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#28080523Saturday, June 26, 2010 5:22 PM GMT

"It was quiet day... But something was going down. A new virus is going to be spread. From a car stopping in a public place. Paramedics would rush, but... It may not be stopped. It would devour the whole world, become twisted and more horrible than before. Evolve and take over... Such cruel words... However, I do not intend for this to happen. As I can forsee the future, and I am not allowing this to become true. I will find some way past it, some way around it. Because I know I will..." These are the words written down in a diary in a young house that was deserted soon after. Such amazing abillities, and such mystery behind the virus. We must find this person... But the identity of such impeccible strength, is one little kid.... ============================================================ (Yes, and no. It may or may not be a Trauma centre Rosalia spin-off. Depends if I can think of the virus quick. (Yes, I have been watching Trauma centre.)) Character Sheet Name: (Realistic, if even a little bit strange.) Ag.e: (The kid was 9, so 9 -18) Appearance: (Details?) Personality: Job: (If 15+) Friend of 'That Person'?: Bio: ============================================================ Rules: No Godmodding, ubering ect. No, you cannot have a power because you aren't 'That Person' No, you cannot be 'That Person' (Until I decide who.) No, you cannot have a weapon. No, you cannot kill the person. (That may come in a sequel. o:) ============================================================

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