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#28772345Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:14 PM GMT

Jak- *nods* right
#28772510Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:17 PM GMT

It looked at me, and growled. "Well well well." It said in human, which made me jump. "Atheris, long time no see. Do you know what i am? Because i know you, Young Lord. I've watched you for a long time." It said. It breathed lightning, and i ducked. One of my Greens's heads flew off it's shoulders. "Well, i know im going to kill you." I said, and me and the minions charged.
#28772537Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:18 PM GMT

Sovay I gasped at the sight of the dragon. "Holy ...." I muttered.
#28772813Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:23 PM GMT

Overlord Atheris The minions began to attack the flanks. The dragon turned, and i somersaulted in and stuck my sword in its neck. Yellow blood flowed down my armor, and i backflipped out of the way as the spot i was just in was schorched. I commanded the Green's to begin riding it, when Blues and Reds and Browns came in. Browns clinged to the stomach, and began to tear it. Reds threw fireballs in its face and Blues healed the dead. I went behind it and chopped off it's tail. "YOU LITTLE PEST!" The Dragon roared, and flipped around. Browns and Greens flew off, some body parts leaving them. As he breathed lightning, i thought time slowed (slow motion) and spun my sword. The lightning hit a tree.
#28773125Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:28 PM GMT

Sovay "Oh no, no, no! This isn't good!" I said, pacing again.
#28773374Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:32 PM GMT

Overlord Atheris Minions got back up and began attacking him again. That gave me an advantage. When his back was turned to the reds, i leaped on his back and sliced off his wings. Then i drove the blade through his stomach twice, and once through his neck. He turned around, and clawed me off. I couldn't dodge all his claws. One of them hit me in the head, another in the spine. I collapsed, but before i could even think the Dragon roared, and let go. He was dead. Blues and Browns came to me and began to lift me. I felt something warm come down my head and back. Blood. My head felt like someone had drove a club through it, and my back felt like grinded cheese. I groaned as the minions picked me up caustiosly, some touching the bad spot.
#28773654Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:36 PM GMT

Sovay I ran over to the Overlord. I instructed the minions to gently lay him down on his stomach so I could look at his back.
#28774179Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:46 PM GMT

Overlord Atheris "Last time i was hurt bad," I said "Was when i fought that Wolf Queen." I said. The pain was unbearable. Wet mud in my helmet made my vision cloggy, and the scent of blood filled my nostrils. "Is the boat anchored?" I asked Sovay.
#28774434Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:50 PM GMT

Sovay "It should be." I said, pulling off his helmet. "If you want to be able to fight in the near future, we have to get your armour off right now." I said.
#28777256Wednesday, July 07, 2010 4:40 PM GMT

Overlord Atheris "Let me die." I said. "Overlords come back from the dead when killed in battle. It'll just take a few minutes." I said, putting my helmet back on. The Minions [icked me back up, and as they carried me, i felt my spirit leave me. A tiring feeling, cold but painful. When i woke again i was on the ship. "Now that the dragon is gone, time to quest on!" I said, trying to make myself merry.
#28777449Wednesday, July 07, 2010 4:44 PM GMT

Sovay I sighed. Even though he did arise, it still creeped me out.
#28779041Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:10 PM GMT

Overlord Atheris I stretched in my room. It was a dark gray, with animal skins and weapons covering the walls. On the ceiling was a portrait of the Black Baron, my great uncle. My bed was neat and tidy. My door was a head of a dragon, one that i killed myself. Only old age could kill an Overlord. Battle death didn't touch one. I was sort of glad i was an Overlord. It made me feel like i was worth something.
#28779214Wednesday, July 07, 2010 5:13 PM GMT

Sovay I leaned against the railing.
#28782867Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:06 PM GMT

Overlord Atheris I walked outside, and saw Sovay leaning aganist the railing. "What are you doing?" I asked, looking to the ocean.
#28785003Wednesday, July 07, 2010 6:39 PM GMT

Sovay "Nothing in peticular. I trust you are feeling well, sir?"
#28792606Wednesday, July 07, 2010 8:12 PM GMT

Jak: *hangs on to the rigging*
#28970770Saturday, July 10, 2010 12:30 PM GMT

Overlord Atheris "Jak," I said as i walked by. "Somethings not right. Here's a quick mission. Scan the ship, see if things are working properly. Keep an eye on Sovay and the Green Minions, i feel something's wrong inside them."
#28974469Saturday, July 10, 2010 2:40 PM GMT

Sovay I sighed and sat down on the deck.
#29097881Monday, July 12, 2010 12:40 PM GMT

Overlord Atheris With the taste of blood in my mouth i stood next to the helmsman. The sea was breezy today. Sea salt burnt my nose, and the amazing of sound of waves banging on the ship, the amazing sight to see the life underneath, around us.

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