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#27487491Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:01 PM GMT

I... I don't know. I think I might have.. ran out of tears. All the deaths. They comfort me. I hear their whispers. And they stop my tears. 5 Years. 5 horrible, but bearable years I've been here. The Institute of Mental Strength. Or just The Institute. Why should I care. All I am is a stupid little... Anyway. 5 Years. I'm a mental patient, if you havn't guessed already. I'm not crazy. Everyone else is. I'm perfectly normal. I AM!. I definatley.... People keep dying. On guy commited suicide, because he saw spmething happen; like a bird smashed into his window, and he flipped. And now it's like domino's, falling, falling endlessly, like the bodies, and the guns and knives from their hands. And the blood, the wonderous blood spilling from their... I hear them. In the corridors. They're there. They ARE. I know it. Noone belives me. No goddam freakin mind. I havn't met a single person who isn't insa- So I.. kill them. I kill all the non-belivers who talk to me. I kill the people who choose to lie, just to save their skin. They DESERVE it. But the helpers do nothing. They put up warning signs, and everything. But the average human mind is insane. They belive every sign is a gift, a gift of the path to some.. knowledge, that they always want, like water in the desert. Or blood on the flo- I'm always in the cells, or in the gardens. I feel... alone. No-one talks to crazy old Warren Black anymore. I see them whisper, but I can't do anything. The tasers weaken me before I can get my razor to their damned whispering throats. I need somone to talk to. Someone who hears them, or at least, will care for me, understand why I kill them,a nd try to kill the others. I'm scared. So scared. But I'm not. I have nothing, so I take nothing from the others, I give them nothing. Nothing. NOTHING. I'm cold. So cold. I think... I think the warmth will heat me. The warmth of the radiators. The warmth of the people. The warmth of the blood. (Short story: The plot is from my characters point of view. He hears the voices of people who kill themselves in a mental hospital he lives at, and he kills the non-belivers, and the liers. He want's someone to comfort him, to help him. But no-one will. People who interact with me get to work with the deeper story. The others; this is a normal crazy mental patient thread.) Rules No God Mod. As in, tasers work on you. No Uber. As in, you can't fly using the epic pie. Romance is Limited. The plt is Warren's, my characters, view. You don't have to hear the people, but you can if you want. CS Patient Name: A.ge: (16+) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Items: Mental Illness/Reason: (Reason for being at the Institute.) Bio: CS Scientist Name: A.ge: (25+) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Items: Specific Patient: Bio: CS Guard Name: A.ge: (18+) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Weapon: (Nothing more then a taser.) Items: Bio:
#27488078Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:12 PM GMT

Name: Warren Black A.ge: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: He wears a long, black overcoat, which covers his body, apart from showing his black skinny jeans, which hug his athletic, but slight waist. Around it are 3 loose-hanging 3-line studded belts, which hang at different angles. He wears a loose black and white cotton sweater, and underneath a silver necklace, with a beaten gold, Omega, Sigma, and Alpha Greek symbol trio. He has pale skin, ghostly, which contrasts against his pinkie red, fully dila.ted eyes. He has elfin features, thin lips, and an aristocratically formed nose. He has long white flowing hair on to his waist, with a black bang over his left eye, and a black stripe down his back. He has black tribal symbols over his wrists. Finally, he has black denim converses, and high black and white striped socks. Personality: Quiet, Emotional, Violent when disagreed with in the wrong situations. Items: A razor blade, and also a small locket, with no picture. Also a notebook with all the suici.dal peoples names in it. Mental Illness/Reason: Extreme Schizo.phrenic. Doesn't quite understand the social level of murder. Bio: Warren, before the mental hospital, was taken in after been found in a house, reciting six numbers, and then two names, both with the same last anme as himself. After much research and determination that he wasn't just rambling random things, they discovered the six numbers were lott.ery numbers, and that the two people were his parents, who had killed each other simultan.eously, after winning the lottery, and after many disp.utes. Warren became a known Schizo.phrenic after he was found talking to his reptiles, and not quite understanding why no-one else could hear them talking. He was them taken to a different hospital, but was quickly dep.orted after ab.using one of the scientists, who fool.ishly teased him by elon.gating his s's. The scientists, it was repo.rted, was dis.abled, in both his legs and arms, after that.
#27488210Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:14 PM GMT

CS Patient Name: Amy A.ge: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Blond short uneven hair, and blue eyes. A new blue shirt and skirt, until it's torn.. Her nails are bitten, and her hands look old.. Personality: She isn't that nice, and she always try to kill herself. Really crazy Items: None.. Mental Illness/Reason: Attempting suicide Bio: She was always alone. She trys to kill herself somehow, but she can't, the Guards won't let her..
#27488247Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

#27488279Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:15 PM GMT

(1 or 2 more, then we start.)
#27488333Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:16 PM GMT

(Joining please wait....)
Top 25 Poster
#27488463Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:18 PM GMT

Name: Maxwell Thomas A.ge: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: A white 'comfort' (strap) jacket (straps undone), a black anti-biting mask, very strong, misleadingly frail/slender looking (looking), very pale, entrancing amber eyes, unkempt black hair, five-o'-clock shadow. He has numerous scars from past abuse, both self-inflicted and otherwise. Some of them are even from the rightful self-defense killing of other patients (He's been attacked with lethal force for no reason before, so he fought back). Personality: Calm, hateful, plotting, patient, complex. Items: None. Mental Illness/Reason: Schizophrenia. Bio: One of the surprisingly calmer patients, Maxwell could care less about his time in the Institute. He simply wants to wait his time out there. Having proven himself a fighter, the more bloodthirsty patients leave him be.
Top 25 Poster
#27488624Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:20 PM GMT

