#28742926Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:32 AM GMT

Rac/e: Human W/eapo/ns: A stro/ng, rob/ust sw/ord, and stu/rdy arro/ws. Arr/owhea/ds- As sharp as a lio/n's cla/w and made of a material that can cu/t through most solids. She has a small, leather quiver that fits more arro/ws than it looks like it can hold. In her messenger bag are ra/zor-sh/arp thr/owing kn/ives that were dipped in po/i/son. (wrapped in leather)
#28744766Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:04 AM GMT

(Thats fine, the modbots attack you?) Zzzzz....
#28744926Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:07 AM GMT

I picked up a rock and threw it at the fire.
#28745098Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:09 AM GMT

Hears the noise. "What the.." Begins walking away.
#28745603Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:18 AM GMT

(Err, would I be allowed to have my Bio on my page? The moddzerz aren't letting me post it ._.)
#28747559Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:47 AM GMT

Powers: Ge/ne/rat/ing an co/ntr/olli/ng sma/ll amo/unts of fi/re. Bio: Matsuri's parents died in an "accident" when she was merely 13. Her father had began teaching Matsuri how to use a simple sword, but then he died. Unable to complete her training, Matsuri learned how to use a bow by her uncle. After her parent's death, Matsuri kept seeing things. A few years later, she began cutting and starving herself, allowing herself to suffer. She thinks that physical pain will make them go away. Personality: Energetic, brave, intelligent, nosy, curious, persistent, dogged, and headstrong. Occupation: Student Theme Song: NADA ;3
#28747599Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:47 AM GMT

#28748492Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:00 AM GMT

(Yeah, you can have the bio on your page, sorry for not replying so soon, a few Rpers and I are in a collab thinking up an Uber RPG)
#28749230Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:10 AM GMT

(oh. thats okay. and lol. Uber RPG. XD)
#28751284Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:40 AM GMT

Name: Kaitlynn X 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Short, black-as-coal hair and glowing green eyes. Barefoot, because sandals make her feel out of touch with the world. Dressed in a lightweight, leather Thief's armour, complete with straps and weak, thin cloth pockets sewn on. Numerous black and silvery cloths wrap around her hands to form a type of fingerless glove. Tied around her wrist is a deep purple ribbon (A gift from an old friend. Kaitlynn HATES purple :P) Around her waist is a sturdy (Yet suprisingly light) belt, which holds the sheaths to her twin daggers, and the strap carrying her Rowan wand. Race: Human Weapons: Two daggers (Aave and Varas), and her Rowan wand. Powers: Ability to “Steal” powers from others when in close proximity. These powers grow stronger the closer she gets, and even more so when touching the person. Can also turn invisible. Bio: Nothing is known about this strange girl. Personality: Sneaky. . .ish? Occupation: Training to be a Mage :) Theme Song: I Can't Stay-The Killers
#28751728Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:49 AM GMT

(FINALLY!) Kaitlynn leaned against a tree, listening to the crackle of a warm fire, and a loud, obnoxious snore. She began to draw her daggers, for a small CRACK had just sounded a few paces in front of her.
#28751852Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:51 AM GMT

Zzz......zz-...Did I hear something outside?
#28752051Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:54 AM GMT

The sound drew closer, and Kaitlynn readied herself. "Will this be it?" She thought. "A death at midnight, from an unseen ene-" A meow broke into her morbid thoughts. Kaitlynn breathed a long sigh of relief, and shook her head, mentally mocking her stupidness. "Just a cat!" She murmured aloud.
#28752590Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:04 AM GMT

(What are you doing that makes you post so LATTE!? I don't like it -_-")
#28752985Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:11 AM GMT

(Collabs/ in game. Sorry. It wont happen tomorrow.) I stood up from all the noise I was hearing outside.
#28753181Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:14 AM GMT

(Oooh, Collabs. Better be supah freaking aweshome to be missing mah posts :P) Kaitlynn knelt down, stroking the cat under its chin softly. It was orange and white, with green eyes, much like her own. "Now you run along home now, pretty kitty," She murmured, gently patting the cat forward. It sat down, and tilted it's head.
#28753891Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:27 AM GMT

I stepped out of the tent and looked around. Nothing?
#28754112Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:30 AM GMT

Lyle I sniffed the air. Where was the man's food? I looked around. I need the man's attention elsewhere.
#28754512Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:37 AM GMT

Kaitlynn pushed it away again, harder this time. The cat hissed and batted away her hand. "What do you WANT dumb cat?!" She yelled, stepping backwards. Was it infected with something? Kaitlynn began to turn and walk away. The cat followed.
#28772710Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:21 PM GMT

I picked up a larger rock and looked up. I threw the rock and it hit a branch above the fire. The branch fell down, nearly hitting the man, into the fire. Unfortunately, the branch hadn't smothered the fire as I had hoped.
#28773263Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:30 PM GMT

{Matsuri Ichijo} I sit on a rotten tree stump, sharpening my arrowheads. My eyes are half-closed and I want to go to sleep but I can't sleep yet because I'm scared of being alone in the dark. (I'm changing my age to 19. :P)
#28773453Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:33 PM GMT

"Gah!" I stammered back when I saw the huge tree limb smash into the fire. "Whos there!?"
#28774132Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:45 PM GMT

{Matsuri Ichijo} A chill crawls behind my back and I shiver. I get up to grab a pile of sticks and dump them in a patch of shriveled up grass. I strike a tiny match against a rock, and it lights up. I throw the match into the pile of sticks, and it becomes a lit.
#28774429Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:50 PM GMT

Lyle Well, at least he knew something was nearby. That would mean he'd be more observant. I shifted my weight and stick cracked under my foot. Crap. (Oops. I forgot to put age in my character sheet. >_<)
#28774618Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:53 PM GMT

(Oi, Light, Im making the Fire Monster for the RPG, Drawing it now.) I unsheathed my sword which I always have with me. It was four feet of death, a cleaver and a broadsword combined.