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#27672716Saturday, June 19, 2010 7:49 PM GMT

Not all albinos go down to the genes... Some time ago, there was a conflict between the United States of America, and Russia. This was called the Cold War. In this period, they each tried to outdo each other with new technology, at least, this was the surface. In fact, the leaders of the mass countries were warring over somethig much more dangerous, much more revolutionary. Much more terrifying. The Blanc Stone. The prison of such a bieng of darkness, that it would turn the whole world into a cold, dusk planet. And the USA and Russia wanted this. They wanted a bargaining chip so big, that it would bring terror to their oppoments. Finally, after many years, they realised all this warring over it, all this technology they tried on the Stone, the sqaure, completley white, almost angelic prision, was making it weak. The monster inside was returning, and they only realised when citizens of Europe, Russia, and the USA begant to radiate. All people, young people, with even a streak of white hair, were connected to the Blanc Stone, thus connected to the Shadow. It was a secruity system. A last resort, which linked humans to the Shadow, giving the world heroes to destroy it, and force it back into another, new Blanc stone. They decided to throw the Blanc Stone into the middle of the ocean, between USA and Europe, but this did nothing. The creature was still half out, and it killed people. Brung down planes, sunk ships, people didn't come out the other side. They named it the Bermuda Triangle, and because people were so mystefied it, it became the most hidden conspiracy of all time. But now, the Blanc stone trembles. All the whie haired people, the white streaked people, the single white haired people, are bieng linked to the Blanc stone, witnessing terrible dreams, people who try to talk to them, who claim to be from a cooperation called Noir, minions of the Shadow. They want to lock up the Linked people, and then sacrifice them to the Shadow, to strengthen him, and break him free. The Linked need to work together, to destroy the Shadow, and they need to realise they need to do this FAST. Otherwise, eternal night is the only option. Faction/Groups Linked- Full Haired: Fully albino people. They are the strongest of the Linked, determined by the lines of time that they will survive, and destroy the Shadow, but this is only one line. They will neeed all the help they can get, to destrou Noir and The Shadow (ADMINS ONLY) Streak Haired: People with streaks of white hair. They are the clostest friends to the Full Haired Linked. They will be long life companions, as long as they don't die. They will become known as the loyal, brave companions of The Full Haired, but only if they prevail over the Shadow. Line Haired: People with lines of white hair. They are the basic warriors against the Shadow and Noir. They will fight with complete loyalty, unless converted, or killed. They are the majority of all the Linked. Noir- Mancer: The Leaders of Noir. They are in direct communication with the Shadow, and also are forced to kill the Full Haired, under all circumstances. Otherwise, they will be disintergrated instantly. No choices. SlaveDriver: The Generals of Noir. Drive the Minions forward towards their goal; destroy the Linked. There are many, but not as many as the thousands of Minions. Minions: The basic fighters of Noir. Would jump off a cliff if told to, otherwise their shot byt the Slavedrivers, or the Mancers themsevles. Hundreds of Thousands of them. Other The USA Army: Not that hard to understand. Russian Army: As above. Citizen: -.- Rules, Admins, and CS Next!
#27673308Saturday, June 19, 2010 7:58 PM GMT

(So..character sheet?)
#27673335Saturday, June 19, 2010 7:58 PM GMT

Rules No God Mod No Uber Romance Limited. Take it seriously. If your a mancer and your sibling is a Linked, and you have to kill them, if you 'can't kill them', then you die, ON THE SPOT. Keep that in mind. No Vamps. Just... no. Admins Midge707 Kyundi sigurdcroscov gryx2 Ewtron And any others that ask. CS Linked Name: A.ge: (15+) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Weapons: (No Guns. Baseball bats and the sort.) Type: (See above for the 'ranks') Bio: CS Noir Name: A.ge: (Any age.) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Weapons: (Guns allowed) Type: Bio: CS Other Name: A.ge: (Any age.) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Weapons: (Keep in mind your type.) Type: Bio:
#27673523Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:01 PM GMT

Name: David Wallow A.ge: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: My avatar (Low on inspiration. Need inspiration. Kyundi tired...Kyundi sleeep.) Personality: Quiet, Kind at times, Very determined Weapons: ...No. Type: Civillian (Derp) Bio:
#27673977Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:08 PM GMT

Name: Nero Black A.ge: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: He wears a long, black overcoat, which covers his body, apart from showing his black skinny jeans, which hug his athletic, but slight waist. Around it are 3 loose-hanging 3-line studded belts, which hang at different angles. He wears a loose black and white cotton sweater, and underneath a silver necklace, with a beaten gold, Omega, Sigma, and Alpha Greek symbol trio. He has pale skin, ghostly, which contrasts against his pinkie red eyes. He has elfin features, thin lips, and an aristocratically formed nose. He has long white flowing hair on to his waist, with a black bang over his left eye, and a black stripe down his back. He has black tribal symbols over his wrists. Finally, he has black denim converses, and high black and white striped socks. Personality: Sarcastic, Cynical, But Quite Quiet most of the time. Weapons: A number of knives, different shapes and sizes, from Cleavers to Butter Knives. Type: Full Haired Linked Bio: Nero is quite speical. He is with the Linked, killing Noirs and such, but he acts sometimes differentley to the other Leaders, arguing against them, sometimes brining rebellions agains them, although he always rejoins them. His clothes also say different to his place in the Linked, looking more like a Noir Mancer, but he is definatley a Linked, but even he admits himself you shouldn't trust him.
#27674022Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:09 PM GMT

We'll wait for one Noir, and then we'll start, Or maybe just one more person.
#27674066Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:10 PM GMT

#27674133Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:11 PM GMT

Don't you dare.
#27674171Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

#27674348Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:14 PM GMT

#27674413Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:15 PM GMT

What? Where you expecting me to say HAWT?
#27674466Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:16 PM GMT

#27674633Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:19 PM GMT

Aha! I didn't say it as a whole. I said I'M...WEARING A WIG. Then I said HAWT, afterwards.
#27674687Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:20 PM GMT

(I'm joinin'.)
#27674933Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:24 PM GMT

(k goldrunner.Kyundi, say anyhting NOTONING towards it, your out.)
#27675076Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:26 PM GMT

Name: Adam Govan Age: Twenty-one Gender: Male Appearance: My character, except a normal black shirt. Personality: Loyal, pursuing. Type: Noir. Bio: A noir who follows all commands, no matter how threatening.
#27675149Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:28 PM GMT

(Can you both please join Stockholm Syndrome (Trapped)?)
#27675232Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:29 PM GMT

(I think you mean 'Notioning') (:D) (And okay)

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