#28127329Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:12 PM GMT

(I wonder if one is heading for the Terraform?)
#28127432Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:17 PM GMT

The USS Canyon drifted towards the Terraform (dun dun dun!), by then the distress call was so weak it was nothing more than static, with a few words thrown in.
#28127503Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:20 PM GMT

The tannoy rang out over the entire ship. "Commander Sayer to Drive Room, repeat, Commander Sayer to Drive Room." it said. Kenneth, inside Habitation One, or the Terra landscape pod, in a copy of his flat, groaned and heaved himself off his bed.
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#28127568Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:23 PM GMT

An SMC scouting ship began heading toward a planet.
#28127617Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:25 PM GMT

The Canyon scanned the outside of the Terraform, being careful not to trip any alarms. The sensors were also scanning the surrounding area, but were barely detectable. It looked like a malfunction. Inside the ship, the lights flickered, as dead crew littered the corridors.
#28127736Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:31 PM GMT

Kenneth boarded a train. Archaelon sent it the right way. That was an improvement. He hummed as the train zipped towards the other station.
#28127826Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:35 PM GMT

Inside the USS Canyon, something stirred. A bright red light pierced the dark corridors. Something dragged itself along the floor, heading for the turbolift.
#28127843Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:36 PM GMT

(I take it that UF ships look life Federation vessels from Star Trek? It is your theme.)
#28127896Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:38 PM GMT

(Roughly, yeah)
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#28128106Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:48 PM GMT

The scout ship 'traveled', and now saw the planet. It was hurtling through space. A SMC battleship was traveling through space.
#28128317Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:56 PM GMT

(Space Merchant Corps?) The train screeched to a halt at the platform, and the magnets died down, lowering it to the platform. Kenneth was already through the doors before they had fully opened. He immediately walking into the lift.
#28128378Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:59 PM GMT

The thing crawled onto the bridge finding it's 'legs', and attaching them. It stood up, draggin the captain and throwing it into the captain's chair, before hiding behind a security console, playing dead. Something it was unnaturally good at.
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#28128390Sunday, June 27, 2010 12:59 PM GMT

The Entity searched for new lifeforms to remove.
#28128704Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:10 PM GMT

The Canyon continued it's course, drifting slowly towards the Terraform.
#28129383Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:29 PM GMT

The lift doors opened, and Kenneth walked onto the Bridge. "Report." he said. The navigation and comms officers stood up. The comms officer came first. "Long range comms systems found a distress signal. Too weak for short range, and very few discernable words." followed by the navigator; "Radar shows its a ship. Heading towards us, and from intel regarding the Terran-Skralian war, it has features reminiscant of United Federation vessels." The comms officer spoke again. "We're having trouble establishing contact, they aren't responding." Kenneth replied "Good work. Start scanning it, see if theres any life on board."
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#28129662Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:36 PM GMT

Poor Diligo, though bodiless, still had her mind. And so, she watched Kenneth, being unable to communicate. Epotus began to prepare another portal into the Prime Universe, and was surprised to see that the Entity did not stop him from doing so. The Entity waited for something other than itself to come to it's immediate attention. 'Remembering' the Empire of Man, it set off at FTL speeds, a normal speed for Space Ships.
#28129681Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:36 PM GMT

The ship was empty of life, shields were down and the hull had numerous scorch marks and holes in it. Bits of wreckage were dropping off and the ship had strange metal hull attachments, crimson in colour with yellow windows.
#28130286Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:54 PM GMT

The Terraform began running over the Canyon with heat sensors and FLIRs. Once the scan was complete, the helmsman, or pilot depending on view, motioned to Kenneth. "Only one life sign on board." "Ok... send out a shuttle. But I wast a quaranting ship to go with it, and I want the shuttle to be in the quarantine bay on the way back."
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#28130622Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:05 PM GMT

The scout landed on the planet. A human in a sort of light, green and white, armor, and helmet got out with a weapon on his back. The weapon was large in terms of weapons, and looked like it didn't have a place to put ammunition. The battleship was fine. Not running into any trouble, it was fine.
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#28131068Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:19 PM GMT

