#27607025Friday, June 18, 2010 6:22 PM GMT

I slowly nodded and threw another grenade. "Three more." I told him.
#27607421Friday, June 18, 2010 6:28 PM GMT

Harrison "I'll be right back,again."I said while I ran to 2 dead Americans and picked up,a Colt .45 and lots of ammo,BAR ammo,a Thompson with ammo,and some grenades.Then I ran back."Take a Thompson."I said while I handed the medic the Thompson,some more grenades,and ammo.I got my other Colt and the Colt I found.I went Akimbo.
#27607482Friday, June 18, 2010 6:29 PM GMT

I leaned against the rock and fired at a germanw ith my thompson, hitting him twice; once in the gut and another in the head. He fell tot he ground.
#27619990Friday, June 18, 2010 10:08 PM GMT

Harrison I cut down a German with my dual Colts.
#27637703Saturday, June 19, 2010 3:09 AM GMT

I continued firing, killing another German. "Can't they ever turn?" I ask him. "Wait, I ahve an idea." I slowly crawl into the woods. "From here we can escape." I yelled to him. "Come throw me over your shoulder, and run to the nearest camp!"
#27639810Saturday, June 19, 2010 3:53 AM GMT

Name:Khari Side:USA Apperance:Dark Skin,Brown Eyes,Tall,Muscular. Weapon:Thompson,Bradly Pistol,Combat Knive. Stuff:Binoculars,Claymores,Food. Bio:Wants To Come In Army To Be Helpful And Brave. Rank:Lt. Job:Infantry
#27652168Saturday, June 19, 2010 12:35 PM GMT

(Accepted) Harrison "Alright."I said while I slung the medic over my shoulder and got put away one of my Colts.Then started running.
#27655175Saturday, June 19, 2010 2:04 PM GMT

Khari I Was Sitting In My Camp Waiting For The Company Leader To Come Back. The In The Distance I Saw 2 Soildiers Running Towards Me. They Look Liked USA Soildiers. I Think. I Took Out My Pistol Just Incase.
#27660349Saturday, June 19, 2010 4:00 PM GMT

Harrison I continoued to run toward camp.
#27661373Saturday, June 19, 2010 4:21 PM GMT

Name: James Layn Side: America Rank: Staff Sergeant Job: Sniper 22 Weapons: M1903 Springfield, Colt M1911, combat knife Gear: Binoculars, personal med-kit, 2 grenades,1 smoke grenade
#27663510Saturday, June 19, 2010 5:04 PM GMT

Khari ISaw They Were USA. One Of Them Were Carrying A Medic. I Woke Up The Rest Of My Platoon To Give These Guys Some Supllies.
#27666724Saturday, June 19, 2010 6:06 PM GMT

I had passed out because of blood loss. About 4 hours wihtout plugging my leg and I was a goner.
#27667779Saturday, June 19, 2010 6:24 PM GMT

(Accepted) Harrison I saw the camp and waved my hand."We need a medic!"I yelled at the top of my lungs.
#27667937Saturday, June 19, 2010 6:27 PM GMT

While knocked out, I had flash backs of the previous battle in my sleep.
#27668372Saturday, June 19, 2010 6:34 PM GMT

Harrison I kept yelling for a medic.
#27669550Saturday, June 19, 2010 6:54 PM GMT

Name: Fredrick Dresdner Side: Germany Rank: Obergefreiter (Allied equivalent is Corporal) Job: Panzergrenadier (mechnized Infantry) 27 Weapons: MP-40, Panzerfaust Gear: 3x Grenades, 1x smoke, personal med-kit
#27670015Saturday, June 19, 2010 7:03 PM GMT

#27670777Saturday, June 19, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

I Heard The Medic Call. I Woke Up My Medic. I Told Him We Got A Down Soilder
#27670853Saturday, June 19, 2010 7:17 PM GMT

I sat in the back of a halftrack as it travelled to a postion that had requested reinforcements to help finish off an American tank vanguard. The moment we arrived a nearby officer directed me and the others to the front.
#27682312Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:40 PM GMT

Harrison "We need a medic!"I yelled another time.
#27682471Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:43 PM GMT

Khari I Sent The Medic To The Person Yelling.
#27682699Saturday, June 19, 2010 10:48 PM GMT

Harrison "What happened?"A medic asked me."My squad got ambushed on a scouting operation.This medic on my shoulder that's passed out got shot in the leg.I gave him some Morphine and covered his wound with some bandages.I couldn't dig out the bullet."I told that medic.He relieved me of the burdon of having a passed out soldier on my shoulder.I put my Colt back in it's holster and unslung my BAR.
#27686186Saturday, June 19, 2010 11:51 PM GMT

I slowly opened my eyes, and realized someone else had picked me up. "FInally..away from that h.ellhole.." I said before passing out again.
#27686264Saturday, June 19, 2010 11:52 PM GMT

Come To My Camp. Well Heal You And U Freind
#27686673Saturday, June 19, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

I put down on a bed, and they digged the bullet out of my leg. "You'll be in battle again in two days." The medic told me. "Thanks." I said. I silently layed in my bed.