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#27156793Friday, June 11, 2010 1:13 AM GMT

5 Years Before This Year, There Was An Old House, In That Old House Was An Old Man, That Man Died In There, People Start Visting, Some Came In And Never Came Out, Others Came And Came Out With Back Chilling Storys, The House Is 5 Stories High, And Fancy From The Inside. You Decided To Come There This Night, To Check Out What Happens, Who Knows? You Might Come Out And Tell The Storys To The Living. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules 1.No Being Superior 2.Romance=Not That Far. 3.No Ubering/Godmodding 4.No GUNS, Use Melee. 5.Dont Be Unreasonable. 6.All Other Roblox Rules Apply ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CS SHEET Name: A.ge: Gender: Bio: Apperance: Scared Of: Not Scared Of: Skill(s): Friends: Weapon(s):(Only Melee) Extra: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CS SHEET Name:Ray Johnson A.ge: 16 Gender:Male Bio:A Teen, He Has Many Friends, He Was Excited To Go To The House. Apperance:Blue Jeans, Black Converse, White T-Shirt DC, Red Plaid Jacket Outside, Black Rebal Hair. Scared Of:Monsters. Not Scared Of:Ghost ETC. Skill(s):A Good Stragetizler. Friends:N/A Weapon(s):A Baseball Bat Extra: He Weras Dog Tags.
#27156909Friday, June 11, 2010 1:15 AM GMT

#27157488Friday, June 11, 2010 1:24 AM GMT

Name: Jason tonzoe A.ge: 14 Gender: male Bio: plans to with his buddy.(quans charecter)into the house.A not so regular teen. who isnt exactly smart with socialcilizing. Apperance:blach hair ice cold blue eyes.generally dresses in all black garb. Scared Of: bullies in dark alleys demented vending machines,robbers,kidnappers,stalkers. Not Scared Of: ghosts,undeand other unnatural stuff like that. Skill(s): smart cunning coridnated,good meelee fighter. Friends: (quans charecter if allowed.) Weapon(s):A swiss army knife with lots of attachments.A long double edged gutting hunting knife. Extra:A ipod backpack full of provisions and thats about it.
#27157629Friday, June 11, 2010 1:26 AM GMT

(Well Just Carry One Knife, And Then Your Accepted.)
#27157911Friday, June 11, 2010 1:30 AM GMT

Il lgo with double edged knife)
#27158354Friday, June 11, 2010 1:36 AM GMT

(K Then Start) { RAY } I Walk Out Of My House, Morning, Its The Day, The Day, My Friend And I Go To The House.
#27158515Friday, June 11, 2010 1:38 AM GMT

I grumble."I always have to carry the bag dont I?"I asked ray for my bag was full of provisions wed need to stay at the haunted house.
#27159850Friday, June 11, 2010 1:56 AM GMT

"Hey Its Not My Fault" I Said With A Snicker.
#27160026Friday, June 11, 2010 1:59 AM GMT

I snorted then as we nervously stood before the house I checked my backpack for everything I needed.then rechecked it...."ready"I asked

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