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#28219533Monday, June 28, 2010 9:36 PM GMT

Earth, a planet divided into two groups. The spectators, and the competitors. The rich of Old Earth managed to save themselves when nuclear winter occurred by stockpiling resources, and floating them into the sky on a large flying city known as "The Ark." The poor, however, were left behind, and barely survived. The rich, seeing an opportunity, decided to take advantage of the poor. They offered them the resources needed to survive, but in exchange, made them the pieces of a large elaborate game known as Terrarum Certamen, or TC. Earth became a battlefield as the point of the game was for one person or faction to control the majority of Earth for ten years. That person, or the leader of the faction would then be transported up to The Ark, and would live there. Small floating cameras would record the action, and the rich could choose poor people to sponsor. They could then send down items and help to their sponsored competitor. Recently, a faction has come close to winning. This faction is known as The Black Hand. It is run by a man shrouded in mystery, with dozens of the wealthiest sponsors behind him. You are a competitor in these games. Try to give the people a show when you die. ________________________________________________________________________________ No ubering or godmodding. I'll decide when a sponsor sends you an item. You may die. If you do, make another character. You can have a nonhuman character, as this is way in the future, and biological engineering is possible. Try to work together with other players. ________________________________________________________________________________ Weapons you may start with: Jackal Self-Defense Weapon: This small compact handgun isn't the most powerful weapon, but makes a very reliable sidearm. It's compact size, high fire rate, good accuracy, and decent magazine size will keep you alive if your primary weapon fails. Screeda SMG: This SMG from the Screeda Arms company comes in a small package, but contains the stopping power of an assault rifle. It is a one or two-handed SMG, with a massive ammunition capacity, and a high rate of fire. The gun does kick quite a bit though, and is not an accurate weapon. Pounder Shotgun: The Pounder Shotgun is a deadly weapon at close range. It's stopping power is rumored to be enough to stop a small vehicle in its tracks. The weapon has a low fire rate and low ammunition capacity though, and its recoil may leave your shoulder numb for a few minutes. ________________________________________________________________________________ ~ Character Name: Gender: A|g|e: Inventory: Weapons: Apparel: Personality: Appearance: Bio: ~ Faction (start very, very small, if you have a faction at all) Name of Faction: Leader: Number of Members: Controlled Land: Preferred Weaponry: Tactics: (I really can't decide what I want my character to be like. >_>)
#28219908Monday, June 28, 2010 9:41 PM GMT

Name: Jak Howard Gender: M A|g|e: 19 Inventory: Flashlight, Some Money Weapons: Screeda SMG, Jackal Self-Defense Weapon Apparel: Ragged Clothes. Personality: Clever, Devious, and Curious. Appearance: Tall, Medium Weight, Brown hair, brown eyes. Bio: Forgotten.... [Can you make a faction, I'm too lazy right now, I just want to join one]
#28220205Monday, June 28, 2010 9:45 PM GMT

(I'm not making my character yet. I haven't really thought him out enough.)
#28220391Monday, June 28, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

( Kinda Confused is a Factio a team of the poor? or the Rich? )
#28220492Monday, June 28, 2010 9:49 PM GMT

