#35307265Monday, October 11, 2010 11:21 PM GMT

Isn't 10,000 per hour um..... ubering.
#35307409Monday, October 11, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

(Alright then, Just checkin') -As the capsul worlds numbers grew, so did SIDAI's ambition for sprawling, while in the genetics lab, It was complete. The First Semi Life form, it was supposedly based on consuming dead matter, only it was the size of a drones sensor, the size of a baseball. They Tested it on a dead plant, as it moved, it left a thin film of slime, which later observed had grown into a mass of biological material. They then found it was growing at an un presidented level all over the lab, they had to fry it with an electrical sterilization, as they moved the subject to a containment area, one Drone reported somthing blocking wrong with his pincer-
#35307662Monday, October 11, 2010 11:25 PM GMT

(There are atleast 100 factories in an Asteroid Bely, now Thats 300 factories and growing, now, its not always exactly 10,00, it depends on resource inflow, but the overall estimate is about 10,000 per hour, and it isnt hard to produce somthing that large when the factories get so much resources, and have very fast assembly lines) -The Event in the lab was notified, but Declined as a minority-
#35307717Monday, October 11, 2010 11:26 PM GMT

(Lol, BELT, not bely, lol)
#35313174Tuesday, October 12, 2010 12:36 AM GMT

BLARH! Someone tell me what happened when I was gone...
#35313599Tuesday, October 12, 2010 12:42 AM GMT

farts on star
#35314460Tuesday, October 12, 2010 12:53 AM GMT

-The Next day, The Kurorii Belt was beggining to be factorized. While at the lab, the sub-species was being perfected, it would be deemed 'specimine V-00, before being placed back in the sterilized containment chamber (This thread feels a bit loose lately, less rp, more nonsense, ever since the 400'th page...)
#35322280Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:53 AM GMT

The xenomorph empire starts another campaign of colonazation military expansion.
#35322378Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:55 AM GMT

(Halo, whats happening to the Covenant leaders? The SH is still showing the image of the 5-sided room to them.)
Top 25 Poster
#35323417Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:21 AM GMT

If Archaelon could not hear Epotus, why did he respond during the 'conversation'? Epotus was bored, again. As such, he continued work on his doom weapon.
#35327583Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:51 AM GMT

(Sorry Sig. I meant Archer couldn't hear Epotus because he doesn't have a modified comms tower too use.) Archaelon went back to looking at CTIA, and the Voyager 2 probe. Hopefully, the CS4 invaders would put off their attacks, and let him evacuate the system. Most things had now returned to normal. Work on the Ferosi bomb, Halokra and a new fifth C-Core to replace his Primary C-Core. Evacuation of the system was at 95%. As they would have to leave early, he sent a crew in a TDF towship to bring in the V2 probe 'without damaging it'. Archer suddenly realised that a section of fried processor was transmitting electrical signals. "Odd... to say the least." He then tried routing that piece of processor to the functioning area. Suddenly, something was talking to him. The Valiant, with the Destruction in its cargo bay, returned to the Vazta system. The Destruction was powered up and ready to fire, so the cargo bay was reopened and it used its thrusters to push itself out. "Say hello to my little friend." said the MC of the Valiant, as the Destruction's HHPC began tearing through the Sword Of Darkness' sheilds. It would take perhaps three seconds to do so.
#35329115Tuesday, October 12, 2010 11:36 AM GMT

(Back. Doncha just hate the fact that Columbus day just ended?)
Top 25 Poster
#35330405Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:14 PM GMT

"Sup?" Epotus transmitted to Archer.
#35330689Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:39 PM GMT

"Evasive manuvers!" Veran ordered. "Status!" He yelled to one of the officers. "Their using the Destructon, sir! Our shields will be depleted within a second!" The officer yelled back. "Fire everything we've got! We're not going down without a fight!" The captain ordered. Before its shields went out, the SoD fired everything it had on the Destruction. Veran had ordered not to fire on the Valiant, as they needed to put an end to the Destruction before it could cause more damage.
#35330979Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:04 PM GMT

Super, Imperial guard-Skralorian colony battle, now. The imperial baneblade tank was finally completed and started going down to a nearby city with 20 lemun russ tanks and 3 hellhound flame thrower tanks. 6 Chimera APCs followed the tanks.
#35331404Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:33 PM GMT

