#34962641Tuesday, October 05, 2010 9:07 PM GMT

(....) (Yeah, it should be) *Bea* I woke up, realized it was close to dawn. I noticed with a shiver it was starting to get colder every day. Maybe it's close to winter or fall, I guess. A bitter, cold wind swept through the cave. I should start moving some more. Truth is, i didn't know what to do now. -Tofu- The sound of the pitter-patter of footsteps nearby woke me up. Professor V was walking towards my room. "Today, we'll try to get rid of some of the emotional pain deep inside, all the fading memories that caused the pain. Now, lay down," The proffesser whispered. I lay down again, relaxing, my red eyes glowing. Proffesor V put his paw on my forhead, and I was less tense, and tired again. His fingers circled around my eyes, and I fell into a deep sleep. ^Professor V^(For only this post i think) As the young bunny fell asleep, I began my studies. I placed my other paw where the bunnies "Heart" was. A feirce glow went into my fingers, and traveled up through me. I was taking TOfu's pain...well, helping the pain go away. Suddenly the bunny let out a feirce growl inside, then she shrieked an ear peircing yowl. Tofu was still asleep, I noticed..her pain was half-way gone.
#34970241Tuesday, October 05, 2010 11:13 PM GMT

Red-eye Rat: *skittering through the shrubs along the path ace and jet are walking* Jet: *senses the rat's presence* Great. *draws survival knife* A rodent. Ace: *turns to jet* *senses the rat* *draws smg* *aims at the rat* Red-eye Rat: *red-eye language* Drat! I'm too close! *sigh* I might as well attack. *pops out of the bush* *grows long claws* *tail turns into a poison spitter* *teeth become vicious-looking* *grows in size to a dog's height* Ace: *fires at rat* Red-eye Rat: *blocks with claws* Jet: *slashes at rat* Red-eye Rat: *parries* Jet: *continuously slashes at rat* Red-eye Rat: *deflects the attacks* Ace: *takes aim at rat*
#34975952Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:37 AM GMT

*Bea* I heaved a big sigh, and walked on
#34976623Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:45 AM GMT

Jet: *clashes knife between rat's claws* Red-eye Rat: *pushes against jet* Jet: *pushes back* Urgh! Red-eye Rat: *shoots poison spitter at ace* Ace: *dodges the spit*
#34998054Wednesday, October 06, 2010 5:47 PM GMT

I stagger to the side of the road, hopefully out of sight of more creatures. Looking back, I spot a small blood trail from my wound. "Great, so much *cough* for covering my tracks.", I mutter weakly as I fall to my knees. The pain was unbearable, and the last thing I remember is light fading from my vision, then darkness. Hopefully, I would be dead before more creatures noticed me.
#35008489Wednesday, October 06, 2010 9:08 PM GMT

-Bea- It was too cold to movie, but I dealt with it. I saw somebody laying on the road..asleep? Maybe dead. I jogged towards the person and noticed it was Dan.
#35015337Wednesday, October 06, 2010 10:49 PM GMT

Red-eye Rat: *pushes jet over* Jet: Oomph! *falls on back* Ace: *shoots at the rat* Red-eye Rat: *protects self with claws* *spits poison* Ace: *gets hit in the right shoulder* Agh! *goes flying, doing multiple barrel rolls* *lands on the ground unconscious* [Health: 52% and decreasing] Jet: *flings legs upward* Red-eye Rat: *gets flung into the air by jet's legs, doing multiple somersaults* Jet: *plants feet on the ground* *gets up* *takes out a tranq bomb* *throws it at the rat* Tranq Bomb: *hits the rat directly* *releases sleeping agents* Red-eye Rat: *becomes drowsy* *turns back to a normal-looking rat* *crashes hard on the ground* [Health: 10%] Jet: *sheathes survival knife* *goes to ace* Oh man. He needs herbal medicine. *takes out an herbal medicine* *pours it down ace's throat* Ace: *awakens* *sits up* Ugh. *holds head* My head. Jet: Medkit? *holds up a medkit* Ace: Thanks. *takes the medkit* *absorbs it* [Health: 84%] *gets up*
#35020595Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:02 AM GMT

