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#28449627Friday, July 02, 2010 8:35 AM GMT

~James~ I heard her; I was going to make a joke/insult but I let it go... "Amethyst, I don't want to cut into you're laughing time but HOW DO I GET OUT!?!" I yelled, hoping she could hear me.
#28449643Friday, July 02, 2010 8:37 AM GMT

"To your left" She said still laughing... It sounded a bit like multiple laughs... (Wow... This will be fun :P)
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#28449691Friday, July 02, 2010 8:41 AM GMT

(But mommy; I don't wanna go to the big boy exit.) ~James~ "Thanks..." I replied. As I turned to the exit, the flashlight went out & it was pitch dark again. I screamed & punched the wall, the exit opened... "Oh..." I mumbled. I shook my fist & walked through the exit; I could see the light! (Mama! Don't look into the light!)
#28449830Friday, July 02, 2010 8:54 AM GMT

(How much sugar?! HOW MUCH FRIGGIN SUGAR DID YOU HAVE?!) Nate:"Hey everyone..." I say... Amethyst jumps... Amethyst:"What the!? Where di you come from? I thought..." Nate:"I fought them off." She thought for about a minute... Amethyst:"Where's Scarlet?" Nate:"I don't know..."
Top 100 Poster
#28449959Friday, July 02, 2010 9:07 AM GMT

(SUGAR?!??!) (Sorry, it's past midnight & I get over the top.) ~James~ I ran down the tunnel & a few short seconds later, I made it to the outside... The street, the upper ground, FREEDOM! "FREEDOM!" I screamed. Suddenly, 2 black large cars drove up to me & it was those men with Nate(But of course I don't know that...). They came out of the cars & looked at me, "James..." One said. "Hello?" I replied in confusion. I slowly took a step back, regretting leaving the dark room down there; I didn't feel safe now... But I didn't feel safe back then. (MURDERS!)
#28450172Friday, July 02, 2010 9:28 AM GMT

(Well I'm not with them... I'm back with Amethyst and Jake...) Scarlet runs into James... Scarlet:"Why hello there..." She looks at the cars and the people... Scarlet:"Well this isn't good..."
Top 100 Poster
#28450282Friday, July 02, 2010 9:39 AM GMT

(I know...) ~James~ "Scarlet?" I mumbled. "Why are you here, I thought you were with Nate, Amy & everyone else!?" I asked. I looked at the cars & the people, "What is going on?" I asked; I was panicking & confused.
#28450333Friday, July 02, 2010 9:46 AM GMT

"Nate... He was taken by Division!"
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#28450438Friday, July 02, 2010 9:58 AM GMT

(I got to go...) ~James~ "Bloody heck..." I mumbled in my head. I stared down the Division people; I knew what could come.
#28450495Friday, July 02, 2010 10:02 AM GMT

(NO!!!!) Scarlet sighed... "Why so much violence?" she said... Looking straight into a movers eyes... Pushing him into thinking that his friends killed his family! Kill them because the deserve it... The color in her eyes become black as she does it... Because her eye dialates when she pushes... (Like all)
#28577675Sunday, July 04, 2010 8:56 AM GMT

I climb up the stairs, "Hey Ja- Woah!" I turn to run down the stairs aggain, they're gone! "WHAT THE?!" I turn again... "Ooooohhh... >:D" I look directly in the eyes of a man to the left, "Yo you gonna help me defeat these guys or not?" The thought was permanent, he was my servant now. "Hey, You know how you promised you'd do anything for me?" He turned "Yea?" I said, "Scream as loud as you can at that black van!" "RAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEE!" he screamed. "WHATS GOING ON?!" Zeek yelled as he climbed up the stairs. "Oh, the usualy, you know, people trying to kill us and all.." I looked over at what my "Servant" was doing. "Good!" I smiled. Zeek turned into an elephant! "Go time!" he made this wicked smirk. 'Oooh this'll be exciting,' I thought. He crushed 2 people under his foot and wounding one severely. He then transformed into a fisher cat. I turned to a new person, "Hey you're my brother. Come help me defend myself!" He did as he was told.
#28593329Sunday, July 04, 2010 4:54 PM GMT