(Add to bio: He was sent to the institute after murdering his wife and children, with the reason that "They wanted me to." When questioned who 'they' were, he responded in a confused voice."You do not hear them?"
#27488751Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:21 PM GMT

(Amy also has bandages on her chest from attempt to kill herself.)
#27488778Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:22 PM GMT

(I swear, I smiled evilly at that second bio. Your accepted.)
#27488834Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:22 PM GMT

Name:Henry Armstrong A.ge:18 Gender:M Appearance:White shirt and jeans, used to have restraints on but scientists managed to stop me from being aggresive, due to the fact he may be slow but as the name Armstrong suggests he can defeat people in physical combat easily. Also has black hair and blue eyes, another reason for having scientists calm his is because his knuckles are thick and strong. Personality:Sometimes confident and clever and seems perfectly normal, the next talks about never ending darkness and karma. Items:Giant note pad and pen. Mental Illness/Reason:Has extreme mood swings and episodes of extreme fear. Bio:Is feared by the more sane people in the institute.
Top 100 Poster
#27488837Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:22 PM GMT

Name: Carly Matthewson A.ge: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Long Black hair that ends at her waist, very pale, cloudy green eyes, extremely thin and frail, Thin lips. Black T-shirt and grey skinny jeans. She wears a long black cloak with a hood. Black fingerless gloves and a studded choker around her neck. Personality: quiet, believes shes fine, a bit depressing, rarely happy Items: nothing but a notebook and pencil Mental Illness/Reason: schizo.phrenia, She sees people, some alive, most dead. Talks to them casually even though she knows they arent there. Bio: Her mental illness was a generic trait but started when she was 10 and her Father died. Her mother sent her to the Institution at the age of 12, and she's been there ever since.
#27489030Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:25 PM GMT

Name:Prof. Nicolas A.ge:30 Gender:M Appearance:Lab coat with a note bad and pens, along with plain black trousers. Has brown hair and green eyes. Personality:Kind, Generous, Dislikes guards. Items:Mentioned in Appearance Specific Patient:Henry Armstrong Bio:Enjoys seeing what Henry writes but pities him when he has his swings or starts fearing everything.
#27489156Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:27 PM GMT

(Both Accepted. Start.) I sat on one of the many stone benches, outside, my soilders haunched, my head bowed my hair making a curtain over my face. I wondered silentley why they made all the benches the same. They should be allowed to be independent. I mean, were no differen- I made myself stop thinking, because I realised I was been stupid. We were on a much lower social level to the benches. I stood up, and everyone within 5 meteres, stared at me, adn started to shuffle away. I ignored them sadly, and walked away towards my room.
#27489264Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:29 PM GMT

Amy panicly looked for a weapon of some sort. Her room was locked, and only had a matress.
Top 100 Poster
#27489385Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:31 PM GMT

I sat on the floor of my room indian-style. I stared straight ahead, making no movements, breathing lightly.
Top 25 Poster
#27489426Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:32 PM GMT

Maxwell was in the cell area, calmly leaned against the padded wall. His arms were tucked into his shirt, and his sleeves hang limply. His cell was situated next to Warren's. He was whistling quietly.
#27489565Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:34 PM GMT

~Prof. Nicolas/Henry~ Nicolas walked down the corridors, with a green bag. His sad face was on as usual. The poor mental patients upset him. He dismissed the guards, with a small glint of anger in his eye and pushed the green bag through the bars side ways so it fit. Henry unwrapped it carefully and saw clay. He grinned. "I knew you'd like it." Nicolas said, neglecting to mention he'd heard Henry talk about it in his sleep. Nicolas then passed lots of news paper through the bars, interested in what Henry would do. At once Hnery began to move and ripped a few pages of news paper, laying them on the floor but he scrunched one into a ball. Nicolas stood there in near silence, watching intently, maybe this would distract Henry?
#27489571Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:34 PM GMT

(YAY!! MY TENTH POST!!) Amy sighed. She couldn't rip open the mattress, because it was rip-proff or whatever.. She just simply waited for her food... And the guards that watched her.
Top 100 Poster
#27489649Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:35 PM GMT

I stared at the blank white wall, then started laughing insanely. "That joke just keeps getting better and better, Stanly." I said to the wall, standing up.
#27489715Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:36 PM GMT

CS Guard Name: Ryan Wolf A.ge: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: brown spiky hair, brown goatee, blue guard shirt, brown jacket, black shades, blue jeans, and brown shoes Personality: Hot tempered, Brave, strong Weapon: Taser Items: First Aid Bio: One of the guards of the institute that have worked in the building for about 5 years.
#27489844Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:39 PM GMT

~Prof/Henry~ Then things went horribly wrong, Henry made a face shape. Using the scrunched bit of news paper to bend the face shape on. Then he began to work on the eye sockets, then with a feared look on his face he made a two nose holes. Nicolas saw the fear and looked at the gargoyle, it was a skeleton. Henry screamed. "The never ending darkness! Silence will fall and lady karma will strike!" He then ran to the wall and started punching the corner where the shadows were, big patchs of red which oozed crimson liquid ran over Henry's knuckles. At once with reactions quicker than a tennis player, Nicolas hit the emergancy buttons and three guards ran in. Tazers and batons ready...
#27489865Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:39 PM GMT

She heard people's voices out the door.. Was she having the samething as the guys who heard voices? Oh gosh...
#27489933Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:40 PM GMT

I walked past all the doors. The wide expanse didn't bother me anymore. I walked past every door, then heard them, and ignored them. Then I heard them say stuff about killing people. And I thought, and stopped. I turned towards a room where a girl was sitting and looking straight ahead. No. Wouldn't kill her. Maybe the next non-beliver. I walked on.
#27489978Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:41 PM GMT


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