#28831902Thursday, July 08, 2010 9:24 AM GMT

(Gaaaaah !!! I missed a lot !) *A Murkrow came to me with a letter* Me: ...What's this ? *Snatch letter from it and reads* ... *sigh* What he wants from me again ? *Riolu teleports back to base due to Darkrai summons him* Me:...Yes, your "Majesty", what do you want from me ? Fetch you a newspaper ? Darkrai: Don't be a fool ! You never took your job seriously at all. You not just fail at most mission, but you're slacking most of the time. How could you call yourself a Dimension Reaper ? You're disgrace ! Me: Tcch, scuse' me for being "disgrace". So... you called just to lecture me ? Don't waste my time. I'm not as free as you, your "Majesty". I'm leaving. Darkrai: Oh that's not it. From today, you're no longer a Dimension Reaper. Your position has been stripped ! Your heart isn't engulf by Darkness completely, there's still Light in it. You're a mistake ! *Riolu quickly turns to Darkrai and tosses his scythe at him which nearly behead him* Me: How dare you compare me with those weaklings !! Don't screw with me !! Is it wrong to slack/fail a mission ? As if you never failed anything in your life ! The only reason I work for you is to- Darkrai: Silence !! Like I said, you're no longer Dimension Reaper ! You can never evolve for eternity ! Now, be a good furniture and roll over and die !! *Riolu suddenly struggles of pain* Me: Gaaah...! *Pants* You son of a- ! Urggh... AAAAaaarghhh !!! *Faints* Darkrai: Hehehehe... HAHAHAHA ! You will perish together with those weakling once the world is mines ! *A wide portal appeared under Riolu which leaves him a long drop out of the base, dropping him from the base to the forest* [.......THUUUD !! Riolu is now unconscious in the forest] *Character updated !* Pokemon or Egg: Pokemon Pokemon (or Pokemon going to hatch into): Riolu DR or PW: Neutral Level: 30 Origin Dungeon: Unknown
#28833079Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:09 AM GMT

Pokemon or Egg: Pokemon Pokemon (or Pokemon going to hatch into): Salamence DR or PW: Dimension Reapers Level: 20 so far. Origin Dungeon: Desert Spire 23F
#28833354Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:31 AM GMT

*Is teleported due to Darkrai summoning him* Me: Yes your majesty? Darkrai: I have a task for you. Me: What you majesty? Darkrai: I want you to go to the pokeville town walls with some of our forces and launch an attack from behind. Me: Ok your majesty. Darkrai: Also, there is a riolu in one of the forests. I want you to eliminate him immediatly. *hesitates* Me: Okay your majesty. Darkrai: Good. Now go. *Is teleported out into forest* Me:...
#28834219Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:30 PM GMT

(monk the shadow could be a Giratina) *Notices fainted riolu* Me: u okay?
#28834611Thursday, July 08, 2010 12:50 PM GMT

'...Urgghh... how long am I unconscious ? I fear that I might be....unconscious again...' *Flashbacks* Eevee: Please be quick... I don't wanna stay here anymore... Me: Grrrr... Shut the hell up ! I'm trying !! This lock just don't open !! Treecko: ...! Someone's coming ! Hurry, Riolu ! Me: Friggin' lock !!! Seviper:...?! What are you doing here ?! Don't even think of escaping ! Me: Gaaah !! *Flashback ends* '... I will never forget you... I'll promise to make them pay...' *Heard someone calling me* '...Whos... calling me ?' *Slowly gain conscious and saw Salamence* Me: Waaaah !! Who in the 7 hells are you ?
#28834808Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:00 PM GMT

Me: Hi, im one of the dimension reapers. I suggest you get out of here cuz Darkrai wants u dead.
#28834906Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:05 PM GMT

'... Why is he helping me ?' Me:... I'm not afraid. I could have killed him in a heartbeat ! Why are you helping me ? Aren't you going to take my head ?
#28834991Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:08 PM GMT

Me: Does it look like I want to do that? No.
#28835110Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:12 PM GMT

'...Your look's menacing, so I guessed yea. How did he get the position as Dimension Reaper anyway ? Tcch... Darkrai, you fail as recruiter' Me: Tcch, look big guy. Why are you helping me ? You could've put your life on danger cause' you're helping me, the "Traitor". I don't even know you either.
#28835249Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:16 PM GMT

(its not to late for me to join is it? if not heres my cs) Pokemon: Gastly DR or PW: an ex DR one of not many who turned from the DR to the PW and got away alive or uhh dead since im a ghost @.@ Level: 20 Origin Dungeon: shadow world
#28835376Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:20 PM GMT

(Hmm... I think it's not too late to join ?)
#28835404Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:21 PM GMT

Me: I got from recruit to second lieutenent in 2 days. All by creating a indestructable cell for arceaus. And I am the only one in possesion of the key. (not that I brought it with me) So I guess darkrai could give me a second chance easily. besides, second lieutenants should probably get PRIVACY doing their work *shoots energy ball at spying honchcrow in trees and it instantly faints* So I guess you should get out of here while you have the chance.
#28835475Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:23 PM GMT

(k but im a little lost @.@)
#28835664Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:29 PM GMT

'He's higher rank than me ?! Grr... Do I have to say this "thanks" word like the other weaklings ?' Me: Grr.... T-t-t-t-t..thanks... 'URGGHH!! I feel like I'm going to barf... I need to heal up. I don't have the energy to summon my scythe nor in a condition to battle. But first, I need to find a hiding place'
#28835797Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:33 PM GMT

Me: Well, I have to go launch a little surprise party for the little group of weaklings heading towards the sewer area with my little group of Porygons. *thinks: or maybe I shouldn't...*
#28835802Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:33 PM GMT

@Matt (Uhhh... I don't think its too late to redo your character shee if you don't like the previous one o.o)
#28835917Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:37 PM GMT

Me: Hmmm... sounds fun. Wished I can join the blood festival. I wish nothing but success. '...This guy looks like he can't hurt a fly. I can tell by his looks'
#28836022Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:39 PM GMT

#28836126Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:42 PM GMT

'...What's with him ?' Me: Hm? What ? I don't have any money on me, heh.
#28836239Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:45 PM GMT

Me: Do you wanna come? I can tell you wanna defeat one of those guys.
#28836305Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:47 PM GMT

(@cho what you mean by redo it?)
#28836376Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:50 PM GMT

Me: Tccch, screw him ! I'm not going to be his furniture ! I rather die than joining him again ! I'm going to end this world by myself. Only me. *Riolu gets angry all of the sudden*
#28836491Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:53 PM GMT

@matt (Uhh, nevermind that. Just a reminder)
#28836522Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:53 PM GMT

Me: Okay, I can't stop you if you dun wanna come. *flies off*
#28836576Thursday, July 08, 2010 1:55 PM GMT

(k btw r the pw still in the sewer?)