#26839738Saturday, June 05, 2010 6:09 PM GMT

name:ice a winters a.ge;12 appearance:go to my decalls and look for ice other then that he wears glasses and is short personality:kind mysterious brave trustful type of coffin:he is human items:a violin a pocket watch and a hankie he uses to polish off his glasses or pocket watch bio:last year ice's family was gone no where no one knew his family was rich but a fire burned te mansion leaving nothing but a scorthed box he opened it and found his treasures his violin hankie and pocket watch and now lives in the woods and makes melodys through the woods many people hear it
#26893562Sunday, June 06, 2010 3:47 PM GMT

(you are accepeted)
#26895975Sunday, June 06, 2010 4:30 PM GMT

(ok so do i begin and btw ITS MY BIRTHDAY YAY :D)
#26896238Sunday, June 06, 2010 4:34 PM GMT

9YES and HAPPY B DAY!!!)
#26896282Sunday, June 06, 2010 4:35 PM GMT

(YAY :D ok can we start??)
#26896295Sunday, June 06, 2010 4:35 PM GMT

(Happy B-DAY! And many more, on channel 4, and a big fat lady, on channel 80...) Name: Ava A.ge: unknown (Looks 15) Appearance: long brown hair, blue eyes. (Can turn different colors) brown jacket, purple top and black jeans. Personality: easily worried, sarcastic. Type of Coffin: black with gray velvet inside Items: none yet Bio: was turned into a vampire when she was young
#26897068Sunday, June 06, 2010 4:48 PM GMT

(we starting yet??)
#26897498Sunday, June 06, 2010 4:57 PM GMT

#26898497Sunday, June 06, 2010 5:20 PM GMT

Name:Aemoh A.ge:12 Appearance:Long black hair,one bright green eye and one deep blue eye,pale skin,a yin yang wolf shirt,black jeans,about 4feet 5inches,80pounds. Personality:Shy and quite. Items:a shetch book,backpack,3 daggers,dule swords on her back,army knife. Bio:when Aemoh was younger her parents where killed by vampires,she has lived alone in a tree house-like thing in the forest ever since.
#26901807Sunday, June 06, 2010 6:16 PM GMT

(yes and Gooes you are accepted and lunawolf you are too well anyways lets start! We are in the coffins and where on a quest to see why vampires are dissapearing one by one!)
#26901942Sunday, June 06, 2010 6:18 PM GMT

(K) Ava: *sleeps in her coffin*
#26902109Sunday, June 06, 2010 6:21 PM GMT

Moon I got out of my coffin and strecthed then turned in to a bat and flu to the city to find clues of the dissapearing vampires.
#26902215Sunday, June 06, 2010 6:23 PM GMT

*wakes up and yawns*
#26902672Sunday, June 06, 2010 6:28 PM GMT

Moon I heared yawning while I was flying and stopped and turned around and saw my BFF Ava waking up I whispered in her ear,"Come with me to find clues of dissapearing Vampires."
#26902848Sunday, June 06, 2010 6:30 PM GMT

*nods* "K."
#26912946Sunday, June 06, 2010 8:51 PM GMT

(just to let you know i am a human)
#26986653Tuesday, June 08, 2010 1:50 AM GMT

(i know and can you be the bad guy who is doing this? PLEASE!) Moon I reached for her hand and said," okay then, let's go."
#26991913Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:47 AM GMT

(NO!!!!!!!) *i was sitting in a ally*
#26992078Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:52 AM GMT

(WAAAAA fine) Moon She didn't budge because she fell back to sleep so I walked by my-self and went i a ally, and saw a human.
#26992258Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:56 AM GMT

*i was wating for something to happen boredly*
#26992349Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:59 AM GMT

(lol srry) Moon Luckily for him I was on a no human diet. :)
#26992472Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:02 AM GMT

*i was staring into a abandoned movie theatre it vwas were my parents prefromed*
#26992543Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:04 AM GMT

Moon I came over to him and said," your a human right?"
#26992585Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:05 AM GMT

#26992639Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:07 AM GMT

Moon I saw his face looking at it and said," why are you looking at that??"