#46712182Friday, May 06, 2011 10:48 PM GMT

(This a long one) The Weekoan drones that are confronted by the bombers regroup and take out squads at a time. They are able to take out most of the front force before being called back into the mothership. The Erebus secured into its final place on the mothership and all of the fighters inside the now destroyed enemy cruisers return to the mothership and the fleet proceeds to aim itself for a direction that will get it to a new and uncharted galaxy. "Warp disruptors of, warp on." Said the General. The bombers continue to destroy the deathships, who are now evacuating to the mothership. "Sir, pods are being released from deathships, where do they land?" "They don't." Said the General. The bridge drew silent, then the officer that asked the question said, "Sir... there are millions living on those ships." "Blow them up," Said the General, "Warp 80." The officers regretfully did as they were told. The Death Ships set a course to impact Tau Ceti IV, which would more or less destroy much of it. "Warp ready, sir," Said an officer. "Warp to impluse and connect..." Said the general. The warp activated and the mothership was off. "Confirmed damage to all decks," Said an officer that came through the bridge door, "We also have casualties of..." He drew silent like the rest of the bridge, who were watching on live feed, the Death Ship impact. "Five..." Started an officer, "Three... One..." The first Death Ship collided into a port on Tau Ceti, destroying the entire area and even a few cities. The second one collided into a docking bay, destroying many of the ships. The fourth one to collide was the last, the third one crashing into a city and destroying it. The fourth one's target was not a building. It was a research site. The site where the Erebus' technology was being perfected. It collided, causing a chain reaction. The Erebus II was waiting to be assembled when the combustion went wacko and imploded. The ship and much of the area around it followed suit. -Gallente Tau Ceti IV- Fredrick woke up slowly. He was in a hospital. There were patients yelping in agony, some had no arms or legs. Doctors were swarming around, all with cuts and ash on their faces. "What..." Fredrick asked the man lying in a bed next to his, "What happened...?" The man glanced over. He was missing an eye. "Weekoans..." He started, "They crashed their dam* deathships into our docks and even the Erebus research grounds. Imploded, it did. We're all screwed in this hospital unless you get out now. The doctors won't tell us but everyone knows, we're sitting on a man made piece of land that is going to become nothing in a matter of hours." Fredrick looked closely at the man, then went back to resting. He won't be dead, he thought, he always gets out.
#46712601Friday, May 06, 2011 10:57 PM GMT

The Karoation began picking up even stronger signals from the direction they picked up things on their radars. Combat Cruisers were sent around the borders of the new Karoation territory. They werent much but would shield and fend off any weak attackers. They were new anyway, top condition.
#46714129Friday, May 06, 2011 11:25 PM GMT

wow 1144 pages just wow
#46716604Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:10 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#46717422Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:24 AM GMT

(Super Dawn Of Victory is a in-development mod for the space RTS game called Sins of A Solar Empire. In D.o.V's backstory aliens called the Scinfaxi invaded earth in 1943 in the midst of WW2. Humanity's attempts at defense were unsuccesful in the Southern Hemishphere. People evacuated China to the USSR. The USSR was untouched, mostly. Humanity's victory came in Great Britian, when everyone evacuated except some brave aretellery crews which fired gas shells built up from WW1. The Scinfaxi Tripods and machines were ill equipped to survive gas, so they were defeated and exited GB. In December 1945 Scinfaxi forces split the US in half (not literally, they just took the middle over). The cold weather decreases the effiecency (spelling?) and reliability of Scinfaxi machines because they are from a hot-warm planet. So in Chicago they are lured in. Then patton and his tanks attack, and trap the Scinfaxi in. Large numbers of american artellery fired on the Scinfaxi, destroying a bunch. Then in Poland the Dora rail cannon fired on a Scinfaxi ship in Poland at a Scinfaxi base. Its reactor ruptured. Human forces raided the base and stole the plotonium. The USSR and Germany made nukes along with the US. We nuked the Scinfaxi and they retreated. We forced them south as much as possible. This is when the First Scinfaxi war ended. Afterwards germany sent the first object into space. Germany and the USSR did a space race after. Then the Democratic Federation made the FTL drive. The USSR, Germany, and the DF colonized many worlds after. Then in the Second Scinfaxi war the Scinfaxi kicked us out of Earth. We did a nucular bombardment all across Earth.)
#46717877Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:32 AM GMT