Name: Hurt Th' Sixth. Ag/e: Above 300 (Orks, like I said, can live much longer than 300, but I was forced to only put 300 T.T). Race: Ork. Weapons: See- Faction. Items: See- Faction. Appearance: See- Faction. Faction: Blak Deff Boyz Role/Rank: Warboss. Alignment: Chaotic evil, Chaotic Neutral/Good to his Gobbos. Bio: Hurt arose through the ranks of the Black Deff Boyz extremely early into his life, having been 'born' with a special defect- an increased intelligence. Once he achieved his rank, he had a mech custom built for him and the Gobbos that had stayed loyal to him during the entire time. Now, he roams both Universes with his mighty Ship, the Leviathan. The only reason the grammar of the name is so good is because it was named before he got it, though he would've named it something similar (Kr'kin, Lev', etc). Universe: Travels both. ---Race Creation Sheet--- Name: Orks Home-world: None. Physical Appearance: Appearances vary from band to band, but in general appearance: They are massive, hulking creatures, with deeply green skin. They stand at 7 feet, and their heads seem neck-less. They have tree-trunk thick limbs, and extremely powerful muscles. Their teeth are jagged, and stick out of their mouth like a boar's. Their ears are very small and elvish, almost simply holes. They have soulless, burning red eyes. They seem to be (and are) capable of ripping most things apart with ease, including enemies. The typical Ork Boy appearance in armor: http://bl(REMOVE)og.eter(REMOVE) Depending on their warband, the colors of the armor are different, as is the armor itself. Personality: Violent, loud, creative, stupid, easy to anger, hardy. Sentience: People, but insanely stupid. Average life span: Typically die a few months after birth, but can last for up to 300 years (or longer). History: The Orcs were genetically engineered by a long-dead race in the Parallel universe. They had killed their Prime selves, then planted the Orcs into both Universes. Now, the Orcs can be found all across multiple areas. Other Info: The Orcs have a pseudo-magic (not actual magic) psychic field, which they use to create extremely simple (EXTREMELY simple) things into functioning killing machines. Orcs have never been united into a single faction in their entire existence. Instead, they form countless violent and unique tribes/clans. Some theorize that if they did unite, which they never would, it be the end of all other life-forms. The Orcs, though extremely stupid, have instinctive (and very effective) knowledge of ALL forms of technology, though this only awakens in certain Orcs. This is genetically coded into them. Even with this knowledge, they retain their stupidity. They can build an effective FTL drive, but not know what a chair is. They are very hardy beasts, in that they can survive with a removed for up to 2 minutes. Whether or not they're able to move at that point is another thing. If the head is outright obliterated though, via an axe or shot from a weapon, then they are dead. They regrow teeth like a shark, and use this to their advantage. It provides a stable economy, as one can't hoard the teeth (being that they rot), and that the teeth can be traded for equipment. Generally,the Warboss has a very steady supply of Ork teeth, a sign of his power. They are capable of 'binding' machines to their body as improvements or other things. Orks have a much smaller cousin, Goblins, which act generally the same, but are almost always at the very bottom of the command chain, being that they are much more timid than Orks. The Goblins are slightly smarter than Orks, but do not get smarter as they grow, and so are usually dumber than everyone else by the end of a battle. The Orks generally believe that the biggest are the best. This generally true, as the Ork gets bigger every time they fight. This causes them to get very slightly smarter as well. Due to their creators being aware of the Splinters during the Orks' creation, the Orks are naturally immune from INFECTION (not getting killed) by the Splinters, carrying a special cell which releases a substance that is instantly fatal to all Splinters. However, if the Splinters do reach the Orks' minds, the Orks 'self-destruct', violently exploding in a shower of the acid. Universe: Both. ---Faction Creation Sheet--- Name: Blak Deff Boyz Capital: The Mini-Space Hulk- Leviathan. Leading Race(s): Orks and Gobbos (Goblins). Current Leader: Hurt Th' Sixth, a notably smart Ork, who is decked out in a crude spiked mech. The mech is painted completely black. It has massive spikes and various gun-platforms poking out of it. The gun platforms have Goblins inside, operating them. Due to their well known importance to the mech, Hurt treats these Goblins as though they were his best Nobs (short for Noble, pronounced Knob- Orks that are larger than most other Orks, but not quite as large as the Warboss). Many Orks would call him out on this, if it weren't for the fact that he was obviously the best. The platforms include Custom Shootas (powerful, well made, and fairly accurate machine guns) and Rokkit Launchas (Rocket launchers that have faces painted on the tops of their warheads, fire fairly accurately but very slowly), and Flamahz (Fires very large gusts of fire at short to medium range). The Mech is 20 feet tall, due to Hurt being 16 feet tall (he's huge, even for an Ork). It has speakers mounted all across it, which constantly spew out taunts and 'Waaaghs'. It is 14 feet wide, with extremely long 'arms'. The arms end in large Clawz. The Clawz circulate with hot Plasma and Electricity. The Claws have three massive top 'digits', and 2 just as large lower 'digits'. Below his armor, he wears normal Boy armor, though on a larger and more effective scale, has a Claw (also known as a Power Claw), and a custom shootah. He is painted entirely black, and his right eye is artificial. The Custom Shootah is controlled by Gnobby, who has a 'special' condition. He never grows, but instead gets smarter, placing him on equal intelligence levels with Hurt. He is small enough to fit inside and man the Flamah that Hurt has mounted on his right shoulder. Government System: Dictatorship/The-Biggest-Rules Alignment: Chaotic Evil History: Being that the Blak Def Boyz were one of the first Ork Warbands to form, they are very large and very powerful. Other Info: While most Space Hulks are the size of Earth or larger, the Leviathan is about 5/6 the size of the Moon. It is completely painted over black. The Leviathan has a special jump-drive, allowing for Universal travel. The Orks just think that they're traveling for so long that the entire universe has changed, though they're a bit suspicious as to why the date never changes on the calendars of races they loot. On average, Blak Deff Boy Orks are a bit smarter than normal Orks, due to the psychic field generated by 'TrooBlud' Blak Deff Boyz. This still isn't saying much, but it's a notable feature. The Blak Deff Boyz obviously favor 'Blak'. They enjoy melee and very heavy gunfire, though they also enjoy speed now and then. Most of the time, they are well armed and armored. Universe: They travel through both, but are currently in Parallel. (I love Orks. Of course, I altered them a bit, but I still love 'em.)
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#28131098Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:20 PM GMT