*Bea* I grab Dan and start dragging him to the gave I was at. Then I leave looking for herbs. -Tofu- I woke up with a start, feeling better. As if...something were released from me. "Just once more and most of you're emotional pain will be gone. Lay down when you're ready again," Professor V said. I nodded and lay down, ready for the experimenting thing again. -- It seeed like hours I was asleep, but it was only for 2 hours. "Something went wrong on the second try so we did some ore of it. Finally, all of you're pain is gone. Later this afternoon you'll be doing some training." Professor V got up and left. Ten minutes later, boredom ate through me like a worm. I got up and looked around.
#35045802Thursday, October 07, 2010 6:35 PM GMT

My mind was racing, trying to find out what was going on in the world around me. 'Whats happening? Where am I? Am I still alive?' My eyes opened a small amount, long enough for me to figure out I was in a cave. "Huh, thats new.", I mutter weakly as I drift off again.
#35105565Friday, October 08, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

Jet: You think Bea's going to be okay? Ace: She is none of my concern. Jet: What? But you saved he-- I mean, us fr-- Ace: From that arachnid, I know. *attitude* Listen. No more talk about her; she can take care of herself. Jet: ... *lowers head* *worries about bea*
#35117637Saturday, October 09, 2010 1:05 AM GMT

*Bea* I find a handfull of hertbs on the ground, growing near the cave. I bend down and pick them up off of the ground, and walk back into the cave. Soon, I laid two herbs--plain--next to Dan, then another set of two herbs that were boiled in water. I left the cave, and started heading elsewhere. -Tofu- I woke up, once again. Everything felt calmer, more peaceful; as if..I can trust people now. I saw a note on the ground. It said to come to the training place tomorrow. I sat down, hoping for tomorrow to come faster.. (I'mma reply a lot tonight, if anybody replies to this post because tomorrow and on sunday--if you read my status-- i'll be gone at Washington D.C)
#35136342Saturday, October 09, 2010 8:54 AM GMT

I didn't know how I was still breathing. That thing sliced my neck, I was supposed to have died a while ago. My eyes shot open when I heard footsteps leaving the cave. I tried to see who it was, but they had already left, and I was too weak to move. Noticing a few leaves next to me, I turned what attention I had to them. They looked like herbs, probably medicinal. I didn't want to take any chances straight away though, so I closed my eyes and tried to rest.
#35291383Monday, October 11, 2010 7:32 PM GMT

*Bea* My eyes grew wide as I faced an animal's big beady yellow eyes. It was a tiger, and it's fangs shimmered in the moonlight. I snickered at the tiger. "Idiot," I say, walking away. The tiger was in shock from being alone, and wouldn't attack for some reason, but I didn't want to take any chances on helping it. Suddenly i arrive in the desert i was in before. The bitter wind nipped at me, causing me to shiver. I squinted, and saw something that looked like a roof on the ground. I ran towards it, seeing that it was shelter...sort of. I crawled on my knees to get in it, and I huddled in a corner to fall asleep. -Tofu- I was restless. I knew all moves. I didn't need to me trained. Maybe I'd be able to get out of this stupid "Red-eye clinic." I've learned enough. focusing hard, I was able to get my fur to turn into a deep chocolate brown, and I turned my eyes the color blue. The glow that was circling around me faded, and I hopped out of my mini sanctuary type thing, whatever it was. I looked around, it seemed everybody was asleep, everything restless. I hopped towards the entrance, and escaped. The air was fresh, and had a damp feeling in it. Oh well. Time to explore. ~Ebony~ I shivered. It was going to be winter pretty soon, and I knew it. The ground seemed to be harder, maybe a bit colder with some frost on it. Trying to make myself warm, I get up. Where would I go right now, besides not knowing whether it was day or night..?
#35314929Tuesday, October 12, 2010 12:59 AM GMT

Ace: *walking into the city* Jet: *lagging behind* *shivering* Ace: Come on. The building's not too far from here. Jet: W-well, y-y-y-you're t-the one w-w-wearing a j-j-j-jacket! I'm sh-sh-shaking here! Ace: You're telling me that you're not used to the cold? Jet: I w-w-w-w-wasn't the w-w-one ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chillaxing up at th-the p-p-peaks. Slow d-d-down, will y-ya? Ace: *sigh* *takes off jacket* Jet: *catches up* W-w-what are y-you d-d-d-d-doing? Ace: *hands jet the jacket* Put it on. Jet: W-what ab-b-b-bout y-y-you? Ace: I can take care of myself. *takes out a hot drink* Jet: Oh. Y-yeah. I kn-n-n-n-new th-th-th-that. *takes the jacket* *wears it* Ace: *drinks hot drink* [Cold endurance increased] Let's go. *continues walking* Jet: *follows*
#35315625Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:09 AM GMT