(Faction LOL not Factio)
#28221422Monday, June 28, 2010 10:03 PM GMT

(The poor.)
#28221525Monday, June 28, 2010 10:05 PM GMT

~ Character Name: Blake 'The Jackal' Weston (No affiliation to the company that makes the pistol) Gender: M A|g|e: 27 Inventory: Canteen, Flashlight, Lighter, Compass, Old Flare, Notepad, Multiple Maps, Two Ball Point Pens, Survival Tool, Hatchet Weapons: Screeda SMG, Trench Knife w/ Knuckle Duster, Jackal Self-Defense Weapon Apparel: Cotton Tannish Trench Coat with a flared collar, khaki pants, tanned leather belt, Tan Shirt, Steel Modern Militarized Helmet w/ a sort of gasmask with a red glare for intimidation (Basically Desert Armor from New Vegas) Personality: Charasmatic, Sadistic, Observant, Very good situational awareness, Patient, Sly Appearance: Black Rugged Hair, one major scar starting from the upper left corner of my face down to my right shoulder cutting diagonally across my face, Green Eyes, 6'3'', 200lbs, sunken in cheeks Bio: A master warlord. He exploits varios factions for personal gain. He is known for sending his men into traps to help entertain the masses. He is skillful when he wants to be, but his 'for the show' attitude appears more than his tactician side. He is known for wiping villages off the map because he has had a petty disputes with them. ~ Faction Name of Faction: The Phantom Milita Leader: Blake Weston Number of Members: 252 Controlled Land: 200 sq miles Preferred Weaponry: Screeda SMGs Tactics: (Urban Combat) Vassal States are used as meatshields to weaken the enemy, then the main force storms a village clearing our buildings by takening no prisoners. (Mountain Combat) Vassal State soldiers are used to climb up the mountain setting up gear. After securing an area, the Phantoms climb up the mountain and advance on enemy positions using the same tactics; no prisoners, Vassal meatshields (Jungle-Forested Combat) Vassal State Soldiers advance 100km infront of the main force triggering mines or springing ambushes. When engaged, the Vassal soldiers form a U shape while the main force enter the spacing in the U firing over the Vassal's. (Grassland Combat) Same as Jungle, except for the Vassal's crouch and the main force goes prone hiding in the grass.
#28223419Monday, June 28, 2010 10:31 PM GMT

Name:Bryan Gender:Male A|g|e:24 Inventory:Nothing but a picture of his family Weapons:Screeda SMG Apparel:Torn up black shirt, jeans, jeans, black shoes. Personality:Unforgiving, not very nice at all, you may even call him evil. Appearance: White hair, man 6'7 Bio:A military reasearch experiment gone wrong. He was a normal kid, blue hoodie, and blonde hair. Until the military tested out some experiments on him, he went beserk and killed everyone in the whole facility looking for his family. After years he hears his family is up on the ark. His family begged and begged for him to be let up there,but strangely it was not accepted. He will kill whoever he needs to, to see his family.
#28225622Monday, June 28, 2010 11:06 PM GMT

Name: Drake Gender: male A|g|e: 18 Inventory: night camo,apocalypse camo(don't know if desert or not XD, goes with the basic terrain) Weapons: jackle defense gun, pocket knife(if knifes are allowed) Apparel: Black hoodie,blue jeans,white shirt Personality: calm and cool, with a slight bit of rage Appearance: black hair, blue eyes, pasty skin...basicly your average teen Bio: he wants to get to the ark, and he will do anything to get there, he's been told he can go "insane" with the rage of a battle Name of Faction: The Swarm Leader:Drake Number of Members:4 Controlled Land: 1 acre Preferred Weaponry: jackle defense gun Tactics: guerilla tactics, or if they have the numbers, swarm tactics
#28240493Tuesday, June 29, 2010 3:03 AM GMT