(Oh and the Scinfaxi were a slow race. When their probes found Earth we were still In medival times. When they got here they didn't expect us to have tanks and machine guns.)
#46719096Saturday, May 07, 2011 12:55 AM GMT

(Sounds pretty cool, Halo. Will it be free?) Troops land on the surface of the GGR colony. They begin to fire at anything that moves. (Standard Insurgent soldier gear: -Heavy Armored Leviathan Battlesuit with Energized Rathilium-D(HALBERD): The HALBERD is a powerful battlesuit designed for heavy combat situations. It is plated with Energized Rathilium-D. It is very weak in its natural state, but when it is energized it becomes very strong yet very light. The HALBERD enhances the users strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. It also provides a targeting interface for the various weapons that Insurgent Soldiers are provided with. It looks similar to Skralorian SPEAR armor, but more bulky. -Plasma Beam Rifles: These shoot beams of plasma, much like a laser beam. It is capable of melting through most infantry armor. -Phaser Pistol: Self-explanatory. -Plasma Grenades: Grenades that stick to everything. They explode in a cloud of plasma. -Plasma Thrower [Only carried by some soldiers]: Shoots clouds of superheated plasma. Often used to clear out buildings or to take out large groups of enemy infantry. -Plasma Launcher [Only carried by some soldiers]: Fires balls of plasma which explode on contact with objects or people.)
#46721359Saturday, May 07, 2011 1:35 AM GMT

(Yes its free. Mod is a short version of Modifacation, and is usually created by users of a game. Since a mod uses a already made game, you can't legally sell it, but people can download it.) GGR infantry ambush the Insurgent troops. (Weapons: Pistols: Walther-Wulfe P227 Sidearm Walther-Wulfe P219 Service Pistol Submachine Gun: Maschinenpistol 66 Rifle: Gewehr 2-48 Assault Rifle: Sturmgewehr 2-55 -The StG2-55 is the main service rifle of the GGR's armed forces, part of a long lineage of German assault rifles. It fires up to 40 caseless rounds of ammunition, with built in rangefinders and the built in flexi-scope. Shotguns: Volkswaffengewehr 4 -The VwG-4 is a cheap but efficient pump shotgun frequently within Volkssturmm arsenals across the GGR and the Heer, especially for close combat troops. Maschinengewehr Flinte (MGF)- 14 is a fully-automatic combat-shotgun, mostly used by the Stürmgrenadier-troops in Wehrmacht. This weapon shoots 20-Gauge shells of varying types, most common being the buckshot and slug shells, but also has armor-piercing, HE, shrapnell, and flare shells for communication and target-marking purposes for the troops. The shells are loaded into 28-shell drum-magazines that have "doudle-line" loading capacity (an important difference between the old automatic-shotguns before the space-era. Which had only 20 shell capacity due to the single-line loading type.), but the shells can be loaded into an empty drum throught the shotgun itself. Giving the user limitless kinds of ammo-loadout, one example from the Wehrmacht "breacher" trooper in an Urban Combat envirovement. Having the shells loaded himself, the shells followed the repeated pattern Buckshot, Buckshot, Slug, HE. The gun itself has moderate recoil, being handleable even when firing in full-automatic. The gun itself can shoot special types of shells accurately up to 280 meters, althought this is little help for the Wehrmacht troops fighting outside towns and cities, since the usual amount of special shells are very limited. Machine Gun: Maschinengewehr 89 GfgZ 804 "Fünchtz" - Another product by Wünch & Werner. Lightweight machinegun with field-customization possibilities. GfgZ 804 is a machinegun variation of the StG2-55 Assault Rifle, with lenghtened barrel and a box-magazine. Along with different stock due to the increased recoil of the gun. This lightweight machinegun is the basic squad support weapon in Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS alike. Sniper Rifles: Gewehr 2-50 Sniper Rifle - Gewehr 2-740 Anti-Material Rifle - Capable of taking out both Armoured Vehicles and personnel alike. "Black Eagle" H-40. - Feared throught the Galaxy in the hands of skilled German Marksman. Currently favoured by the top snipers of the GGR's military. Anti-Tank Explosives: Panzerknacker H - Single-shot Rocket Launcher. Mass producted and used on both Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS alike. Highly efficient, capable of damaging even the heaviest and most armoured known tanks currently exicting amongst the opposing forces of GGR. LWP - Missile Launcher. Anti-Tank design that launches quided missiles. Heavy-Duty Anti-Tank system, which when used on any known tanks known to GGR, utterly destroys it's target. Man-Portable Air Defence System: ALR-236 "Fliegenklatsche" - Single shot surface-to-air missle system. Capable of seriously damaging or destroying most low flying aircraft in service, the ALR-236 is Germany's answer to an easily portable air defence system. The missle is able to reach speeds of up to Mach 2.8, amd is armed with a 4 kg penetrating hit-to-kill warhead with an impact fuze and a self-destruct timer.
#46721466Saturday, May 07, 2011 1:37 AM GMT

