#28546098Saturday, July 03, 2010 9:07 PM GMT

I walk down the road, I was in a almost perfect line with 4 others. We were on the Greek island Kos and recently we had slowly taken out the infected in the area because the remains of Kos were people who either shielded themselves away from the troubles of zombies or were some serious zombie killers. I was next to the army man who I had got to know during my journey. He was wearing camo and had a shotgun and my crowbar that I gave him after I found the two Katanas on my journey. We were here for two reasons the first was because there was a large amount of infected because a looter accidently shot a gascan, they needed to be taken out. The second reason was the looter needed to be confirmed infected, dead or alive. If alive then he would be rescue but it was unlikely. The five of us never broke silence and the only noise was the wind, occasional moans and our foot steps.
#28550798Saturday, July 03, 2010 10:28 PM GMT

(Luna, you were in the first Dead City? I don't remember you, but you're accepted.)
#28552094Saturday, July 03, 2010 10:52 PM GMT

Chester As my truck soared to the exit, I couldn't help a feeling of pride. To make up for it, I looked for survivors. And weapons. I didn't know which one to look for first. I settled on weapons.
#28553754Saturday, July 03, 2010 11:19 PM GMT

Now that I've edited my character so that it's approved... I suppose I can begin roleplaying.
#28554018Saturday, July 03, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

*As Jeff was walking in the deserted city he noticed some guy called Rigel*.
#28554264Saturday, July 03, 2010 11:29 PM GMT

Rigel turns to see Jeff. He remembers Jeff from S-Z A. If the soldiers hadn't killed him, this encounter wouldn't have happened. Rigel quickly fled at top-speed. It had been almost 5 years since they last saw eachother, and Rigel Borealis was well-familiar with him. Even if he was 20, he still remembered the fact that he was wanted. Rigel got inside a building and climbed it to the top...
#28554302Saturday, July 03, 2010 11:30 PM GMT

(Nobody cares about Wisconsin) Chester I skid into the parking of the gunstore. "This looks fun."
#28554404Saturday, July 03, 2010 11:32 PM GMT

Jeff: I don't care about hunting you anymore Rigel! I just wanna get out of this alive!
#28557145Sunday, July 04, 2010 12:28 AM GMT

Chester As I walked into the gunstore I saw it had been looted. The owner had multiple gunshots in his body. All I found were the burnt remains of an Army soldier. Next to him was a miracle. An AT4 rocket launcher. I could only find two rockets for it. As I was putting in,my truck I noticed a zombie watching me from the bridge overhead. I quickly got in the truck and headed east. To NY.
#28557280Sunday, July 04, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

Rigel: Good. We need to team up and put aside our lives!! I was now quickly racing from buildingtop to buildingtop trying to look out for zombies... and a safe shelter. At last I came to an abandoned mall- still stocked with food. I ushered Jeff to come in for safety.
#28559605Sunday, July 04, 2010 1:19 AM GMT

Meanwhile on the outskirts of NY. My truck was running out of gas.. All the gas stations were empty or destroyed. With my AT4 on my back and leaving all useless items in the truck, I walked on, straining to carry everything. I saw a mall. And two people.
#28562820Sunday, July 04, 2010 2:24 AM GMT

Na.me:Jason Williams A.ge:18 Gender:Male Appearance:White skin with multiple cuts,Long black hair with random neon highlights,skater clothes, and some other equipment, and gear, that will be announced in further time BIO:I wasn't ever cut out to be anything close to 'Leader of the pack' but now look, one of the first, and fearless people in our little survivalist group Weapons:A SCAR-H with a thermal scope and my named put on it Skills:Stratagizing, throwing, and killing zombies In the first?:Yes
#28564357Sunday, July 04, 2010 2:55 AM GMT

Jason:I was tapping my SCAR-H and muttering to myself "Nice day for a birth-day"I said as i thought about somthing, then i laughed silently to myself
#28565597Sunday, July 04, 2010 3:16 AM GMT

Na.me:Kimiri Ramirshov A.ge:20 Appearance:A grey torn jumpsit,a drill sargent hat (Really dark greyish)(:P) blue eyes, 6.11" Bio:I had lived through a crash, into a wall mart, now im with my brother, and many other people we barley know, but hey, it's good to meet new people right? Weapons:Anything i find,and a USP.45 with a green lazer indicator In the first?:"OOhhh YEEAAHH"
#28570616Sunday, July 04, 2010 4:54 AM GMT

Chester I found a folding chair, opened a pack of gum, and started to relax, with the .22 in my hand.
#28571666Sunday, July 04, 2010 5:18 AM GMT

*after spending a whiel in the cabin i start to walk on when i see a zombie hoping on one leg tords me* omg! *shoots it in the head and then jumps on it repitivly* fwew... hey theres a knife in his head and a few bullits in his pocket :P (3 handgun bullits)
#28572022Sunday, July 04, 2010 5:27 AM GMT

(Riyley, where are you?)
#28572417Sunday, July 04, 2010 5:37 AM GMT

(im still in canada, about a coiple miles from an airport) i need to get a ride or somthing... *notices a store with a car parked*yes... *goes up to car, shop is destroyed so i egnor going by the ruble* uggg cars broken... *goes under car and rips out a pipe* well this wil be good... *puts knife at the end of the pipe* but i still need a ride... *notices a bike straped to top of car* just my luck! *starts to ride off*
#28572816Sunday, July 04, 2010 5:46 AM GMT

Chester "Forget thi-" I saw a news station with a Heli on the roof. 'Hallelujah' went off in my head. I ran towards it as I noticed a zombie eating some person's remains. I aimed for his chest. Miss. Then I got ready to fight.
#28579290Sunday, July 04, 2010 10:21 AM GMT

Eventually we saw a group of zombies, muching on there manwhich. The flavour was missing looter deluxe, in almost unison we clicked our safeties off and aimed at the zombies. "On my mark!" I whispered. "Mark!" Before my final word was even formed a zombie turned round and shreiked. Bullets went flying and zombies crumpled, we heard thundering steps. It looked like what remained of the zombies were coming. "Leg it!" Though the others didn't need to be told twice. We began to sprint down a ally way into into another street, past a burning house and a flipped over car which had a zombie moving around in, trying to get out. I shot it, one less more to worry about but the zombies were on our heels and two would have devoired me if the army man hadn't spun around and filled them with led. We slowly began to run out of energy but after months of basicly running all the time there were only two on our backs. I pistol whipped the one nearest and then filled his head with lead. But the other one jumped back and ran away. we shot a few bullets but they missed so we began to jog back, we were coated with sweat and exhasted.
#28580216Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:15 AM GMT

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#28588397Sunday, July 04, 2010 3:26 PM GMT

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#28588731Sunday, July 04, 2010 3:33 PM GMT

The mall was, however, filled with many zombies. Rigel's first instinct was, "KILL!!!" A few moments later, wild gunshots were going off inside the mall. Infected corpses littered the mall, soon to become fuel for a fire as time passed. Rigel: That should do it. There's not a zombie to be seen. Rigel then barricaded the first floor's entry doors, and barred the 1st floor's windows. Not a single undead terror could breach... and looters would have huge difficulty breaking in. It was a sound and well-stocked fortress for Rigel and Jeff...
#28589094Sunday, July 04, 2010 3:40 PM GMT

Jeff: We should probably get more ammo. *Searches for ammo in hte mall* Jeff: If only they sold guns in hte mall.
#28589157Sunday, July 04, 2010 3:41 PM GMT

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