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#28614577Sunday, July 04, 2010 10:55 PM GMT

The newest sensation in sports, the International Tournament of Champions, the ITC. All soccer fans from everywhere across the planet are now tuning in to see the development of the league, everyone year 12 teams will be allowed in, and then they will have a tournament. Managers will manage, coaches will coach, and Stars shall shine! Now whats your role? Are you the rich man behind the best club in the world? The teacher of the best players known to planet earth? Or are you destined to be the next pele, the next maradonna, or the next dud? Storymode RPG only Only for people who understand soccer You can only have one character You must ask to be a already existing player, real or unreal. If you are reading this put vidic at the bottom of your sheet Na.me: A.ge: (Players- 18-28 other- 25-55) App.earance: Detailed! Cl.othing: Detailed! Job: Manager, coach, player Position: If player Ability: 1-10 (7 or under unless I allow you otherwise) Country of origin: Team: (If pre-existing) Skills: Ball handling, Speed, Striking, Footwork, Strength, Awareness, Crossing, Defending, Keeping, possesionEndurance (5 and below can pick two, 6-7 get three, 8-9 get four, 10 gets five) Na.me: Aaron Schneider A.ge: 21 App.earance: Black fauxhawk, stubble, icey blue eyes, about 5'8, 137 pounds, leanly muscled, pale skin Clo.thing: Usually a black shirt or sweatshirt and black soccer shorts. Black and red tennisshoes. Job: Player Position: Forward/Right forward/Center mid Ability: 9 Country of origin: America Team: Manchester United Skills: Ball handling, speed, striking, footwork (If manager) Team name: Team colors: Country of origin: Where is your team based? Coach:
#28615085Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:04 PM GMT

Bawmp for epicosity.
#28615739Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:15 PM GMT

Na.me: Damian Ronaldo [That's right, Cristiano Ronaldo's fake bro! XD] A.g.e: 23 App.earance: Black long hair, Pale skin, Brown hazel eyes, 5'11" , 142 lb. Cl.othing: Red and white kleets [adidas] , Red jersey, White shorts Job: Player Position: Defender - Center Ability: 7 [It ok?] Country of origin: Portugal Team: Striking Portugal [Can we do fake teams? If not then just Portugal] Skills: Striking, Crossing, Flicking, Footwork [Hopefully you know what flicking is.]
#28615806Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:16 PM GMT

(i gave ju a list of skills O.O)
#28615949Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:18 PM GMT

[Yeah but I just added just a few, plus c'mon dude, flicking is epic.]
#28615979Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:19 PM GMT

(>_> And at 7 you only get three.. I will allow flicking >_>)
#28616159Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:22 PM GMT

[Fine then, crossing is out.]
#28616199Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:23 PM GMT

(You definetly wanna make a manager, right? XD)
#28616279Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:24 PM GMT

[No. XD]
#28616575Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:30 PM GMT

Team name: Manchester International Team colors: Black & Gold Country of origin: England Coach: Ted Ronowsky Team name: Portugal United Team colors: Green & White Country of origin: Portugal Coach: Alejandro Demaria Team name: New York Strikers Team colors: Red & Blue Country of origin: USA Coach: Bob Bradley (XD) Team name: Hope of Africa Team colors: Yellow & Green Country of origin: Ivory Coast Coach: Didier Drogba These are the four teams that made it to the ultimate tourney, the draft for the finals begins tommorrow, Players should rest up and hope they get picked for their team.
#28616812Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:34 PM GMT

[Damian] As night is almost here I sigh and say, "Better practice for an hour or so." I stand up, put on my kleets, then I head out to a soccer field.
#28617260Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:43 PM GMT

Sweat is dripping from my chin as me and my friend Alan Steinberg, an amazing keep, were working out. I look up at him from the right far corner of the box and nod. I take a three step approach and strike the lower middle of the ball with the outside of my right foot, making it curve and.. yes.. its dipping! Alan dives, reaching, but the ball just brushes past his fingertipes, dipping into the net with a lovely swishing sound. I grin, and then lay down on the pitch, tired from the running we had been doing.
#28617875Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:53 PM GMT

[Damian] I entered the arena that Alan and someone else were in there, I sighed and took a kick as it made it into the goal.
#28617977Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:55 PM GMT

(You're a defender, and my character is Aaron :3. Lets practice! XD) You! Your Ronaldo's brother arent you? Play something like.. defender, dont you?" I ask, sitting up as he shoots at the empty goal at the other end.
#28618137Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:58 PM GMT

[Damian] "Yes, I'm Ronaldo's brother. Also, yes, I am a defender." I smirk and say, "You want to have a quick game, one on one?"
#28618213Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:59 PM GMT

I grin and take a swig of my water. "Sure thing, Im feeling pretty good, lossened and whatnot. Lets have a god, lets say you start at mid feild, I start at that end, and you try and stop me from getting to the goal?"
#28618326Monday, July 05, 2010 12:02 AM GMT

[Damian] "Got it.", I replied. I walked to mic/center field and said, "Ready. I laughed and said lets go when your ready.
#28618901Monday, July 05, 2010 12:12 AM GMT

I jog out about midway from my position, maybe twenty yards from the midfeild line and tilt me head, and then I turn my shoulders, not my hips, and basically run sideways and forward to my right. As he bites down, I step over hard to the left and cut further to the right.
#28619083Monday, July 05, 2010 12:16 AM GMT

[Damian] I run after him and as I got closer I slid on my side for a slide tackle to get the ball away from him. As I felt the ball hit my heel I got up and kicked the ball away from him.
#28619123Monday, July 05, 2010 12:17 AM GMT

Before his heel made contact I ran my foot backward over the ball, pulling back, and then I maneuver around him. I grin as I take a blind shot at the goal. (No insta tackles, I didnt say I instantly got around you with the cut.)
#28619437Monday, July 05, 2010 12:23 AM GMT

[Damian] I looked at the ball and said, "Shoot." I knew it would make it in. I get up and look at guy. "Heh."
#28619510Monday, July 05, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

I grin as the ball drifts across the goal line and then head over to him and hold out a hand. "Dont worry, Ive beaten alot of people, but you arent bad, just dont slide in so early. Hey, what team are you hoping for tommorrow?"
#28619578Monday, July 05, 2010 12:27 AM GMT

[Damian] "USA, But I know they will probably put me in portugal.", I said. I took his hand and shook it. "What's your name? Mines Damian Ronaldo."
#28619640Monday, July 05, 2010 12:28 AM GMT

I help him up after shaking his hand. 'Me? Ah Im Aaron Schneider. Im hoping for Manchester, but honestly I think Portugal is trading up to get me."
#28620093Monday, July 05, 2010 12:37 AM GMT

"You never know.", I told him as I flicked the ball into the air and caught it on my back. I said, "Well, we better rest up.", I told Aaron.

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