The Ultrafighters(400 of them, to be exact)reached the Imperial camp. They started pummeling the ground with Plasma Cannons and Photon Bombs. The Skralorian soldiers came within range of the camp, and immeadiatly started firing.
#35332921Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:43 PM GMT

"Hi?" replied Archer, bemused. He began trawling his vast archives for any possible answer as to who this was. It could take about ten seconds. "Oh yeah, your Epotus." The savages gathered around the wrecked PCC, listening to it speak in a strange language. This reinforced their belief that it was something from their gods. The energy weapons hit almost immediately. They quickly took out the Destruction's twin sheilds, but they had given it time to make a large hole in the aft sheilding of the SoD. The effect was instantaneous. The ship dwarfed the Destruction, but its hull was no match for the HHPC. It caused the hull to go fissile, ripped through the rear end of the Sword Of Darkness before tearing through the other side. The damage spread from there, until the HHPC powered down. The SoD wasn't destroyed, but it certainly wasn't moving any more. Also, the main reactor had been destroyed, cutting power to the remaining intact rear sections. The Predator II's sister ship had fared suprisingly well considering this superweapon was designed to destroy large areas of planets. But it was hopeless for anyone who wasn't on the boughs. Skralorian vessels, especially the larger ones, came with multiple power cores [if I remember correctly] but power would only get to the front of the ship. The nuke had been launched. As it left the atmosphere, the BRS, or Booster Release Stage, fell away, and the main thruster came online, plasma powering it towards the Sword Of Darkness. Fins on the body sprang out. If it didn't detonate on impact, these would keep it stuck in the hull like a barb. Any attempt to remove it would trigger the detonator. The rest of the SOD's weapons, which weren't energy based, hit the Destruction. The Lynxium worked well, but a large section was still torn away, including a large section of armour and several infrastructure girders. The engines were shut off to prevent further damage. The corridor between the Bridge and the engine room was venting atmosphere, and twelve crew members had been thrown into space, before the Bridge bulkheads closed and a large reinforced steel shutter had blocked the other end at the engine room. The Valiant, after establishing that the Destruction remained, flew up to it, eager to get away before the SOD decided to exact its revenge. After all, it still had half its weapons and power to go with them. Though they doubted it could now destroy Haiko. Best to come back with reinforcements. Before hyperdriveing out, they made a small sweep across a random bit of the ship with an MEC.
#35332957Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:44 PM GMT

(Oh, and Super, you always make this mistake. It can't fire everything it has, only the half that is facing the target.)
Top 25 Poster
#35332978Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:45 PM GMT

"The one and only." 'replied' Epotus calmly. "I'll be honest: I've contacted you because I'm bored, and being destructive for so many thousands of years is especially boring. I've decided that I'm going to help you do what you wish... For now, anyway."
#35333199Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:53 PM GMT

As Archaelon explored the relatively intact file on Epotus, he realised this was out of character for this 'most dangerous of Hiveminds'. However, he could certainly see why Epotus might be bored of destruction. Ups and downs could be traumatic for single minds, what must it be like with thousands? "Thanks. H'm..." he thought for a second. "I need to impress the natives of this planet. From what I can tell from my audio sensor, they are simple. They hold the Primary Computer Core as a divine artifact." He gave a simulated snort. He found it a little amusing, and continued. "If I were to give them another artifact, one they could use to kill enemies, get things like metal from the ground, they would listen to me even more, and I could start work on my plan. A mining laser would do. Several would be better... in fact, Epotus, since your volounteering, you couldn't find a mining ship could you? I don't mind if you kill the crew."
#35333227Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:54 PM GMT

(Sorry, that's Archer. Not Archaelon.)
Top 25 Poster
#35333260Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:55 PM GMT

"Hmmm... Perhaps I can use my 'connections'." Epotus 'muttered' to Archer. Epotus contacted the SH. "Oi, I need some mining ships. 3 or so. Do ya have any?" he asked.
Top 25 Poster
#35333296Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:56 PM GMT

(Aw, Commander is offline. Nevermind, maybe I can just salvage some from the Skralorian colonies taken over by the Trilon.) An Epotus mass went slamming through the atmosphere of a Trilon-controlled Skralorian colony, scanning over the planet.
#35333316Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:57 PM GMT

(I don't think that Arath do mining, o they? The just want biomass.)
Top 25 Poster
#35333346Tuesday, October 12, 2010 3:58 PM GMT