(Sorry for long posts, but heres a reminder about GGR Soldier equipment: Uniform Feldgrau. The common issued uniform for Heer. Green-Grey in colour. The colour may vary in some planets. Combat Armor With many small arms weapons being able to penetrate their standard infantry armor, GGR soldiers asked for a replacement to their M234 uniforms. Once again looking back in time, the scientists took inspiration from the M43 combat armor of the Great War. Combining light but strong materials, the M266 offered much greater protection than the M234, and was light enough that the wearer was not encumbered while moving or firing. Helmet Paying homage to the iconic M1935 Stahlhelm of the Great War, the scientists of the Greater German Reich have come up with the next generation of infantry combat helmets-the M270. Utilizing the distincive "coal scuttle" shape, the new helmet combines effective sloping angles with high-tech materials to create an effective defence against shrapnel and small-arms fire. Communication Systems Designed to be built directly into the helmets of German infantrymen, the R72 "Großmaul" tactical comm system allows for easy squad interactions. The system is designed to transmit any comm chatter to a relay unit the squad leader wears on his back, transmitting the chatter across large distances. If the relay unit falters or is destroyed, the soldiers can still communicate at a reduced radius using smaller backup systems built into their helmets. Movement Detection Systems The FuG 266 radar system is the current movement detection system used by the GGR. Designed to be built into the wrist of German infantry armor, the radar system relays crucial tactical information by using state of the art sonic resonance emitters, much like underwater sonar. The sonic waves bounce off nearby objects, and can create a picture of the surroundings on a screen built into the device. Although effective, the FuG 266 has a range of only 50 meters.
#46722203Saturday, May 07, 2011 1:50 AM GMT

(Minor implosion pl0x?) The Weekoans are in flight for a few weeks until they reach a new uncharted system. The general decides that this is as good a system as any to settle down on, so he orders a mandatory land of the mothership and any fighters or small corvettes that followed it. They land on an unnamed planet, an officer walks up to the general, "Sir, I have some... distressing news..." "What is it?" "Taur was on Death Ship 5..." The general stops and stares into the black void of space. "Then as General of this army I assume ultimate command of the Empire. Say hello to your new Emperor Wak."
#46723305Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:10 AM GMT

The Insurgent Infantry fire their weapons on the GGR infantry. Plasma Throwers and Plasma Beam Rifles leave charred corpses in their wakes. Supertanks fire Plasma Casters at infantry, Burst Cannons and Net Launchers at vehicles and buildings, and Plasma Missiles at aircraft. Insurgent Stormcraft fire their dual Plasma Throwers at GGR infantry. (The Supertank is a heavily armed and armored assault vehicle. It is 50 feet long, 22 feet wide, and 12 feet high. It is equipped with Plasma Casters, huge versions of Plasma Beam Rifles which can disintegrate a human being completely; A Burst Cannon, the main weapon of the tank, which fires high explosive cluster shells; Net Launchers, which are smaller variants of those used on Leech-class Fighters; and Plasma Missiles, which fire missiles filled with plasma at enemy aircraft.)
#46723911Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:20 AM GMT

