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#28137612Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:41 PM GMT

When you visit a submitted place, a window will appear (as you are leaving) asking you how much you would like to rate it: 1-5 stars ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOU CAN ONLY RATE ONCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you rate ROBLOX tags your IP and makes it so you cannot make alts to vote for that palce over and over again Think of the score as a bar-line: getting voted 2-3's all the time will keep your place balanced in the center (2's slightly lower, and 3's slightly raise, incase you can't count) 1's lower your score and 5's raise it. Then, roblox calculates an average score based on number of ratings you recieved and rating score you recieved. So that if a place was voted "ONCE for 5 stars", it would have a lower score than "100 ratings of 4" kinda thing... I was thinking the easiest way to do this would be: Have the score you got as a multiplier to the number of ratings. So if you were rated 17 times, and you got an average score of 4.8 (out to one decimal place PL0X), your score would be calculated by multiplying 17 by 4.8. Which means your score would be 81.6 You can still get assigned random places through "Play and Vote" (or now knows as "Play and Rate") OR just go to a place to rate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOU MUST READ THIS BEFORE YOU SPAM ME: In short: -you can rate any place you like 1-5 stars -1 meaning bad score -5 meaning good score -Using magical math, the more people who rate, the more points you get - The rating system checks your IP so you can't make alts to vote highly on one place over and over again... SRSLY READ THIS BEFORE YOU SPAM! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DO NOT CLICK THIS BUTTON TO SPAM ME UNTIL YOU READ THIS!!!^^^^^^^^
#28137737Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:44 PM GMT

ur saying a new voting system. but what happens when someone gets banned? they cant make an alt to still play roblox on.
#28137815Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:46 PM GMT

Then they are banned... DUH When they are banned they can't vote! SRSLY! Of all the things I've been spammed about, THIS is the worst...
#28138170Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:52 PM GMT

im not talking about votig. my friend gets banned onece in a while, and he makes an alt so he can still play. if you get banned, u cant make an alt to play roblox on.
#28138775Sunday, June 27, 2010 5:03 PM GMT

Roblox tags the IP so there won't be made spam-alts to make a place win. And they could possibly make a list over what places has been voted on from this and that IP so the place won't display again.
#28138884Sunday, June 27, 2010 5:05 PM GMT

Well this is a pritty nice idea. Support!
#28156062Sunday, June 27, 2010 10:29 PM GMT

@shooter (again) So if your friend gets banned after he votes, and if he makes an alt, he shouldn't get to vote... DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH If you thought I meant that it checks the IP so you can never play the place again after you vote.... Then no, I didn't mean that. I said: It checks the IP so you can't rate again. You can still play games, just the window won't allow you to rate it will just say "You already rated"
#28156469Sunday, June 27, 2010 10:38 PM GMT

What's with you and those ussumption threads? >_< Anyways, I support. {"A suggestion is only as idiotic as it's owner"}
#28200670Monday, June 28, 2010 4:59 PM GMT


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