#34441078Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:16 AM GMT

Snake:YOU COULD NOT GRASP THE FORM OF GYGAS' ATTACK!!! Noob:Wait WUT? *The warlord vanishes* *Insert explosion noise here* *Bobbymeow and the noob get teleported to miked's minigames 'in 07'* Bobbymeow:I wonder where the hat theif ,the snake and virus dude are? Noob:Theres probably and plot device to bring us together. Bobbymeow: Oh ok... Wait When did you start making sense?! Noob:TIIIIIIIIIIIX!! Bobbymeow:I guess I spoke too soon.
#34441515Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:37 AM GMT

Meanwhile, somewhere in the future. Virusdude: Darn, I'm stuck in the future & my nooby half has left my body, GRRR. Snake of the pillar: Ugh, shut up, I'll find us a way back. I mean if we are stuck here, how is this story gonna continue. Virusdude: Hey, what's that? A... box... Well it says "Plot Device" on it so it must be useful. Meanwhile, in the past. Virusdude's nooby half: OLOLOLOLOLOL, A BAWX, IT MOST HAZ TIX. Bobbymeow: It says "Ye Olde Plot Device." This'll probably be useful.
#34442326Sunday, September 26, 2010 12:14 PM GMT

*Tries to pick up ye olde plot device* Bobbymeow:Ow this plot device is really heavy! Noob:OLOLOLOL MOAR BAWXES! *mysterious box 1 falls from the sky like rain* *Ye olde plot device morphs into telamons zany box* Noob:TEH EPIK DUCK IS COMING!!111 Bobbymeow:don't be silly noob the epic duck dosn't exist yet. *They both get flatened by the epic duck and wake up in 2011* Virus dude:Hello? Bobbymeow? Wake up? Bobbymeow:Oh hey! Wait is that a plot device?! Snakeofthepillar:Yes? Wh... *They all get flattened by the epic duck and wake up in 2010 in ROBLOXia centeral*
#34448210Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:25 PM GMT

Hat Theif: I wonder when you'd get back! Dark Figure: Remember me? Bobbymeow: STOP BUTTING IN YOUR NO LONGER IN THIS!
#34460242Sunday, September 26, 2010 5:30 PM GMT

ME: There's no point *smashes plot device* WAIT WHAT DID I JUST DO! I am the snake of the snake pillar! YOU MUST STOP THE HAT THIEF Outerwebs Joined: 28 Jun 2008 Total Posts: 165 Re: Roblox story (READ FIRST POST FOR RULES) Posted: 06-06-2010 10:16 AM Once there was an ordinary guy called Bobbymeow594 who worked as a retexturer. However his retextures didn't get a lot of publicity
#34473025Sunday, September 26, 2010 8:18 PM GMT

Virusdude: Now do you see why I planted the forum virus Bobbymeow, Bloxxett was planning on using the forums to destroy the whole of roblox. Bobbymeow: Wait, how? Virusdude: By spamming everything with random members' forum profile & one of their random forum posts. Bobbymeow: Oh. Wait, if we are in the past, how has any of this happened. Virusdude: One of Bloxxetts FF spells is "sleep," so this is a dream & he hoped that by putting you to sleep he would be able to kill you once & for all. So to wake you up, I CAST ESUNA!
#34474839Sunday, September 26, 2010 8:42 PM GMT

Me: HEY I WASN'T and you told me to Bobbymeow, SO ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! MUHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
#34477029Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:13 PM GMT

Bobbymeow:I don't remember saying that wait... *has flashback* Bobbymeow(past):don't go making any forum viruses ok BLOXXETT? *flashback ends* Bobbymeow:wait that dosn't explain anything! BLOXXETT:Yes it does because you were winking like you were hinting something. Bobbymeow:Oh I juast had some fabric in my eye from a retexture I was making. BLOXXETT:Well how are we going to continue the story now!? Snakeofthepillar:ESUNA! Bobbymeow:We are all finally awake from that forum virus nightmare! Virus dude:Now what!? BLOXXETT:Maybe the next scene will have something half way productive? KingOfTheInterWebs:Well thats the end of this arc stay tuned for arc 3 the halloween special featuring main heros ,villans people from through out other arcs not forgeting the trusty plot device. coming soon!
#34477454Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

Bobbymeow: By coming soon, we mean on friday. Virusdude: FOO
#34489330Sunday, September 26, 2010 11:50 PM GMT

*New misterius figure appears* I AM THE ROBLOX GOD GUY THING I WILL KILL YOU ALL Noob: I pWn J00 wit mah Spiks!!!!11!!one!!1! RGG: OUCH, NO THAT HURTS NOOB! Noob: hah that newbie is gonedicated!! *fighter jet shoot missle at.....
#34511527Monday, September 27, 2010 3:02 PM GMT

