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#28742835Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:31 AM GMT

Ok, so you may have heard other peoples stories about flying into space, amazing space battles, all that jazz. My story, it's not about space battles so much. It's more about how one day I decided to build a hous in the underground of Toraphan. I spent 3 years building that house. I finally took a step back to admire my crafty work. Lets face it. It was a pretty decent house. yellow floor and roof. yellow window and door linings. Green appliances inside. Walls are brown. it looked good. Well now, i finally take a peak out of my hole in the ground of Toraphan. So i walk around, get some sun, fresh air. Eat some great food. I decide to take a cruise in my ship. Now during the process of building my house some noob tried to NukeSpam Toraphan, someone crushed him into peices for me. I can only suspect that what I discovered had happened in the 3 years I went underground was his Handy work. So i fly around my planet, not noticing a big blue blur. i thought it was just Dlentev. So i fly out of my atmosphere to check things out. Mostly no one i knew from when i went underground was around anymore. They died in a great war or some jazz like that. I fly towards Dlentev. There it was. Massive Flat Blue bricks spanning the diametre of Dlentev times two! and thats just one side. Here's the big shocker. IT spanned from The far edge of Dlentev toward black, all the way to Yoidhav! I was appolled. So, i thought i would do my good deed for the server, and i went in to delete it. I spent days searching for the centre of gravity in the bricks. I couldnt find it. Days because, what i named later on, the blue lag nearly stopped me in a time lapse. I resetted fast as i could! I remember as i approached this monstrocity, I felt something i didnt feel earlier when i first looked at it. As time slowwed and lagged, almost coming to a halt, i felt true TERROR! I looked at the player list and noticed a few Dlentevians....They were frozen in time. The source of the lag was Dlentev itself. I felt horrible for those people. They might have been ancient. One of their own probably produced the blue lag and left in a hurry before anyone noticed who it was. Again, these people in Dlentev are not the ancients from who i knew. They are near brand new players in that server and they made the mistake of choosing Dlentev to be born into. Unfortunatly, I don't think they ever saw their spawn lights go out. I realized this was a lost cause and, selfishly, sent some of my other men to try and delete the blue lag. Try as they might, they just couldnt do it. One lost connection, they told me as they came back. So I decided to check out black. I flew over to black in a fighter, and saw the most magnificant space station you would ever see. It is indescribable. I cannot find words to describe how it looked. It was massive, not too massive but it looked amazing! it was just perfect! I approached this station and found that the same bricks that make up the blue lag were used in the construction of this station, along with stone and glass. I flew into the hangar, and walked around. I realized that the ancestors of the Dlentevs were super geniuses! They built a wonder of technology that had with stood blacks gravitational pull. Inscribed on the wall, was "He who finds this station, must heed our warning! A monster will create another monster more powerful than anything this Universe has ever seen!!! It will be hundreds of thousands of super massive Dlentevian Blue Bricks! It will bridge Dlentev and Yoidhav together, crushing both and anyone near in unmoving lag! Flee from that area at once or forever be frozen in the grasp of time!" I took a step back, awestruck. They foresaw this monster and tried to warn people, but no one found this. I decided i had to preserve the station. It is a beacon of hope. Someone somehow broke free of the Grasp of Time in Dlentev and tried to kill me on the station! I made quick work of that man or woman with a rocket to the head! i looked at the solar system from this station. Many will stand where i once stood. Awed at the monstrocity that is the blue lag. I found though, that the blue lag is also beautiful. Anything close enough to its core will almost stop completely. anything with such power must be respected. so i said, "men, this is the work of Genuises. The station, And the blue lag. leave it be. warn those who may join that infernal planet. May this area of the server, Rest, In, Blox" With my finishing speech i decided to leave the server and never look back. The time is not real. I exagerated it alot. i was not here for 3 freakin years. I say this cuz I'm sure some guy or girl out there will try and make a joke about it. well there you go. HOW YA LIKE MEH NAOW. In loving memory of The victims of the blue lag. rest in blox
#28744108Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:53 AM GMT

#28744299Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:56 AM GMT

mmmmmmmmmega bump
#28772513Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:17 PM GMT

MEGA BUMP times 2
#28773623Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:36 PM GMT

#28773660Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:37 PM GMT

#28774170Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:46 PM GMT

#28774271Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:48 PM GMT

#28776415Wednesday, July 07, 2010 4:25 PM GMT

Okay...You turned a regular case of idiot spamming in Roblox into a somewhat heartwarming and dramatic epic. I salute you, good sir.
#28777125Wednesday, July 07, 2010 4:38 PM GMT

:D the awsome part is! It's all completly true o.o seriously.

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