(Orangturttle... Here is the extent to your powers... You can have one person under your command permanently... BUT that is about it... Other then that you can only control ONE other for about 10 minutes... Same for mine... MasterDylan your bleeding powers are now at a farther distance... About 15 yards away... And it does more damage... My shift powers... Well I can now shift things that are the size of a computer moniter... Not the flat one :{P And it doesn't have to be almost exactly the shape you need... I can now turn stuff into slightly different shapes... Like a pencil a bit more square like... Um... Amethyst can heal minor wounds with some pain... And takes 5-7 seconds... Medium wounds with alot of pain but it takes 10-20 seconds... Large wounds with A HUGE amount of pain and takes about 30-45 seconds... Man... It is more painful to get healed then get injured O_o But notice... If she practices she does get better... And... Um... That's about it!) (Oh yeah... Bones are so extreme you think you are about to die... Because they have to move back in place and stuff... They take around 60-90 seconds! Better not break anything...)
#28636616Monday, July 05, 2010 8:16 AM GMT

[Fine the other guy doesn't have a permanent push. :P] [And Zeeks powers are indefinate?]
#28651434Monday, July 05, 2010 5:00 PM GMT

(He can't turn into anything but an Elephant, Dog, Lion, and Human. If he comes within contact of any other creature... Then he gets to become that creature... But he has to touch the creature to get a copy of the cells... I would reccomend petting... Later on... He will be able to shape shift into non living objects... But only when I say...)
#28668537Monday, July 05, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

[Ok! :D But lets say, he wants to go under cover. He touches one of the Bleeders, then he can change into what that person looks like?] [And can we continue? :D]
#28685894Tuesday, July 06, 2010 2:33 AM GMT

(Yes... And yes...)
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#28686587Tuesday, July 06, 2010 2:44 AM GMT

~James~ I slowly walked away when no one was looking, getting out of there. I went to go find Nate, I wanted to ask him what was going on... If he knew anything about the men that drove up to me.
#28754929Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:45 AM GMT

I turned quickly as I readjusted my eyes. The man that didn't have the permanent push was begining to show signs of reverting back over. Zeek cam over as a lion, one swipe to the Jugular vien was all it took. I then push my permanent "brother" to kill all three of the remaining men. He did as he was told. Zeek did have to kill him as to not attract the sniffers. I turned around. "Come on, we have to find a safe place" I started to walk.
#28818166Thursday, July 08, 2010 2:22 AM GMT

Me and Amethyst run out and into James... "Why hello there" I say...
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#28829889Thursday, July 08, 2010 7:17 AM GMT

~James~ "What is going on Nate?" I asked. I looked at him, he seemed strange. And Amy seemed frighted or different about something.
#28830628Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:01 AM GMT

"I don't know." I say normally... "What's wrong? You seem like you aren't sure of something..." Amethyst is just curious of how I got away...
Top 100 Poster
#28830662Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:04 AM GMT

~James~ I didn't say anything for a second but kept looking at him, looking away from his eyes. "You seem different..." I say. "I don't like what I feel around here." I say, quite curious & frighted at the moment.
#28830773Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:12 AM GMT

All of a sudden James flys into the wall... So does Amethyst... I take out my knifes... (Wtf? Where do I get these friggin things?) It was a mover... Diferent from the other one... I flew backwards... Very far... Then James floated into the air towards him... His mouth was closed by the mover so he wouldn't scream... Then Fames was put down... But his mouth still closed... "Come with me" He said... (And no.. You can't get out of his mover abilities :3)
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#28830888Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:21 AM GMT

(BUT I WANNA!!! XD) ~James~ I struggled but it was no use, I always hated movers. (XD) I kept trying to get out of the Mover's abilities but I couldn't; I finally stopped after I got tired of doing so. "Let me go!" I muffled behind my closed mouth.
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#28830999Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:27 AM GMT

(All of a sudden, a ninja jumps out & kills everyone that's holding or around me. Then slaps Nate across the face as he does a ninja dance, also while twirling around his katana. Then he throws down a smoke bomb & vanishes, leaving his katana behind. I pick it up & kill all the bad dudes, saving the day.) (That's totally how it should go. XD)