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#3155702Thursday, October 09, 2008 9:03 AM GMT

Jack: Musketeers, we have to move on to Docks! Jack and his Musketeers fastly move out of the castle to Docks His Squad hides behind brushes preparing for Spanish Troops marching on England Land Jack: Open fire on signal. Jack aims his rifle at Commanding Officer and shoots All his squad contiues firing and kills many of the cavalary Half of Jack squad starts reloading guns when other half goes out of brushes preparing their gun knifes to defend reloading musketeers
#3156552Thursday, October 09, 2008 1:24 PM GMT

Jack Squad looses 15 of 120 troops and kills enemy horses. Jack squad hides behind brushes reloading again Field Cannons arrive behind Jack More Musketeers arrive as Reinforcements, Jack squad now has 220 musketeers. Jack gets morale support and officer. Jack gets 30 chaussears in his squad General: Hope those reinforcements will help you, Commander Jack. Jack notices General and stands up Jack salutes Jack: Yes, sir and thank you, sir! General smiles and walks away

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