#46942262Wednesday, May 11, 2011 11:25 PM GMT

Wak was immediately informed that a strange projectile had just crashed into the surface of Weekoa I. The size hadn't yet been determined, it was over 500 miles from any cities. He and many assault squadrons loaded into hovercrafts and departed from the Capital Air Base. 3 hours later they landed, almost 750 miles from the nearest city, Urktami. 5 assault squdarons took forward positions, slowly moving forward and apporaching the projectile. When they neared it to the point that they could see the exact size, Wak was able to step into the front of the crowd. He stared at the message written on the surface. "Do we have a translator?" He asked. (Wut does the message say? OwO)
#46942386Wednesday, May 11, 2011 11:27 PM GMT

#46942812Wednesday, May 11, 2011 11:34 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#46944471Thursday, May 12, 2011 12:01 AM GMT

(I go to buster's Civilization planet and blow it up with a black hole cannon.)
#46944787Thursday, May 12, 2011 12:06 AM GMT

The Supercruiser sends a squad of Strikers to bomb the Guderian cruiser. (Strikers are large, drop-ship sized bombers. They can deliver a large amount of Plasma Bombs to the target, and some are also equipped with Plasma Clusters, which are Plasma Bombs that split into smaller bombs.)
#46950808Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:48 AM GMT

The Guderian pushed it's engines to the limit, going on a collision course with the Supercruiser. The crew knew the Strikers would probably cause critical damage to the cruiser, so why not bring the alien scum down with them?
#46951061Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:53 AM GMT

The translator stepped forward. "Oh dear Ornm..." (One of the Weekoan gods) "It seems that we have just inhabbited a murderer." The crowd gasped. Wak was the first to speak, "Keep him or her frozen and in our highest security prison." "Raul?" Asked a prison officer. "Yes, Raul." Responded Wak. The Weekoans retreated back into the hovercrafts and began their journey back to the Capital.
#46952087Thursday, May 12, 2011 2:16 AM GMT

"Activate cloaking device!" The captain shouted. The ship began to cloak, phasing out of this dimension. The Guderian would pass right through it, as if it weren't there, which it wasn't.
#46952868Thursday, May 12, 2011 2:33 AM GMT

(WHAAAAAAAAAAAATTT!!!!!!!!! D: D: *explodes*) "What the hell, did it just jump?!" the captain yelled. "It appears so sir," the pilot replied.
#46953001Thursday, May 12, 2011 2:35 AM GMT

(That just ain't fair........)
#46953821Thursday, May 12, 2011 2:55 AM GMT

(Lol, next dimension? Uber much?)
#46955993Thursday, May 12, 2011 4:07 AM GMT

As the Nyph'Tarshull began to,quickly, inhabit and colonize planets,they se ttheir scans on other systems,one of them hosted a sentient species... The name 'Thrurus'[did I spell it right ;_;] echoed in many halls,this would be their first 'neighbor' in the area, the Nyph'Tarshull began immidiate defenses....
#46958123Thursday, May 12, 2011 6:34 AM GMT

(True, unless it is warp based, and you can't stop at warp. Any other way of dimension jumping would be no less difficult than getting to the parallell dimension. Incredibly difficult, and nigh on impossible to mount on a ship as small as a Supercruiser.)
#46961148Thursday, May 12, 2011 12:48 PM GMT

The Spetian Republic made an official alliance with the Slakhian Empire, although they both agreed that they are independent. The Spetian Republic went to see the Skralorians again.
Top 25 Poster
#46961227Thursday, May 12, 2011 12:57 PM GMT

The Arcadian fighter did have a self destruct sequence, to stop hostiles from gaining Arcadian technology. It blew up the foldspace engines, which caused the ship to implode.
#46961653Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:41 PM GMT

(It uses the same technology as the Phase Torpedo. And earlier on in the thread, Tech had Phase Cloaks as well. To make it less uber, only a few Insurgent ships have it.)
#46961675Thursday, May 12, 2011 1:43 PM GMT

A Supercruiser approached the Spetian ship/fleet that came to see them. On board was Star Ops Overseer V'khal, another Insurgent agent.
#46963942Thursday, May 12, 2011 4:03 PM GMT

A Spetian Khrahn'xa-class hailed the Supercruiser. It had 4 more Khrahn'xa's behind it, and 10 escort fighters. "Ah. Good to see a Skralorian friend again!'' said Rin'trah, conveying his message to the Supercruiser.
#46964824Thursday, May 12, 2011 4:55 PM GMT

"Greetings, Slakhians." The captain of the ship replied. "What is it you want?" The Overseer snarled. The captain simply sat down in his chair. The Overseer outranked him.
#46964976Thursday, May 12, 2011 5:02 PM GMT

"Oh, nothing that really matters. We just checked that you were still alive -we had no doubt you were- and to ask whather we can help in something. Is there an empire threatening the Skralorians? Or a planet that needs to be conquered? Our fleets are quite bored on the home planet Spes." Rin'trah replied.
#46966485Thursday, May 12, 2011 6:11 PM GMT

(Phase Torpedos only have to Phase For A Few Seconds. They won't even have time to move into a new dimension, rather moving out of ours and into a sort of limbo state. You are talking about shifting a several kilometer long vessel into another dimension indefinately. In which case, you can't even be sure it's going to Phase Back Into The Dimension It Came From.)
#46967543Thursday, May 12, 2011 6:47 PM GMT

(Phase Cloaks also only move the ship partially out of our dimension. The Phase Cloak can keep the ship phased as long as it has power. If the power is cut, the ship will phase back into our dimension. And I know you can't, thats why Phase Cloaks are dangerous and aren't used all that much, only on certain ships. They have been researching Phase Cloaks for several pages, by the way. A while back I said something about the Insurgents moving onto their next project, the Phase Cloak.) "There is no empires that threaten us right now." The Overseer lied. There were the Insurgents, but the Skralorians didn't know about them. Yet.
#46967984Thursday, May 12, 2011 7:04 PM GMT

"Oh..Well, can we be of assistance in any kind of work? Like, help building a massive spaceship? Our soldiers are on a project right now, but we can surely spare some workers." Rin'trah replied.
#46970547Thursday, May 12, 2011 8:08 PM GMT

The meeting had been finished the citizens returned to building down the burnt houses and returned to normal. It was one of the most un-predictable places. Padme` payed (forgot the name) even though she did not need much help. Seh returned to her throne room and the diplomatic meeting began.
#46970633Thursday, May 12, 2011 8:10 PM GMT

Raul prepared a maximum security cell that was set to a brisk -2500 degrees F. They stuck the prisoner inside, wearing heavy-duty winter jumpsuits with built-in heating devices. Had they not been wearing these, they would have frozen instantly. The prisoner was constantly gaurded and monitored, they had no idea what kind of creature he was or what he could survive in. In other news, the mothership had been fully repaired and was now ready for re-launch.