Poster
#26742616Friday, June 04, 2010 12:49 AM GMT

Name: Dimitri Kosolov Gender: M A/g/e: 22 Mutant?: Delta Mutations: Forked tongue serpent sounding voice scaleish skin and small spikes from head to lower back clawed hands and feet Faction: Rebels Weapons: HG12 Longshot rifle Personality: Silent serious leaderly Appearance: Scaly skin with a green tinge clawed hands and feet buzzcut with black leather armour deep yellow eyes Bio: Silent and conceaded luckily wasnt there to get obliterated by nukes He was affected by the mutagen though
#26744138Friday, June 04, 2010 1:09 AM GMT

(No one is accepted. Other than Sammyec.)
#26744381Friday, June 04, 2010 1:12 AM GMT

(what do I need to change?)
#26744728Friday, June 04, 2010 1:16 AM GMT

Ima joining.
#26745320Friday, June 04, 2010 1:24 AM GMT

Name: Caine Arzt Gender: M A/g/e: 24 Mutant?: NA Mutations: NA Faction: Allied Weapons: HG1. Personality: Calm, Calculating, Inteligent Appearance: Short brown hair, blue eyes, often wears fancy suites. Bio: A lawyer from one of the big cities, he owns a small boat farm for extra profit.
#26745546Friday, June 04, 2010 1:27 AM GMT

(This sounds like that 80s movie Water World, I'll join.)
#26745617Friday, June 04, 2010 1:28 AM GMT

(Firuu, can you tell me what I need to change please? I really want to join.)
#26745758Friday, June 04, 2010 1:29 AM GMT

(If anything, you only have an HG1. I suppose I'll go ahead and say that they're government issue for self defense. Owning other weapons gets you executed via firing squad.)
#26745970Friday, June 04, 2010 1:33 AM GMT

(ok, anything else I need to change?)

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