Name: Siroth; also known as "The White Reaper." Gender: Male. A|g|e: 25. Inventory: Several dozen knives on braces all over body. All of these are poisoned. Weapons: A crossbow (100lbs of pressure) with a scope. Poisoned bolts. A massive Bowie knife often mistaken for a sword. Apparel: Siroth wears a large, snow white cloak and hood, in addition to a white overcoat. He always has the hood up. Personality: Siroth is a man of few words. He is a master of deception, as well as a frequent backstabber. Appearance: Siroth is rather ordinary in appearance from the waist up. His build is slender, not showing off the strength contained within. His eyes and hair are the white of fresh snow. The hair is somewhat short, only just reaching his eyes with a few strands. From the torso down, Siroth is definitely different from the average competitor. His legs were changed, ten years ago. They were replaced with the pure white body of a serpent. This part of his body is very long, and the muscles within very powerful. Along this section of his body are his extra braces of knives. This segment of his body also contains a second set of organs (minus brain) lower down. To go with this mutation are venomous fangs and claws. The venom is also what he coats his weapons with. Upon being injected into the target, it will immediately attack the neural system, causing pain and immobilization. This period of the poison will last one hour. After that hour, the poison will quench any remaining life. This poison may be easily reversed though, but you would need a sample from Siroth. Bio: Siroth has a fairly simple past. He lived with a loving family in his younger years. However, at the age of twelve, The Black Hand came by and took him and his family. In the middle of the wasteland, he and his parents were executed. Somehow, the three round volley that hit him pierced no vital organs. He lay unconscious for a day, but was found by a traveller who nursed him back to health. This traveller also taught him the art of combat. One day though, when Siroth was 15, their caravan was attacked by raiders. They killed the trader who had saved Siroth, took the caravan, and left Siroth for dead. After collapsing in the snow from exhaustion and finally giving up, he recieved a package from a sponsor. He opened it to find a single syringe. Without hesitation, he injected it into himself. He passed out shortly after, and awoke to find himself completely changed. He found that he felt strong, and no longer cold. The injection had not only mutated him, but it also gave his body large amounts of heat-producing brown fat. With his newfound strength, he hunted down the raider who had left him to die, and crushed him to death slowly. He then took back the crossbow that his rescuer used to use and made it his main weapon. He then took on the title of "The White Reaper." He also swore revenge on the leader of The Black Hand. He is now used as a tool of elimination by the higher echelon of the rich, and has many sponsors.
#28240903Tuesday, June 29, 2010 3:09 AM GMT

"DANGIT! ORDERS ARE ORDERS! DENYING THEM IS STRICT VIOLATION OF THE PHANTOM CODE!" I yelled slamming both my fists on my desk in our sheetmetal 'mansion'. I picked up my Jackal and pulled the slide back. "I AM THE ONE WHO GIVES YOU LIFE! I AM THE ONE THAT FEEDS YOU! I AM THE ONE THAT SHELTERS YOU! BETRAYING ME IS BETRAYING YOUR OWN LIFE!" I screamed into my officers face. I pulled the pistol forward and stuck it into his forehead. I pulled the hammer back and said, "Sargent Daniels...You have just been eliminated..." POW!...The sound of blood and expanding gases in the bullet filled the room. I blew smoke off the barrel and carried the body out of my office.
#28242020Tuesday, June 29, 2010 3:27 AM GMT

Name: David gena Gender: male A|g|e: 27 Inventory: A backpack with essneital supplies including afirst aid kit and enough rations for two weeks. Weapons: screeda SMG Apparel: ?? Personality: calm quiet,deadly when needed.(as in if you make a real open threat to him he will slit your throat out.) Appearance: Black hair and piercing blue eyes. Bio: Head of scornia a wise and just leader determined for his faction to win. Name of Faction: scornia Leader: David gena Number of Members: 52 Controlled Land: Preferred Weaponry:Longe range rifles,anything to keep the enemy at a distance. Tactics: gurilla warfare hit and run tactics a nomad technique and as much stealth as possile.
#28242382Tuesday, June 29, 2010 3:33 AM GMT

(at risk of dp,BUMP)
#28256015Tuesday, June 29, 2010 1:57 PM GMT

#28256340Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:04 PM GMT

Name of Faction: Genesis. Leader: Trillium. Number of Members: 167. Controlled Land: About 1 square mile of desert. Preferred Weaponry: Jackal Self-Defense Weapon, Screeda SMG Tactics: Genesis men march in lines, much like the armies durning the Napoleonic Era. When within range they halt and let out a wall of led with their Screeda SMG's. They wear uniforms that are black jumpsuits with a red Ω symbol on the back.
Top 25 Poster
#28256413Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:06 PM GMT