(Forgot to mention: They rep/roduce by releasing dozens of small spores after death. Decades (or even centuries) later, these spores will hatch into the beginnings of a goblin society, including the various fungi that make up their environment.)
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#28131368Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:28 PM GMT

(I lovE ThE NeZPERIDIAN HIVEMIND. I-InFLUENCING -CHAO-CHAOS.) The battleship continued being okay. The scout examined what he saw, and noted: - Planet has an atmosphere. Able to breathe. - No signs of life yet. - Desert planet. (Why do I always have to explore the barren planets and not the tropical beach ones?)
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#28131476Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:31 PM GMT

(Hiveminds are overrated *Cha*.) The Leviathan cruised through the inky black of space, a fitting tone of color for it. Within the technically colorless ship, it was much louder. Gregarious Orks partied day and night, getting dru/nk off of Fungus be/ers, and generally being Orks. A currently Mech-less Hurt was sitting down at his personal table with his Gobbos, and a single Ork. Unlike most other Orks, this one was thankfully unbiased towards Gobbos.
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#28131691Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:37 PM GMT

(FUH.) The scout got back in his ship, and began flying at a cruising altitude to examine it's features, and if it had water. The battleship was heading toward an asteroid belt, then began warping. It's appearance became twisted, and it then folded space to another system. Probably a SMC base of operations.
#28131697Sunday, June 27, 2010 2:38 PM GMT

(WAAAGGHHH!!! oh, wait, sorry) The Canyon was moaning with the strain, it was heavily damaged and barely holding up it's own hull. It was stable for now however.