(:O no fair :P.) The GGR troops retreated from taking to many losses. Artellery guns pound the appraoching Skralorian forces from a few miles away.
#46724455Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:29 AM GMT

(I bet 150mm shells don't feel very good :P)
#46724619Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:31 AM GMT

(I'm setting up the Insurgents to be the next big threat to the galaxy. If thats okay with Tech.) Many Skralorians fall to the artillery. Atmospheric Fighters are sent to destroy the artillery, ceasing their bombing of the planets population centers. The survivors are safe, for now.
#46724888Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:36 AM GMT

Geopard anti-aircraft vehicles fire on the atmospheric fighters, but some of the artillery is destroyed anyway.
#46725023Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:38 AM GMT

The Atmospheric Fighters evade some of the fire. Their shields protect some of them, but many are shot down. Pilots crash damaged ones into the nearest enemy vehicle, structure, or soldier.
#46725286Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:42 AM GMT

The GGR troops take casulties and continue retreating to a large city nearby.
#46725885Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:51 AM GMT

Once enough of the artillery is destroyed, the Skralorian forces resume their advance. Most Atmospheric Fighters resume bombing the cities, slowly making their way towards the large one. The others head straight for the large city, beginning their bombing runs.
#46728244Saturday, May 07, 2011 3:30 AM GMT

Emplaced anti-air and self propelled AA fire on the fighters. GGR infantry start fortifying a bunch of buildings in preparation for the incoming assault. Pz. XXXI Asuf.B Panther tanks also get into position. The jammed communications and lack of civillian cargo space craft from Dusseldorf makes the GGR government suspicus of soviet infiltration and 1 Bayern railgun frigates are sent to investigate.
#46729583Saturday, May 07, 2011 4:02 AM GMT

With the remaining fleet assembled once again on a planet, Emperor Wak comes to speek before the million or so remaining Weekoans. "Attention Weekoa," He begins. Short boos emit from the crowd, "We are here today not to feel remorse about the lives lost, but to feel joy about the technology and resources gained!" More boos. "We have found a plutonium mine not far from here, on this very planet. As your new Emperor, I name and claim this system, Weekoa!" The crowd stops booing and begins to lightly clap, which turns into an uproar of cheers. Partially because the plasma guns have just arrived, partly because of the success. -Tau Ceti IV- Loud crashes are heard throughout the hospital. Fredrick finds himself on the ground, in what he thinks to be a destroyed office building. "Where are we?!" He screams to bodys lying on the ground. Too bad they were dead... Running down the halls, he trips on a rock and lands in a window. He topples out of the window and falls 3 stories to hit the ground below. His leg is broken, but he has to keep moving. A small implosion is occuring on Tau Ceti IV, and evacuations wouldn't dare come near.
#46735104Saturday, May 07, 2011 8:40 AM GMT

The systems around the Karoation fort were now completely Karoation. Forts were being built on the surfaces of planets and they were mining quickly at the resources. Almost all of the Asteroid belts and Kupier belts had facility on every peice of floating rock. Speeders were sent to investigate further out of the Karoation new territory. A Battleship and 2 Cruisers were slowly sent out to where they picked up the great readings of scans. They didn't use warp yet but they had a engine beyond Karoation full upgradings. (...Is warp woking now....?)
#46743625Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:33 PM GMT

(You can warp into the Tau Ceti IV system now, yes.)
#46743672Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:34 PM GMT

(Okay...But I wont do it straight away.)
#46743939Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:39 PM GMT

The Supercruiser detects a ship on its long range sensors. It cloaks, and waits.
#46744749Saturday, May 07, 2011 2:56 PM GMT

(I'm gonna start my own story. If I wander into yours or you wander into mine, thats okay.) Flagship AQ of the QX-TRI is complete. The massive spherical ship, the size of a small moon, officially launches now. Weapon Sysytems: 1-time use Gravitron Disrupter (capable of destroying a small moon) Several phaser guns Photon torpedoes (1 port in back & front) Com-Jacker Propulsion: Max-Warp 8.5 Our first mission is a plant one star system away. We beleive it contains Xrystal, our main fuel source, and we're setting up a mining operation. KET-III (me) is leading the mission himself, as this is our grand debut of our flagship. (Anyone wanting to wander over can. We like interactions)