(Say, could I have a mutant too :D?)
#28256441Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:07 PM GMT

(Genesis' tactics are actually excellent for desert warfare, ya'know.)
#28256576Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:10 PM GMT

Genesis leader Trillium sat in his office, deciding whether or not to invade a faction not far from his. He decided yes, and the troops were mobilized, all 100, and they marched into the desert towards their foes.
Top 25 Poster
#28256772Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:14 PM GMT

(Herro? Kyundi?)
#28257218Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:25 PM GMT

(Yes you could be a mutant too. Kyundi?)
Top 25 Poster
#28258083Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:41 PM GMT

(Oh nothing.) (It's Summer, you have no excuse to not be posting, besides maybe events.) Name: Caedes Gender: Male Ag/e: 31 Inventory: A hide pack sewn to his pants on the right side. Weapons: A hard wooden staff, rapped in various places with cloth. Apparel: Baggy pants made of cloth, which are the same color as the ground. The soles of is feet are wrapped in bandages of a similar coloring. Personality: Vicious, patient, violent, quick thinker. Appearance: His skin is the same tannish yellow of the sand and dirt of the world. He is a medium, almost short height. He has a lean, powerful build. He now lacks any hair whatsoever. His skin is rough, with a reptillian texture. He has Chameleon-like abilities, though own a more complex/powerful scale. He has ridges going all across random parts of his body. The most notable ridges go along the sides of his head, and up the center. His eyelids are like one-way mirrors, in that he can see through them but others can't. His eyelids have the same color and texture as his skin. He has very large, powerful talons on his hands, as well as his feet. His bone structure is altered, in that he is far more flexible and/or maneueverable. He is capable of climbing with the soft and silent, Gecko-like pads on his hands and toes. His eyes are bloodshot, and a sickly yellow color. His pupils are dilated, and burn with rage. His jaw line is very thin, and his facial features are a bit plain. His teeth are extremely jagged, almost Shark-like. Bio: Caedes, before the events that lead to his current form, was extremely intelligent. He lead his own Company, and had many successes. However, one day, a far stronger company of an unspecified name utterly destroyed his own. For unknown reasons, his last sponsor had give n him both a curse, and a gift, in the form of an adrenaline shot. However, the shot was actually filled with a violatile mutagenic agent. And so, he took it, only to be filled with extremely horrible amounts of pain, as though his skin and mind were being burnt away, then regrown. He awoke, far less intelligent, but far more powerful. Sunned by all except his sponsor, it is likely that Caedes will be killed if he were to win, due to his apparent lack of any intelligence. What they don't know, however, is that he has an incredible capacity for learning. If he doesn't die, it will be their downfall in the end. Currently, however, he lacks much of his previous mental capacity, unable to operate advanced machines and guns.
#28258382Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:45 PM GMT

(*cough* NUCLEAR WINTER *cough*)
#28258572Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:49 PM GMT

Hola.....Firruu.....Well....err........KARAKTEIR111...>__> Name: Seraphim Lupus Gender: Male A|g|e: 18 Inventory: A medic pack, His clothes (Du'h...) Weapons: Seraph doesn't use firearms. He uses Melee weapons he creates by using his Ice ability, where he can spawn, shape and control any ice weapon (He can't make guns....) Apparel: (I am not sure I understand this one) Seraph is small, fast and nimble. Adding this to his ability of spawning and controlling ice, this makes seraph a VERY cunning enemy. Personality: Calm, quiet, cautious, analysing, tactical. Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Seraph-The-Fox-item?id=27499379 Bio: The main reason seraph is actually participating to this madness, is that in the "Arch", he might have a way to find out about his past.
Top 25 Poster
#28258698Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:52 PM GMT

(I didn't see that. Ah well, just switch his colors about appropriately.)
Top 25 Poster
#28258739Tuesday, June 29, 2010 2:52 PM GMT

(By that, I mean I forgot.)

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