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#26938764Monday, June 07, 2010 4:18 AM GMT

You start off as a biginner in show biz, keep moving up in the job and getting new opportunities to become famous. I will choose all the bosses. Plz dont say anything like payment:99999999 because then you are a noob, your boss can fire you, then your journey has ended and you cant come back on again. plz ask a boss to be hired, if they say no then ask a different boss. there are only ten bosses at a time, if a boss quits they will say i quit and i will hire a new one. ok this one is for the bosses: dont be a noob and raise your employee really fast. Player: Name: Job:Trainee Payment:$50 per day My Boss: Am I a Boss:
#26938808Monday, June 07, 2010 4:19 AM GMT

Name:Jacob Job:Boss Payment:$200 per day My Boss: Nobody Am I a Boss:Yes
#26938959Monday, June 07, 2010 4:24 AM GMT

Name: Hirani Job:Trainee Payment:$51 per day My Boss: Jacob (Acceptable?) Am I a Boss: (Can I pwease?)
#26938994Monday, June 07, 2010 4:25 AM GMT

stealthtail is a boss, 2 bosses down 8 to go

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