Everyone* so there is no story till friday as the Halloween ark starts then. SRSLY, W8 TILL FRIDAY
#34515504Monday, September 27, 2010 6:09 PM GMT

Me: You said the ARC starts on friday, lets play with the characters like chess pieces. Bobbymeow: Oh, good point, lets do tha... WAIT WHAT, PLAY WITH US LIKE CHESS PIECES! *picks up snake of the snake pillar and throws him at virus dude making Bobbymeow fall as he was behind virus dude*
#34517581Monday, September 27, 2010 7:13 PM GMT

Got any ideas for the halloween arc I don't know about my bro outer but I have know ideas on how to begin it and I think it was my idea to make a halloween special use all the characters we've seen apart from rumer's god guy thing of ROBLOXia who for some reason has a lust for destruction and his other charater RGG I don't know who he is.
#34517829Monday, September 27, 2010 7:19 PM GMT

Me: How about... Noob: TIX Me: *pause forum* I was thinking killer pumpkins, or, maybe halloween costumes coming to life. OR OR OR, ALL OF THE ADMINS GOING EVIL!
#34562066Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:56 PM GMT

Yeah those are some good- Noob:TIX- As I was saying good ideas keep em' coming anyone else?
#34564164Tuesday, September 28, 2010 6:30 PM GMT

#34701837Friday, October 01, 2010 3:09 PM GMT

Chapter 3: Roblox Halloween. Bobbymeow: Ahh, October, a brilliant month don't you think Virusdude. Virusdude:I have a name you know, it's Ghostmaster5900. Jimbo29Toaster: How very fitting for the halloween ark.
#34702042Friday, October 01, 2010 3:18 PM GMT

Noob:OLOLOLOLOL AND MAI NAMES /\/008|\/|4573rgsoo
#34702302Friday, October 01, 2010 3:31 PM GMT

Bobbymeow:Say what?! Noob:nub- WAIT! WAZ DAT! TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX! Mysteriousfigure:YOINK! Noob:NO U! Mysteriousfigure:HEH! HEH! HEH! Have it back noob! Noob:YAAAAAAAYY- *OOF* *noob respawns in a unknown location* Bobbymeow, Jimbo29toster and ghostmaster:KILLER TIX! Mysteriousfigure:Yes thats right MUHAHAHAH! *fades away*
#34702901Friday, October 01, 2010 4:03 PM GMT

*Insert random action sequence that no one cares about featuring Bobbymeow, Ghostmaster & Jimbo29Toaster beating up killer tix here* Bobbymeow: Man, that was one stupid action seqence. Jimbo: I know. Ghostmaster: Mai can collide iz off and I iz tranzlucient.
#34703297Friday, October 01, 2010 4:21 PM GMT

KingOfTheInterWebs:0_0 *meanwhile back where the stupid action sequence took place* Bobbymeow:Who was that mysteriousfigure that in no way resembles matt dusek. Hattheif:It was me! Jimbo:Really! Hattheif:*insert annoying teidus (from FF10) laugh here* No but you should seen your faces when I said that. Bobbymeow:What you mean a normal ROBLOXain smiley face or a fearless face? What? Hattheif:Nevermind Ghostmaster:Why does no one notice I'm a ghost.T_T Bobbymeow:Shut up random ghost person. SnakeOfThePillar:AND NOW AS THEY BEGIN THEIR SEARCH FOR GHOSTMASTER- Ghostmaster:I'm right here.-_- Snake:AWWW YOU HAD TO RUIN THE MOMENT! Ghostmaster:Just stick to what you do best, explaining the entire plot. Snake:K fine! *mumble**mumble*
#34706105Friday, October 01, 2010 6:14 PM GMT

Snake: What hey didn't know was pumpkins were sneaking up on them Bobbymeow: NOW WE DO
#34706842Friday, October 01, 2010 6:33 PM GMT

#34706994Friday, October 01, 2010 6:38 PM GMT

BLOXXETT7: Where'd the plot device go? *5 hours later* Bobbymeow: Only place I haven't checked is under this ant *picks up* NOPE NOT THERE
#34707525Friday, October 01, 2010 6:54 PM GMT

Hattheif:Hey this says plot hole device? meh! plot device plot hole device samething right? Bobbymeow:...Nothing eventfull is happenning how is the story going to continue. ???:By coming all unanounced to move the plot along! Bobbymeow:Jimbo is that you? Jimbo:No it's captain ovious -_- now hurry a Mystiriousfigure who no way resembles telamon is chasing after me with an army of killer robux quick into this conveniontly placed cave! Ghostmaster:Don't forgget me! Bobbymeow Hey Jimbo did you hear something? Jimbo:No why? Bobbymeow:No reason. Ghostmaster:Grrrrrrrr!