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#27880823Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:24 AM GMT

ok. everyone here must hate those new people. i included probobly one of the most. so i think that there should be a way of preventing them. and here it is. on EVERY fourm (apart from the 'hi i'm new; fourm) there should be rooms. the more you have posted on THAT fourm the more rooms you may go into. for every 2500 posts you have, you may go into 1 extra room. theres 9 rooms. heres the first one: starter room: anyone can post here. second one: noobish room: you require 2500 posts to get into this one. this one is more decorated than the starter room. third one: slightly noobish room: you require 5000 posts for this one. this one is more decorated and awesome than the noobish room. normal room: have 7500 posts and you'll climb your way into this one! this one is... you guessed it, more awesome and decorated than the slightly noobish room! by now, there should be no noobs and fail ideas. in case thats not the case theres allways those higher rooms. slightly awesome room: 10000 posts. decorated heaven. awesome room: 12500 posts. decorated heaven X2. 1337 room: 15000 posts. the awesomeness of this one allmost exceed's telmon's epicness! telmon jr's room: 17500 posts. this one is just too awesome. telmon's room: 20000 posts. this is the last one. good luck getting to awesomeness land! rules: 1: posts that get you banned to not count. 2: you can look at rooms, but if you don't have the required ammont of posts to post on it you can't post on it. (---> face XD) 3: if you are a fourm mod igmages mod/ super mod/ administator of ROBLOX you get to post on ANY room, regardless of posts.
#27880881Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:28 AM GMT

Good idea. I support.
#27880898Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:29 AM GMT

I dont support, because people cant get in some rooms to suppert then
#27883108Wednesday, June 23, 2010 1:26 PM GMT

@ amy: i can see the problem and i guess you do have a point. but it's more annoying being flooded with bad things than it is not being able to support.

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