*Bea* It was hard trying to fall asleep outside, but I managed. Soon I found myself sleeping. -Tofu- I sniffed. There were humans nearby. Trying to look cute, I hopped up towards them -Ebony- I groan and crouch down, shivering and trying to make myself warm. (i gtg, but i'll reply once more)
#35316364Tuesday, October 12, 2010 1:20 AM GMT

(Say, where's Luna? I haven't seen her since 2 pages ago.)
#35334553Tuesday, October 12, 2010 4:47 PM GMT

I wake up again. I felt rested, but the injury and subsequent pain was still there. It took all my strength, but I managed to get into an upright position. Noticing the herbs were still next tom me, I decided to use them. After all that had happened, what did I really have to lose. Not long after taking them, I feel refreshed, like a wave of energy passed through my body. The pain had also subsided. "Oh man, I'm fine!", I said, smiling as I get up slowly but steadily. I could still see no trace of my saviour, so taking a scrap of paper from my pocket and a pencil, I left a 'thank you' note where I had previously been laying. I then turned and left the cave, wondering what else the world had in store for me. (O.o Probably my longest post on here.)
#35345701Tuesday, October 12, 2010 9:18 PM GMT

(idk where she is. Maybe it says where she is on her profile...hmm) *Bea* I wake up. It's still cold. Sleepless, I get up and stretch. Maybe I should go back to that forest..Making up my mind, I walk towards the forest. -Tofu- the two Humans seemed useless. But I should take my chance. After all, I haven't fought in a while..I hopped towards them, trying to look adorable(tofu's near Jet and Ace)
#35359320Wednesday, October 13, 2010 12:29 AM GMT

Jet: *sees the rabbit* Oh look! A harmless, little, obviously safe creature! Ace: Nice sarcasm. Jet: No, seriously. Ace: *senses tofu's presence* What? *looks around* Jet: *looks at ace* What's on your mind? Ace: Bea's talking "pet". *draws blades* Jet: What? But he-- ...she couldn't be...? Ace: My sixth sense doesn't lie. *stays on guard* Jet: *stares at the rabbit* ...
#35360473Wednesday, October 13, 2010 12:42 AM GMT

-Tofu- I blink my eyes. They know me? Who are they...? I hop on Jet's shoulder and lay down. A good distraction
#35367713Wednesday, October 13, 2010 2:34 AM GMT

Jet: Aww, ain't that cute? It likes me! Ace: Just be careful it doesn't bite you. Jet: Relax, Ace. It's not rabid or anything. Ace: *grunts slowly* *sheathes blades* *heads down the hole* Jet: *follows*
#35380107Wednesday, October 13, 2010 5:51 PM GMT

'Everything that happened to me this far, everything that could happen to me at any time. I know the answers are in here somewhere.' I stood at the edge of the forest, near the road. A bitter wind chilled me slightly, but I was unfazed.
#35386814Wednesday, October 13, 2010 8:38 PM GMT

(Ace, if you and Jet went down the hole Tofu was just in, you can't fit in it, it's really small) -Tofu- I try my best to snuggle up on Jets shoulder, rubbing my head on his neck. Ugh. Human stench. *Bea* F inally i'm back near the forest. Just a few more foot steps... (i'm starting to thing Luna could've been banned)
#35425112Thursday, October 14, 2010 5:21 PM GMT

(Good news then. I checked and she isn't banned, however she was last active 4 days ago.) I walked past the bushes and into the forest. I had questions and was determined to get answers.
#35441833Thursday, October 14, 2010 11:08 PM GMT

(Nononono. I meant for Ace and Jet to down the hole in the building.) Ace: *still senses tofu's presence* Hmmm... Jet: What? Ace: Tofu's still close. *looks around* Jet: ... *shrugs* *puts some more dust into the computer* Ace: *drops a hair from the rat onto the microscope stage* *looks through the lens*